

It’s almost noon and you find yourself walking into a high end restaurant, one you’ve heard your  co-workers and close friends raving on about ever since it opened. Reservations are close to impossible to get unless you have connections inside and even so, the food would most likely cost an two month's worth of pay for a three meal course.

Upon entering, you find yourself approached by a waiter who asks your name. When he hears your name, the waiter nods and tells you to follow him.

As you walk up the stairs towards the higher level, you observe your surroundings and find everyone dressed up in expensive, designer clothing. Working in corporate for many years, you’ve adapted an eye for quality in clothing, something you often use to give you first impressions of clients you’re about to work with.

“Right this way, Ma’am,” you quickly turn and follow when you realise that you’ve begun to lag behind.

You’re led up towards an elevator, which has its own reception desk guarding it to make sure no unauthorised guests go past. You follow the waiter into the elevator and watch him scan a card and press a black button. Watching the numbers increase as the elevator goes up, the numbers suddenly disappear and all you see are letters. The elevator stops at ‘RF’.

“What’s ‘RF’?” you ask as before the doors open.

“Royal Floor,” the person answers politely. “This way, please.”

You notice that there are fewer dining tables than the floor you were previously on. You’re led towards one of the tables near the glass windows which has a glamorous view of the cityscape. You notice two males stand up as you come closer to their table.

“Enjoy your afternoon,” the waiter tells you before leaving to return to his post. Once alone, one of the males steps forward and extend his hand.

“Oh Sehun,” he introduces himself with a grin. You quirk an eyebrow.

“You’re not Oh Sehun,” you tell him. Nevertheless, you accept his hand and introduce yourself as well.

“How would you know?” the other man asks.

“I’ve done my research. I know you’re not him. It would be a worry if I actually believed you, wouldn’t it?” you reply. The two nod. Then, the one who pretended to be Oh Sehun holds his hand out again and grins, “I’m Byun Baekhyun. Nice to meet you.”

“And I’m Kim Junmyeon. Pleasure to meet you,” the other male introduces himself. He then walks over and pulls out the chair for you to sit down, to which you thank him for. Once everyone is seated, the interview begins.

The two men in front of you alternate turns in asking questions. To foreign ears, it would seem like your table was simply having a casual conversation, a group of friends catching up with each other after a long time. However, having been through a few interviews, as well as conducting a few yourself, you knew there was more to each question than what met the ears. The more casual the question, the more they were able to gauge out the type of person you are.

“So you said you did a bit of research on Oh Corps.” Baekhyun starts, “How much do you know about us, exactly?”

You take a drink to down your food before answering. “I have a decent understanding on the history of the company and the way you operate. But I guess we’ll see how I am once I do work for you.”

Junmyeon raises his eyebrows, clearly amused. “How do you know if we’ll hire you or not?” he asks. You shrug.

“You asked my boss for the best, didn’t you? Well, here I am,” you grin behind your beverage.

The two men are silent for a moment and they exchange a glance. Baekhyun then leans over the table and slides, what you assume, is a business card.

“You’ve got dinner with the man himself tonight. Usually you would only have to go through us but we convinced him to meet you first before you start any work,” Baekhyun explains. “All the details you need is on the card. Be sure to show the employees this as soon as you enter.”

Picking up the card, you recognise the place to be owned by Oh Corporations. Another restaurant well known by many. This time, its known for its magnificent 360-degree view of the cityscape assisted by the revolving floor.

The building is a hotel-restaurant combination with two different restaurants on two different floors of the building. One is open to all guests, and the other is the one you’re going to, which has limited access, only to special guests and those with connections.

“So what does this mean?” you ask, putting the card down on the table.

“It means that you’ve passed the first stage,” Junmyeon answers, a pleasant smile on his face. You raise an eyebrow at his response.

“How many stages are there to pass?”

“Well, now you need to get past Sehun, then the trial period of your employment which is a duration between a fortnight to a month.” Junmyeon explains.

“That is, if the boss agrees,” Baekhyun adds.




“To think they’d make me go to two consecutive interviews in a day without prior notification,” you grumble to yourself as you get out of your car. You hand your keys over to the valet driver and enter the building.

As told, you show an employee the card Baekhyun had given you as soon as you enter. You’re immediately escorted towards the elevator.

Glancing at your reflection in the elevator, you confirm that your appearance is presentable. Despite the short notice, you managed to find an outfit you deemed acceptable to give a worthy first impression to your future employer.

