

A/N: Realised this story hasn't been updated in almost a month so here is the longest chapter I've ever written r.i.p me. Hope you enjoy!

The following morning, you had woken up to find yourself still in Sehun’s arms. The only difference was that instead of having your back turned to him, you now found yourself face to face with him. Sehun's arm was resting on your side against your exposed skin where your shirt had risen up during the night. You didn’t find yourself bothered by it though.

Since it had been a quite early, Sehun hadn’t woken up yet and you were too scared to move in case you ended up waking him. So you stayed still. Gazing at his features, you couldn’t help but admire how handsome the man in front of you was. The man being your boss. Your boss. You bring your hand up and gently the bridge of his nose with the side of your finger.

Sighing softly, you drop your hand and place it under your head to rest on. You're admiring how peaceful Sehun looks when he suddenly speaks, giving you a fright.

“It’s rude to stare at people whilst they sleep, you know,” he says, his voice husky from sleep. You have to bite your lips to stop yourself from making any unnecessary sounds. Sehun slowly opens his eyes and stares at you.

“What was with the sigh so early in the morning?” he asks. He shifts the arm that was resting on your side so that his hand is resting there instead, and begins to your skin with his thumb. You try to ignore how nice it feels as you answer him.

“I was thinking about it,” you admit. Sehun waits to see if you have anything else to add.


“That’s it.”

Sehun hums in reply and rests his entire hand against your side. Rubbing his hand up and down slightly, he thinks of something. “Do you want me to court you or something? Woo you over?”

You scowl at the thought of it. “Oh god, no. Does anyone even do that anymore?” you ask. Sehun shrugs and that’s how you both left the conversation. Although Sehun makes no rush for your answer, you admit that you’ve been a little on edge because of the pressure, despite how patient Sehun is. There’s only so much a person can take.

It’s been about a week since then and the two of you have been acting pretty much the same around each other. It’s just been business like usual. With the end of the year approaching, everyone is getting busier as they try to balance their already heavy workload with the addition of taking care of functions that are to be held soon.

As the owner of one of the largest corporations, your boss has naturally been the selection for many invitations. Invitations that you have to go through and determine whether they’ll be worth his time attending. It takes you a while, but when you finish, you head into Sehun's office and hand him the list.

“There’s still quite a few on here,” Sehun comments as he looks through it.

“Yes, but all of these won’t conflict with your schedule, it’s all down to your preferences now. I arranged the list in order of importance from top to bottom. So you’re definitely going to the first few,” you inform him. Sehun nods and continues to check through the list.

“Why don’t you just get rid of the last few yourself then?” he glances up at you. You shrug and answer, “Like I said, it’s up to you and your preferences as to whether you attend tem or not.”

“You know my preferences well,” he looks up at you properly now and raises an elegant brow.

You hum and nod, “I do, indeed,” you reply as you lean forward and grab the list from him. chuckling, Sehun rolls the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows and returns his attention to his work.

“Get rid of the last two. I feel like you just put them in there just to annoy me,” he tells you. When he looks up, he sees you grinning to yourself and he knows he’s right. You had left them in there as a joke. Though you admit that seeing your boss trying to learn how to train a bunch of dogs would be something you’d definitely pay to see.

“Get on out of here, you,” he mutters as he tries to hold back a grin of his own. Still smiling to yourself, you turn around to make your way towards the door. Before you’ve step a foot outside though, Sehun quickly calls you. You halt mid-step and turn around to face him.

“Those dinners that you’ve got listed there? You’re coming with me,” he informs you casually, his eyes not leaving his work.

“Well, yeah, of course I am. Who else would be there to take care of you?” you frown. This time Sehun looks up at you and simply waits for you to piece together what he actually meant. When you do, your eyes widen a little in realisation.

“Those are very public events, I recommend that you consider who you want to bring along very careful, unless you wish to be the centre of attention on the media for the entire following week,” you answer.

“I couldn’t care less about myself, to be quite honest.”

“Then how about taking into consideration about caring more for your PR department,” you retort.

“They can deal with a wide spectrum of problems. That’s what they’re paid to do,” Sehun leans back in his seat, his elbows propped on the sides. He has a hand cupping his chin as he stares at you challengingly. When you don’t reply fast enough, he takes his chance.

“Then it’s settled. You’ll be my partner for those nights.”

“I’ll be busy,” you bite your lip.

“Aren’t we all?”

“I might be late.”

“We both know the world will end before that happens?” Sehun chuckles.

“I don’t have anything to wear.”

“It’s all settled,” Sehun sighs as he stands up from his seat and points towards the door. You want to laugh at your ability to make the great Oh Sehun feel exasperated within such a short amount of time.

Following his gesture, you turn to open the door of his office. What you don’t expect is to see a large white box tied with a silky red ribbon, along with a large bouquet of flowers. You approach the items with caution. Seems like the delivery man made a quick drop off whilst you were gone. You try to search around the area to see if there’s card to know who it was from, but there’s none. Instead, you decide to see what was in the box.

Untying the ribbon that decorated the top of the box, you lift up the lid and see loose white wrapping paper covering whatever was in the box. On top of it was the card you were looking for. Picking it up, you read through it and let out a gasp.

“He didn’t.”

“I did.”

Whipping your head around, you see Sehun leaning against the doorframe, watching your reaction. You should have seen this coming, really. You close eyes in an attempt to calm yourself down for a moment before unfolding the wrapping to see what was hidden underneath.

“Sehun, I can’t accept this,” you tell him as soon as you see what’s inside. Folded up nicely in the box was a satin, navy dress that flows down to the ground. Picking it up, you hold it out in front of you. You can't help but admire how beautiful it is.

“If you don't accept it, then I'm just going to throw it away.”

“What?! You can't throw this away!” you exclaim, unconsciously holding the dress closer to you.

“Well, I sure as hell am not going to wear it, even if I do keep it,” Sehun sneers. With a sigh, he takes a step closer to you and says, “Look, it's one dress for one dinner party. I’ll get you another one if you don't like it. I’ll get you all the outfits you want for the other functions as well.”

“No, you won't.”

“And why the hell not?”

“I’ll buy my own outfits for the dinners. I make enough to buy my own.”

“And I make more than enough to buy out the stores you buy your dresses from, so just keep it,” he stresses. You bite your lip, not wanting to make too much of a commotion at work. In the end, you nod your head slightly and agree to accept it.

“How much was it?” you ask him. Sehun shrugs. “It must have been expensive.”

“Depends what you consider as expensive,” Sehun mutters.

“Deduct it from my pay.”

“No,” Sehun frowns.

“Then I’ll just remove the sum myself,” you shrug.

“Then I’ll just add it back into your bonus,” your boss retorts. You drop the dress back into the box.

“This is what I'm worried about if I accept, Oh Sehun. There’s no way to just separate work and personal life when the person you're dating is your boss. It's difficult enough with a mere co-worker of similar status. How the hell would we balance a boss and employee relationship, especially how messy things can be with me being involved with your personal work as my job?!” you huff, slamming the lid on top of the box.

Sehun stands there a little stunned by your sudden outburst but quickly returns to his composed self. “Alright, let’s make an agreement. A business agreement,” he starts. You think he's going to propose something to work around your concern about the relationship between the two of you but he doesn't. “You keep this dress. Wear it whenever or wherever you want, or not at all. I don't care. It's my gift to you, think if it as a thank you gift for your hard work this year,” he tells you.

Seeing you contemplating, he adds in a low voice, a tone you've come familiar with that shows that there’s no more room for disagreement, “You can wear it to one of the dinners or buy new ones for yourself. As long as you keep the dress, that's all I ask for.”

Nodding, you fiddle around with the box. “And if I never wear it?” you ask softly.

“As long as it's in your possession, I'm fine,” he answers as he turns to head back into his office, closing the door behind him.

Sighing, you slump into your chair and stare at the box in front of you. What irritates you isn't the fact that Sehun had bought an expensive, beautiful dress for you but rather the fact that you adore it all the more because you had seen it just a few days ago and now it's sitting in front of you. Your feelings are conflicted. You admit that the fact that Sehun bought the dress whilst thinking of you makes your heart flutter.

Your eyes drift over to the bouquet of flowers. Brushing your fingers softly against the petals, you can't help but let out another sigh, knowing you've probably just made your life even more difficult for yourself.




“What's got you so down, little lady?”

Looking up, you see Chanyeol walking into step with you as you walk out of the entrance of the office building.

“What are you – Oh, forget it. Are you free right now?” you ask him.

“For you? Always” Chanyeol grins. Rolling your eyes, you grab him by the arm and pull him towards your car. Before you can go very far, Chanyeol halts his step causing you to jerk back a little. You turn back to scowl at him when see him pointing towards the opposite direction.

“Why don't we take my car instead?” he suggests.

“Why?” you frown.