When the elevator doors slide open, you’re guided to a private room. You’re escorted into the private area until you find yourself coming closer to the very man himself.

You can’t help but admire his entire being, even though all he’s doing is sitting still, staring out into the city nightlife through the large glass window. His back is leaned against the chair and he seems relaxed, but there’s something about him that still seems intimidating, almost unapproachable. He catches you approaching him and he stands to meet you, saying your name.

“Oh Sehun,” you say in return, shaking his hand. He nods and gestures for you to take a seat, and sits down himself.

“I’ve taken the liberty of ordering a specialty course for tonight. I hope there’s nothing you’re unable to eat,” he tells you. Shaking your head, you pass the menu over to the waiter who quickly takes it from you before walking off to leave the two of you alone.

There’s a few minutes of silence, the both of you soaking up each other’s energies, ready for a long night, before anyone begins to speak. The food is quick to arrive, so you assume Sehun had already planned the night before you even arrived. You both start your entrées silently. You’re almost done with yours when Sehun speaks.

“What do you believe is the reason that you passed Mr Byun's and Mr Kim’s afternoon’s interview?” he asks. You stop eating and look up at Sehun, who has now leaned back in his chair, arms on the arm rests.

“I wouldn’t be able to answer that. Only they would know,” you answer. Sehun quirks an eyebrow. “So you don’t know what qualifies you to have the possibility of being hired by me?”

“I simply meant that I don’t know Mr Byun's and Mr Kim’s specific opinions on my potential for being hired by you. I know my qualifications perfectly fine, whether I’d be able to work for you or not.”

“Well, do you think you can?” he asks.

“Oh, I know I can,” you finish off your entrée and push the plate away. Sehun says nothing and merely calls the waiter over to collect your plates.

“There’s something I don’t understand,” you start. Sehun looks at you and waits for you to speak. “There’s been a history of your assistants being fired after a certain period of time. Why so? Considering how successful your business is, wouldn’t you have a full assessment of your potential employees before you hire them?”

“That is true, we do have a history of short employment for those who were assigned to be my assistant specifically. In regards to what you say about having a full assessment of our potential employees, it’s difficult to judge their full potential unless they’re taken on a trial period,” he tells you.

“So why didn’t you do that with your previous employees?” you question.

“It was believed that the process would take up too much time and I’m a busy person, running a large corporation. The amount of work and pressure that needs to be handled is often underestimated. And I’m just calculating things in relation to my work life alone. The addition of handling my private and social life is what often throws employees off the edge.”

“You have a social life?” you accidently blurt out before you could stop yourself. Sehun doesn’t respond. He stares at you with a blank expression for a moment before raising his hand to call for the main dish to be brought out. You can’t help but feel as if you’ve just lost a few points in your favour.

As your dinner continues throughout the night, you both exchange conversation. You even manage a chuckle out of the great Oh Sehun, which seemed to puzzle the man once he caught himself. Somewhere along the line, you forget the purpose of the whole dinner was for a job interview.

There is clear amusement on Sehun’s face as you blabber away, telling him stories about yourself back when you were an intern at your first workplace. Sehun then comments about something and you find yourself bursting with laughter.

It’s only when dinner has almost come to an end that you realise Sehun’s plan the entire night, was indeed to make you forget the purpose of the night.

“Oh, you’re good,” you tell him as soon as you realise. Your eyes are glued on Sehun’s neck as you watch him tip his head back and finish off his drink.

“You may be good at what you do, but I’ll always be better,” he smirks.

You barely manage to stop yourself from rolling your eyes because of how arrogant he sounds. Nevertheless, you decide to humour him and raise your glass, as if giving him a toast, and tip the remains of your beverage down your throat.

Feeling a little weird, you stand up and decide to excuse yourself. “If you could excuse me a moment,” you tell him as you turn to leave.

Sehun barely manages to tell you to watch out before you feel your body slam right into another. You should have known better than to drink but, of course, against your better judgement, you still drank. On top of that, you didn’t keep track of yourself either. A bad habit, really.

So now it’s resulted in you bumping into the waiter, who had been balancing a tray of drinks. Luckily, with the employee’s quick reflexes, none of the glasses fell, but they did tip over causing the beverages to fall onto you.

“Seems like you have another story to add to your collection,” Sehun muses. Not appreciating his sense of humour at the moment, you shoot him a glare before grabbing your napkin on the table to pat yourself dry.