“I have a feeling it's going to be a busy night and you're not going to be able to drive yourself home anyway,” Chanyeol raises an eyebrow. You stare at him for a moment before sighing, nodding. Taking your hand in his, Chanyeol guides you to his car. “Come on, let’s just get my driver to take us instead so we can drink as much as we want till the sun rises again.”




The both of you are seated at the bar next to each other. It's late at night so there aren't many people around either. Once the bartender receives your orders and begins to make your drinks, Chanyeol turns his body so that he's facing you. With his elbow on the counter, he rests his head in the palm of his hand.

“Tell oppa all your problems,” he grins. You groan. You can definitely see how Chanyeol and Baekhyun came to know each other and remain friends for so long.

“The four of you don't have some bet going on, do you?” you ask him wearily. Chanyeol stares at you blankly.

“What?” he asks, clearly lost.

“You know, like… A bet to see who will be able to make me give in to my rule. You, Junmyeon, Baekhyun and…” you pause for a moment, “Boss.”

Chanyeol stares at you as if you've grown another head before he suddenly bursts out laughing so loud that it makes you jump. You also see the bartender almost drop your drinks as he places them down in front of you. Chanyeol manages to apologise to the bartender through his laughter before turning back to you.

Patting the top of your head endearingly, Chanyeol sighs and says, “Seems like you've entertained yourself with too many dramas.”

You swat his hand away with a weak glare. “I'm serious, Yeol! With everything going on, it's been really bugging me and I hate it. I mean, I love where I'm at in my life right now. I've managed to achieve what I wanted to achieve with my career and I… I don't want to screw it up,” you blabber on about your concerns.

Chanyeol remains silent as he listens to every word you say. He's known you long enough to understand how career driven you are. It's been your top priority in your life since he's ever known you. It's also been the reason why you've remained single. Most of the men you've met usually feel threatened by your drive for success, or simply couldn't handle the fact that they weren't number one in your life.

“So what's been going on?” he finally asks, taking a sip of his drink. You down the rest of yours and call for another before you start talking.

By the time you finish telling him about what's been going on lately since you first started working at Oh Corporations, there's a huge smile on Chanyeol’s face. Annoyed, you shove him slightly.

“This is serious, Park Chanyeol. What the hell am I going to do? What if things go wrong?” you drop your head down on the counter, exasperated. Seeing that he’s failing to try to keep the smile off his face, you shoot him a glare.

“I’m sorry. The feels are too much to handle.”

“The feels? Seriously?” you find yourself laughing.

“It’s all the craze these days with the youngsters. You oldies wouldn't know,” he shrugs.

“You're older than me by three years,” you deadpan.

“I'm young at heart!” he exclaims. Lifting your head up, you chuckle and shake your head. Seeing that you’ve finally started relaxing, Chanyeol opens up his arms.

“Come here,” he says and you lean forward to hug him. Chanyeol’s large hand pats you gently on the back like you would to calm down a baby.

“You're an intelligent and beautiful woman capable of many things. You have all your priorities straight, which is great but,” Chanyeol pulls away and places his hands on either side of your face to squish your cheeks together, “And I’m sure Oh Sehun is full aware of that as well, just like everyone else who knows you. You’re also independent and don’t need no man to tie you down.”

You can’t stop your burst of laughter when Chanyeol attempts to snap his fingers in a sassy manner when he says that. Smiling, Chanyeol places a hand on top of your head again and pats it gently before leaning back in his seat. “There’s also nothing wrong with spoiling yourself every once in a while. You’ve worked hard to prove yourself, and if anyone dares to speak crap about you I can name four guys on the top of my head who will come and end the person’s career in an instant,” Chanyeol smirks.

Taking in his words, you find yourself agreeing. You know your worth already, and you’re also aware that Sehun appreciates your worth as well. Although you know he’d much prefer for you to quickly accept his confession, he’s respected you and let you have your space and time. But as the night goes on, there’s something that Chanyeol didn’t really answer, something that still lingers on your mind – what if it all goes wrong?

As if hearing your thoughts, Chanyeol speaks up. “I know you’ve strived for stability in your life since, well, since I've ever known you. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course,” he quickly adds, “But do you really think Sehun would do something so horrible to you if – and this is a massive if things don’t work out?”

You purse your lips together, because you know Sehun wouldn’t it. You’ve known him long enough to know that he wouldn’t do anything. You tip back the rest of your drink and so does Chanyeol. What Chanyeol says next leads you towards the path that you begin to take in the following weeks.