Sehun watches you for a moment in amusement as you attempt to absorb some of the liquid out of your dress with your napkin. You’re about to head to the restroom to clean yourself off when Sehun stops you by holding onto your wrist. He’s quick to let go when he sees you glaring at his hand.

“Get me a room prepared,” he tells a worker, who is quick to scurry off.

“What are you doing?” you feel yourself frowning a little.

“You’re wet,” he states. You frown deepens.

Sehun rolls his eyes, “Jesus, I don’t mean anything behind it,” he tells you. “It wasn’t the fault of the worker, so we hold no responsibility. But I’m not going to let a woman walk around with about half a bottle’s worth of champagne sticking to her, especially when she was in my care.”

“I’m not in your care,” you retort. Sehun scoffs.

“You were in my care the second you picked up that card Baekhyun handed to you,” Sehun mutters. You then feel Sehun’s hand on your back as he gently guides you towards the elevators.

As you enter the elevator, Sehun glances behind you. “Is it new?” he asks you casually.

“What is?”

“Your outfit,” he answers, pointing to your dress.

“No…” you drawl out. Sehun raises an eyebrow. He leans back a little, staring at something.

“Then why do you still have the tag on the back?”

“What?!” you exclaim and you quickly feel around the back of your dress. You were sure you had taken it off before you wore it. Feeling nothing, you turn to glare at Sehun when you realise that he had tricked you.

You had given up on trying to give a good impression because you were certain that with the way things have turned out, you’re probably not going to get hired no matter what you did.

“Good to know you went through the effort to impress me,” Sehun comments as the elevator doors open.

“And I feel like it'll be all for nothing,” you mumble to yourself as you follow behind him.

You can't help but stare and admire Sehun’s broad back as he swipes the key card through its slot. He opens the door and gestures for you to go inside first. You thank him softly and quickly go in, not wanting to make him wait too long.

When you enter the room, you find yourself standing awkwardly in the middle, not wanting to touch anything because you would dirty it. It was definitely not a typical hotel room. It seemed more like a penthouse, filled with all the proper household areas such as a seperate kitchen, a living room and dining room.

Sehun opens one of the doors and disappears for a moment. The room then lights up and you see that it’s actually the bathroom.

“Go wash yourself off. I’ll have my people send up some clothes,” Sehun tells you as he exits the bathroom. You agree and head towards where he was pointing.

Upon entering the bathroom, you’re completely stunned by the interior design. Closing the door behind you, you take some more time to admire the designs. Once you’re done observing, you decide it’s time to hurry up and shower. However, before you’re able to undress, you hear Sehun’s voice on the other side of the door telling you something.

“What?” you call out, not quite catching what he said. You hear him say something again but you’re still unable to catch the full thing, only catching on something about the bathroom door. You then open the door slightly and ask him to repeat it.

“I said, don’t you think you should lock the door?” Sehun repeats himself. He suddenly appears in front of you through the gap.

Surprised, you slam the door in his face and lean against it. You then remember what he said and quickly lock the door. When you do, you hear Sehun chuckle on the other side of the door.

“Two chuckles in one night, that’s got to be some sort of record,” you grumble to yourself as you turn the shower on full blast.

In the midst of your shower, you hear the doorbell ring. Sehun’s voice is muffled over the water but you hear something about your clothes so you assume that he’s placed on the ground outside the bathroom door. When you’re done, you grab a towel and dry yourself off before wrapping it around your body.

Opening the bathroom door slightly, you see the side table that was by the hallway now in front of the bathroom door. On top of it is the clothes Sehun had ordered for you. You smile a little, assuming that Sehun probably had the table dragged over to place your clothes on top instead of just placing it on the ground.

Holding up the clothes in front of you, you see that it’s a lovely white maxi dress. Pleased, you dress yourself and exit the bathroom to join Sehun outside.

When you enter the living room, area you see Sehun on the balcony and he has his back mostly turned to you. As you approach the doors separating the room and the balcony, you see that he is on his phone and you happen to hear a little part of his conversation.

“I said intriguing, I didn’t say I was going with it. No, Baekhyun, I am not and I will not. I’m–” he suddenly stops talking as he catches you approaching him from the corner of his eye.

“I’ll get back to you,” he says into the phone and hangs up. You’re about the join him on the balcony when he stops you.

“No, let’s go inside. I don’t want you getting cold,” he tells you as he ushers you inside, closing the door behind him.