“I didn’t throw you to the wolves to be eaten, little lady. I threw you in because I know you’ll survive and be the one on top no matter what.”




On the weeks leading up to the business functions, you’ve managed to get everything ready and sorted. From the suit your boss would be wearing at each event, to how the very tips of his hair will be styled. You’ve also planned what you were going to wear to accompany him as well.

Tonight is the beginning of the string of events to attend, and you're currently in your boss’ living room as you wait for him to finish up a few things whilst waiting for your driver to come around the front of the house. As soon as you get the call, you from the driver, you inform Sehun who immediately joins you at the front door. Upon seeing him up close, you can’t help but question how a person can be so good looking in a suit. The fitting of the suit was perfect and everything was styled exactly as you have planned.

Once you're both in the back seats of the limo, you go over the nights schedule quickly just to refresh your boss’ memory. He keeps his eyes on you the entire time, showing you his undivided attention as you speak. when you're done, you wait for his reply. Sehun nods and you’re able to relax a little, leaning back into the comfortable seat of the car.

“You look beautiful,” Sehun comments, eyes still on you. “The dress looks lovely on you,” he adds. Your eyes fall down to the dress you're currently wearing. You had opted for black dresses for all the nights you would be accompanying Sehun. For tonight, you had chosen a dress that was body fitting on the top half and hugged your curves nicely, before flowing out around your waist and down to the ground. There was also a slit on the side up to your mid-thigh. Although it was nowhere near as extravagant as the one Sehun had gifted you, it was still a lovely dress and very fitting for the night.

“Are all your outfits going to be black?” he asks you. You look up and nod. “Why?”

“I don’t need or want to stand out,” you shrug.  Sehun chuckles and leans forward in his seat, his finger grazing against your calf where it sticks out form the slit of the dress.

“No matter what you wear, you're going to stand out, sweetheart. You’re stunning on your usual days, and even more painfully so on nights like this, so might as well go all out,” he says, his fingers still grazing the side of your leg as he looks at you.

“What would you suggest then?” you breathe out. Sehun's gaze is making your stomach to flips and turns but you refuse to look away. Sehun’s the first to break the staring contest as he looks down at the hem of your dress and fixes it so that both your legs were now covered and not sticking out.

“Maybe something navy?” he suggests. You stare at him, unimpressed. “Or red. You look good in red,” the corner of his lips tilting up.

“I rarely wear red.”

“And I'm glad for that, or else you would have men falling for you at every corner,” Sehun murmurs as he leans back in his seat, resting his elbow on the arm rest.

“I’ll think about it,” you tell him. Sehun grunts at your choice of words for your reply, and you can’t help but smile a little, not missing the pout Sehun gives as he looks out the window.

As soon as the limo arrives at the building where the dinner is being held, Sehun steps out first once the door is opened. He then turns around and gives you his hand to assist you out of the car. The two of you walk towards the entrance together. There’s no need to supply names since everyone is able to recognise your boss’ face, therefore allowing the both of you to quickly proceed through the doors.

“It’s going to be a long night,” Sehun exasperates once the both of you see the many people already inside the magnificent hall. You can’t help but agree.




You're walking slightly behind your boss as he makes his rounds. Whether it’s a force of habit or not, you have no idea. Or you just enjoy the view of his broad back. Sehun suddenly stops walking and pulls you forward by the wrist so that you're beside him.

“I've told you before. Stay beside me, not behind me, love,” he murmurs into your ear so that only you could hear him in the crowded room.

“What if it sparks talk amongst people though? We can’t risk that,” you worry. Sehun lets out a soft chuckle and brings a hand up to tuck some stray strands of hair behind your ear.

“Don’t worry your pretty, intelligent mind over such menial things. You worry too much. Let me take care of anything that comes our way,” he reassures you before resuming his walk. You quickly follow, falling into step with him.

As you continue the rest of the night beside him, you keep look out for anyone that Sehun might want to talk to, or any people that seem to be interested in approaching him. You also get many compliments for how you look on the night, causing you to blush. Sehun’s hand is placed on the small of your back, his thumb brushing against your back every time. When you look up at him, you see him frowning a little, as if finding your reaction to other people’s compliments unpleasant. You can’t help but smile, knowing that your boss was most likely jealous.

The many events following were the same, with you accompanying Sehun to all of them. On the last night however, was a little different.

Instead of the usual dress colour that you planned on wearing, which was black, you decided to change it. It was going to be the final major event, so you reason that it would be appropriate to do so. You had taken Sehun’s words into consideration and chosen a red dress.

Slipping on the dress, you admire how much it flatters your figure. The design of the dress was body hugging. It had a halter neckline and hugged around your body before it flowed out to the ground with a short trail. There was also a slit all the way up your mid-thigh, much like the dress you wore for the first event you attended. Playing with your hair for a while, you end up deciding to style it with loose waves.

Checking the time, you realise it’s almost time for you to be picked up. Since the event was past the direction of your place today, it was planned that the driver would pick up your boss first before going over to your place. Grabbing your purse and slipping on your high heels, you’re about to make your way to the door when you suddenly hear a knock. Looking through the peephole, you see Sehun on the other side and open the door.

When you open the door, Sehun is completely frozen, struck from how you look. You think you see Sehun’s ears turning pink. Sehun’s completely silent for a while, and you wait, feeling awkward with the way he’s staring at you.

“You’re absolutely stunning,” he breathes out whilst still in a daze, unable to comprehend that someone so beautiful was standing in front of him. Now you know you’re blushing yourself. Maybe you shouldn’t have bothered to apply blush. Sehun’s doing a good job at helping you keep the blood rushing to your cheeks.

“I… Thank you. You’re looking very handsome yourself,” you compliment him. He really does, though. As always, he’s always handsome, but there’s something about tonight that seems… different.

“Oh, it’s definitely not anything compared to how you look tonight, love,” he murmurs as he offers his hand for you to take as you step out into the hallways and lock the door behind you. You accept his hand and the both of you make your way downstairs towards where the driver is waiting for you.

Throughout the entire drive, Sehun can’t keep his eyes off you. It’s not that you don’t like it, but the stares at making you feel a little self-conscious. You didn’t think you would get such a reaction from simply changing the style of your dress.

“I’m sorry,” you hear Sehun whisper beside you. You look up at him to see him trying to use his hand to hide his face. “You’re just…really beautiful tonight. I mean, you always are of course, but it’s just… I’m having difficulty trying to comprehend how such a gorgeous woman could be accompanying me tonight,” his words are muffled behind his hand, but you’ve never heard anything louder to your ears.

Opening your mouth to say something, you find yourself closing it again, not sure about what to say. Instead, you gaze at the man beside you as he tries to keep his eyes out the window, his hand still covering the bottom half of his handsome face.

“…Please…stop looking at me like that. I don’t know how to react to it,” Sehun mumbles, eyes glancing towards you for a brief second before returning to the world outside through the car window.

Embarrassed, you drop your eyes down to your lap and clasp your hands together. Before you can think of anything to say to try to dispense the awkwardness surrounding you, Sehun reaches out and takes hold of your hand. He entwines your fingers together.

“Your hands are cold…” he whispers as he brings them up to warm them up with his breath. The car soon comes to a stop and Sehun reluctantly lets got of your hand to exit the car first. He turns back to you, though, and helps you out of the car with an assisting hand. As you walk into the building, Sehun’s hands are clasped with yours, warming them up, ready for the long night ahead.




It’s safe to say that the entire night was long and while the quality of the food was nothing to complain about, the portions definitely lacked. Feeling a little worn out from all the commotion of the night, you excuse yourself to go to the restroom to fresh up a little. Sehun offers to walk you over, but you tell him to stay to continue his conversation. Though reluctant, he nods and watches you exit the room.

Approaching a staff member, you ask them where the restrooms were. You're then pointed in the direction that you need to go. Thanking them, you follow in the direction you were told. However, as you’re walking, you can’t help but feel uneasy. Maybe you should have let Sehun walk with you after all. You shake your head at the thought. Sehun was busy, you couldn't allow that.

Entering the restroom, you’re faced with an elaborately designed area. You walk up to the large mirror above one of the sinks and check your makeup. Just as you finish fixing your makeup, you get a message from your phone. As you exit the restroom, you open up the message.



> Are you alright?


You tilt your head to the side, wondering what brought him to ask you that. Perhaps he had noticed that you were a little worn out?

Before you could reply to his message to reassure him, someone steps in front of you and blocks your path. Looking up, you recognise the person to be the son of Sehun's minor clients.

Showing him a polite smile, you take a step to the side to walk around him only to have him follow your step.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” you ask him. The guy smirks.

“I would hope so. You're the cause of it, after all,” he says. You stare at him blankly as you try to figure out what he means. Seeing no reaction from you, the guy sighs.

“You're Oh’s personal assistant right?” he asks offhandedly. You nod. “Then you should know who I am,” he declares. You nod slower this time as you try to keep your expression neutral.