“I’m fine, though. It’s not too cold tonight,” you try to persuade him. Sehun shakes his head. “I’d rather not take the chance,” he says, “Let’s go to the couch.”

You’re led to sit on the long sofa whilst Sehun moves to sit in the arm chair. You’re both quiet, since you don’t know what to say. Looking at the time, you realise it’s getting late.

“I think I should get going…” you say as you start to get up but Sehun stops you.

“No, you can stay here tonight. You had quite a bit to drink this evening and I’m to blame,” Sehun tells you. When he sees that you’re about to protest, his expression hardens. “There’s no room for protests either. My word is final. Just stay here tonight.”

Unable to say anything, you nod and sit down. Now, you feel awkward because you feel as if you’re intruding. You can’t help but fidget as you wait for Sehun to say something.

“It wasn’t all for nothing,” he suddenly speaks up.


Sehun looks at you and repeats, “I heard what you said before. It wasn’t all for nothing. Your efforts.”

Your mind is flying, trying to figure out what he means when you hear him sigh and expand, “Come in on Monday. Someone will brief you in the morning and your work will officially start the following day, on a trial run of course. We have to evaluate how you do the first month, you know, to see how much potential you have to work for me,” Sehun smirks. He then stands up and buttons up his blazer.

You’re suddenly able to process everything that he’s said and you can’t control your emotions so you jump up and hug him tightly.

“Thank you so much! I won’t disappoint you!” you exclaim. You then come to your senses and realise that Sehun had tensed up at your sudden action so you quickly let him go. You’re scared to see how he reacts, but you take a peek anyway and find that he’s highly amused as he fixes the sleeves of his shirt.

“Alright, I’ll see you at the start of the week,” Sehun tells you and begins to head for the front door.

“Wait, where are you going?” you ask him, confused.

“Home,” he raises an elegant brow. “Did you think we would sleep here together or something?” he asks. You blush at the thought.

“No, of course not. Nothing. Never mind” you shake your head as you follow him to the door. You swear you can see the corners of Sehun’s – no, you shouldn’t refer to him like that anymore – your boss’ lips lift a little. Once he’s out the door, he turns back to you.

“Feel free to leave whenever you want tomorrow,” he says. You nod.

“Thank you, Mr Oh. Boss,” you can’t help but smile slightly.

“Good night, Boss,” you greet him. Sehun nods and turns to leave. You watch him walk away until he disappears around the corner before you close your door. Leaning against it for a moment, the night’s events come flooding back and you can’t help but jump and cheer at the end result.

You’re going to work for Oh Sehun. 

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Chapter 14: Tysm authornim, Aekcso for sharing this story. This is so warm and sweet. I really enjoyed reading it!💚💚😍
Chapter 12: Aw. Seeing the two of them being very domestic is so sweet... My heart is so full and warm... 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 11: 'Love how Sehun and OC are so honest with their feelings and troubles. Very essential for a relationship but most often put aside due to "maturity" people think they possess by trying to solve their problems on their own and not sharing them with their partners... 'Am so loving this story... 😍
Chapter 9: They finally said it! 👏 OC must really have a lot in her mind tfor her to take half a year to finally realize the she loves Sehun, and then there's Sehun, wow the self control 🙌
Chapter 7: Sehun stealing a kiss from OC at the beginning and suddenly feeling shy about it is so cute! This whole chapter is really heart-warming and with the hint of the next chapter having a little angst, I can't wait to read more...
Sadly, being a working adult only gives me time to read a chapter per night, but if my sched allows it, I can definitely finish reading this in one go. It's so beautifully written. Thank you again, authornim for sharing this! 💚
Chapter 6: Sweet. Sehun is so sweet. That ice cream must be so sweet... Everything is just so sweet, I cant! 😭😍😍 I'm really a er for fluffs.. Tysm for this, authornim aekcso! 💚💚💚
Chapter 6: Awww... they look very domestic. I also feel warm, like Sehun. 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 4: I'm really loving this! Gosh, Boss Sehun is so hot and lovable... *Swooning here*

I also love Baek's character with all his fun and witty lines. 😍
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhggg! My God, Oh Sehun! *screaming silently here* 😍😍😍 #gosehun 😁
Chapter 1: I just finished reading YMO. I really loved it and I'm so excited to read the story behind it. Looking forward to reading the chapters ahead 💚💚💚