If you were completely honest, no one knew of this guy. It was because of your extra research that you happened to come across him. He's a complete nobody in the industry, otherwise. Just an adult riding on his parent's name.

“Well then, if that's all you wanted to ask of me then I'll excuse myself now. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

You're not able to go very far because you find yourself being grabbed by the arm and spun around so you're facing the guy again.

“I wasn't done talking to you yet,” he says as he pulls you back, closer towards him. You glare at his grip on your arm.

“Please remove your hand,” you ask of him calmly but your displeasure is ignored and his hand remains on you.

“How about joining me in one of the rooms here?” he asks you. “We could have some alone time and get to know each other a little better.”

The guy finally lets go of your arm but much to your dismay, he moves his hand down towards your .

“Remove your hand off me immediately. I am not ok with you touching me,” you grit through your teeth. The guy shows no sign of listening to you, even tightening his hold on you. Deciding that you've put up with more than enough of this guy, you grab his hand and isolate his fingers before bending them back in an unnatural manner.

“You ,” he sneers at you.

“And you're pathetic, anything else?” you shrug. Honestly, you couldn't care less about what he calls you because it's late, you're hungry and your feet ache from wearing these damn high heels all night.

The guy's about to reach out for you again when someone else grabs your hand and pulls you back. You’re stunned to have Sehun appear out of nowhere but you're even more relieved that he's here.

Standing protectively in front of you, Sehun glares at the person before him. “You have five seconds to get out of my sight before I completely cut ties with your father and his company,” he growls. The guy scoffs.

“What, all for a little like her? She's nothing special. Probably slept her way up” a look of amusement suddenly appears on his features. “Is she good, mate?” he asks Sehun as he eyes you.

You freeze upon the meaning of his words. You see Sehun tense up as well but before you can stop him, he had already stepped forward and punched the guy square in the face.

A loud gasp escapes you and you run up to grab Sehun's arm. He turns to look at you and you're able to see the fury across his handsome features before it softens upon looking at you.

“Don't. He's not worth the trouble,” you whisper, rubbing your hand up and down his arm.

“But you're worth it and much more” he grits through his teeth. You shake your head and slide your hand down to hold Sehun’s, hoping it will help calm him down somehow. It does. The both of you turn your attention to the person in front of you, holding his hand up to his bleeding nose and bruising cheek.

“Leave quietly and immediately and I'll let this ordeal go,” Sehun tells him.

“Just wait till I tell my dad on you!” the guy spits out. You raise an eyebrow in amusement. Did he really just say that?

Sehun remains unfazed by the guy's words. “Then do what you want but I'll have you know that without me, your family business is gone. Not only will it tarnish your reputation, but also your father and his company when people find out that you were harassing a female employee of Oh Corporations.”

“Harass? Harass? You have no proof of that whilst I have this,” the guy points to his face, “To prove everything.”

“I would call it self-defence, and so would my team of lawyers if you dare to take me on” Sehun narrows his eyes. “You purposely stood where you were, thinking it was a blind spot from the security cameras and when my employee walked away, you grabbed her and pulled her back. I can go on all night about all your slip ups, buddy, however I have better things to do than to deal with a pathetic low life like you. So talk to my lawyers if you truly think you have what it takes to defeat me.”

With that, Sehun tightens his hold on your hands and walks away with you in tow.

Once the both of you have walked out of sight, you turn to look up at Sehun. “Was that really alright to do that though? Because all my radars are pointing towards no and beyond,” you say softly. Sehun's eyes remain in front of him, not looking at you and you bite your lip, not wanting to cause more problems for him. Glancing at you, Sehun sighs and slows down his pace, realising that you’ve bene having difficulty keeping up with him in your dress and shoes.

“Let’s just go, love,” he murmurs as he leads the both of you out of the building where the driver is already waiting for you. Before you can get in, Sehun stops and takes off his blazer and makes you wear it this time, rather than just draping it over your shoulders. He even buttons it up. Once he’s done, he takes your hand in his again, not wanting to let go anymore.

“Would you be alright with staying at my place tonight?” he asks you carefully. You nod immediately and you see him relax a little more.

The drive is silent and you don’t know what to say to make it less awkward. Or were you the only one feeling awkward? You feel as if the situation that just happened affected Sehun more than it did yourself and you feel guilty of it. Sehun’s seated closer to you this time, closer than usual and he refuses to let go of your hand. Looking up at him, you see him gazing back at you.

Sehun reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind you ear, his fingers then grazing along your jaw. His hold your chin between his thumb and index finger before letting his hand drop to his side again.

The car eventually comes to a stop once it reaches Sehun’s house and the both of you get out. You try to let go of Sehun’s hand so he could get out of the car easier but he latches on tighter to your hand, making it clear that he doesn’t want to let go. Your heart flutters knowing how much Sehun cares for you. It’s only once your inside his house that he finally wills himself to let go of your hand.

“Why don’t you go freshen up? I’ll give you my clothes to change out of,” he suggests. You agree, since the dress was getting uncomfortable after wearing it for so long. You fling your heels off and with a sharp intake of breath, you wait to get used to feeling of your feet being flat on the ground. You wait a moment for the ache to dull a little before you start walking up the stairs towards the bathroom. All the while, Sehun watches you walk with a weary expression, feeling the need to be ready to catch you in case you suddenly drop to the ground.

Whilst you’re in the bathroom, you rinse off your makeup and change out into the clothes Sehun had given you. The night had definitely not turned out the way you wanted it to go. In fact, you had –

There’s a knock on the door and Sehun’s voice is heard from the other side. “Are you hungry, love?” Sehun asks you. You shake your previous thoughts away and clean up the area before opening the door. Sehun hand also changed out of his suit and into a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain white shirt.

“If you wouldn’t mind,” you reply as you follow him down the stairs towards the kitchen. You wait by the counter as Sehun looks in his fridge to see if there’s anything to eat.

“Um, should we order take out instead?” he suggests sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. Laughing, you shuffle him to the side and peer into the fridge to see what you could make.

“How do you feel about omelettes? You have eggs, right?” you ask.

“You could make whatever you want, and I’ll eat it without complaint,” Sehun answers. You stick your head further into the fridge, acting as if you were getting some ingredients out, but in fact you’re just trying to cool yourself down. You had looked up at Sehun when he said that and the way he looked at you definitely had your heart racing and your cheeks burning bright red.

Taking what you need, you quickly whip up an omelette for the both of you to eat, since the portions at the dinner event were too small to satisfy your hunger. As the both of you eat, you can feel things returning back to the way they were. As you’re both putting your plates away, Sehun speaks up.

 “You need to be more careful,” he adds.

“I need to be more careful?” you repeat, frowning a little. “It’s not like it’s my fault that the guy was in there and wanted to hit on a random girl that walked into the place.”

“Yes, you need to be more careful,” Sehun says softly. He stares at the ground for a moment before looked back up at you. You feel the breath in your being knocked out at the way he looks at you. There’s no way for you to explain it, but it definitely makes you feel a little bad about making him worry.

“You really don’t know how absolutely stunning you are, do you, love?” he chuckles wryly. He leans against the counter and reaches out for your hand to pull you closer till you’re standing right in front of him. “There are so many sleazebags in this world at every turn, which because no, it’s not your fault that this happened tonight. You're just so attractive in every aspect that you're bound to attract anyone that comes your way,” he tells you.

Sehun’s hand runs up and down your arm. He then places his hand on your shoulder and brings you against his chest as he wraps his arms around you. You allow yourself to be completely consumed by his scent, allowing yourself to enjoy his warmth. Moving away slightly, he brings his hand to your cheek.

“I’d hate for anything to happen to you and not be able to be there to help you,” he says softly, his hand caressing your face. You unconsciously find yourself leaning into his touch.

“I still can’t believe you managed to take care of things yourself by bending the guy’s finger,” Sehun grumbles, pouting a little as he moves his hand down to your waist. You can’t help but giggle upon how cute he sounds and looks at the moment.

“Alright, next time if anything happens, I’ll be sure to call for you,” you promise him.

“I sure as hell hope there isn’t a next time,” Sehun scowls, “But if so, then I’ll be sure to come flying to you, no matter where I am,” he promises, a gentle smile on his face as he looks at you. You unconsciously bite your bottom lip and you see Sehun’s gaze fall down you your lips.

“Don’t do that,” he says softly, his eyes on yours again. You're unable to hold his intense gaze so you drop your eyes to the ground. You hear him sigh softly and move you away to start doing the dishes. You stand next to him and dry off the plates as he passes them to you. Once you're both done, snaps his fingers, realising something. Sehun takes out a tub of ice cream from the freezer.

“Might as well have some dessert, right?” he grins. Laughing, you nod and take the spoon that he offers you.

“You know, I actually can’t stand it when people eat ice cream straight out of the tub,” you mention as you dig your spoon in to scoop up some more ice cream. Sehun raises an eyebrow.


You nod.

“Huh, well that makes the two of us,” he chuckles. Now it’s your turn to raise your eyebrows. Sehun laughs and wipes your cheek, where your spoon had touched and left some ice cream on your face. Nodding, he continues to eat another spoonful of ice cream. “But you’re an exception to it,” he says.

Sehun stops and thinks about something for a moment. You look at him curiously as you your spoon clean. “You’re an exception to a lot of things, actually,” he mumbles. You stop moving and Sehun takes it as you’ve had enough dessert so he decides it’s time to call it a night.

“Come on, it’s getting late. We should go to sleep,” he tells you as he puts the ice cream away. He then leads the two of you towards the stairs. You’re following close to him when you take a deep breath and stop walking. Noticing that you had stopped, Sehun turns around and goes back down till he’s a step below you. Despite that, he’s still taller than you.

“Is something wrong?” he looks at you with concern. You turn your body slightly away from him and hold onto the railing of the staircase.

“Let me just… Hold on” you tell him. Sehun waits patiently whilst you collect your thoughts. You look down at your feet. The night definitely did not go the way you wanted, but you were determined to make sure it ended just how you wanted it. Turning your body to face him again, you lean back against the railing.

When you look up, Sehun is watching you with so much adoration in his eyes that you feel like your heart is going to burst. That’s all it takes for you to make your decision.

“I’ve thought about it,” you tell him quietly, unable to bring your voice to speak any louder. However, Sehun hears you clearly and you know he immediately understood what you meant. He waits for you to continue speaking.

“We’ll work everything out, right?” you ask him. Sehun nods immediately, bobbing his head up and down multiple times. You giggle at how excited he looks.

“So you’ll be mine?” he asks to make sure. You smile at him and nod. Sehun reaches out and cups your face, bringing you closer together till your foreheads are touching.

“I’m so happy right now,” he says, a wide smile on his face. His eyes are shining so bright, so full of adoration as he looks at you.



“Please kiss me,” you whisper.

Smiling, Sehun obliges immediately and leans forward to capture your lips with his, not wanting to wait any longer than needed.

A/N: Ice cream flavoured kisses. How sweet. Such goals.

HELLO. How have you all been? Exams are finally over and i'm having my semester break right now! Bless.

So I don't know how to continue this since I just write as I go lol. It feels like the end but there's more I want to add, but I have no idea what so I'm in a bit :/ But it's safe to say that the true romance and fluff begins now ohohoho. If you have any suggestions, feel free to put them in the comments! This was 7.5k how to recover I'm not used to this.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Much love, aekcso.

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Chapter 14: Tysm authornim, Aekcso for sharing this story. This is so warm and sweet. I really enjoyed reading it!💚💚😍
Chapter 12: Aw. Seeing the two of them being very domestic is so sweet... My heart is so full and warm... 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 11: 'Love how Sehun and OC are so honest with their feelings and troubles. Very essential for a relationship but most often put aside due to "maturity" people think they possess by trying to solve their problems on their own and not sharing them with their partners... 'Am so loving this story... 😍
Chapter 9: They finally said it! 👏 OC must really have a lot in her mind tfor her to take half a year to finally realize the she loves Sehun, and then there's Sehun, wow the self control 🙌
Chapter 7: Sehun stealing a kiss from OC at the beginning and suddenly feeling shy about it is so cute! This whole chapter is really heart-warming and with the hint of the next chapter having a little angst, I can't wait to read more...
Sadly, being a working adult only gives me time to read a chapter per night, but if my sched allows it, I can definitely finish reading this in one go. It's so beautifully written. Thank you again, authornim for sharing this! 💚
Chapter 6: Sweet. Sehun is so sweet. That ice cream must be so sweet... Everything is just so sweet, I cant! 😭😍😍 I'm really a er for fluffs.. Tysm for this, authornim aekcso! 💚💚💚
Chapter 6: Awww... they look very domestic. I also feel warm, like Sehun. 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 4: I'm really loving this! Gosh, Boss Sehun is so hot and lovable... *Swooning here*

I also love Baek's character with all his fun and witty lines. 😍
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhggg! My God, Oh Sehun! *screaming silently here* 😍😍😍 #gosehun 😁
Chapter 1: I just finished reading YMO. I really loved it and I'm so excited to read the story behind it. Looking forward to reading the chapters ahead 💚💚💚