

Presentation complete, negotiations done, paperwork settled and ready to be signed. Sehun shakes the client’s outstretched hand with a curt nod before glancing at his assistant, who promptly guides their guests out of the room and towards the elevators. Once he sees that they’ve entered the elevators, he makes a move to head to his office.

“Evening, Mr Oh.”

As his presence gets noticed throughout the floor, he’s greeted by his workers as he walks by. He returns their greetings with a bob of his head and nothing else.

For anyone who has met Oh Sehun in person, they would witness how strict and indifferent he could be, but fair. He knows his place and expects everyone to be knowledgeable of their own as well. Regardless, he does know to show some decent respect. Sometimes.

Not wasting any more time than necessary, he enters the next elevator available up to his floor. He enters his office and takes his place behind his desk. He frowns when he notices something wrong. The desk is void of a certain document that he was expecting.

Opening his laptop and checking his email just to make sure, he’s also met with nothing. With the early morning he’s had combined with the energy he’d used up during his meetings all day, Sehun promptly calls in his assistant and prays that he doesn’t lose the last of his sanity once he hears the stupid excuse he’s most likely to be given.

Soon enough, his assistant timidly enters the room. Before the assistant can utter a single breath, Sehun speaks up without looking away from his work.

“Where is it?”

When met with silence, Sehun looks up to find his assistant standing a few feet away in front of his desk, now squirming under his gaze.

The assistant is a male in his mid to late 20s and has been working for him for about two and a half months, almost three. Throughout the duration of that time, he’s has managed to screw up more times than Sehun’s previous assistants combined within the same three-month period.

Eyeing the document in his assistant’s hand, Sehun leans back and waits till he gets a response.

“I was just going to give it to you, Boss.”

“When was it meant to be on my desk?” Sehun watches as the man hesitates to answer.

“This morning, Boss.”

“Then why the hell wasn’t it on my desk when I entered this morning.”

Though annoyed, Sehun tries to remain as calm as possible, his facial features remaining blank as he stares right into the eyes of his assistant, who quickly looks at the ground to avoid further eye contact.

“I came in this morning and noticed it wasn’t on my desk, but I let it go because I was expecting it at least by the time I returned. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

“No, Boss.”

“No?” Sehun raises an eyebrow. The assistant stutters.

“No, I mean, no as in… not as in I thought you wouldn’t notice… I knew you would, Sir… Boss.”

Not bothered to deal with the situation any longer, Sehun holds out his hand and tells him, “Give me the folder and get the hell out of my office.”

Seeing his assistant rooted on the spot, Sehun sighs and says in a low voice, “Now.” This has the assistant jogging up to his desk to hand him the report and out the door immediately.

Gathering up the last of his energy, he opens the folder and begins to read through it. After reading through the first part, he frowns and simply flicks through the rest of the pages before closing it and throwing it aside.

Leaning over his desk, he presses the intercom and says, “Get Junmyeon in my office at the end of the day.”




You’ve just finished eating your lunch and had been on a roll, going through your workload that was waiting on your desk when you came back, when you look up to see some of your co-workers running about. Frowning, you get up and open your door to peek your head out. As one of them runs past you, you reach out to stop them and ask them what was happening.

“Apparently someone screwed up and there’s a meeting in an hour but the reports aren’t done so we have to sort everything out now.”

Raising an eyebrow, you find the situation unlikely, considering the size of the business and the systems that it used. How the hell would anyone manage to mess it up? Your thoughts are interrupted when your office phone rings so you let the person go and return inside to answer the call, noticing it’s the line from your boss’ office.

“Hello, Ma’am. Mr Park needs to see you immediately,” you hear your boss’ assistant on the other side of the line, as you had expected. Hanging up, you grab your things and make your way over to where you’re expected.

As soon as you enter the office, your boss looks up and greets you. “I need you to deal with the meeting,” he tells you.

“Which one?”

“The 4pm one”

You raise your brows slightly and nod slowly. Your boss stares at you, trying to figure out what your expressions mean. “You mean the one that happened to disappear off the face of the earth, right? Throwing me into the cage full of lions now are you, Sir?” you joke.

Your boss grins. “Is there a problem?” he asks.

“Yes, of course there’s a problem,” you tell him. You watch your boss’ face turn into a grimace, and he waits for you to explain. With an exaggerated sigh, you stand up and show the folder that you’d brought along with you.

"My co-workers are out there running around over a non-existent issue instead of doing something more productive with their time,” you tell him as you place a folder on his desk in front of him with a smirk.

Looking at you suspiciously, your boss opens the folder and scans through it.

“Did you just?”


Your boss grins and stands up with you, patting you on the shoulder. “This is why you’re the best. I knew I could trust you.”

Handing the folder that contained all the information needed for the meeting this afternoon back over to you, he ushers you out of his office and you turn around and ask him jokingly, “Do I get a pay rise?”

“Keep it up and you’ll get more than just a measly pay rise,” your boss chuckles. “Alright, get out of here and prepare. Tell your co-workers to stop running around like headless chickens as well and make them get back to work.”

You stop walking and turn back around to face him, eyes narrowing slightly. “Was this some sort of test?” you ask him, to which his only reply is a shrug of his shoulders before ushering you away.

You salute him as you walk away and head back to your office, smiling to yourself. Today’s been a good day.




It’s been a long day. It’s late into the night and majority of the lights are out in the sky-rise building, with the exception of the top two floors and the lobby. Most of the employees have gone home. Even the surrounding streets that are usually busting with life are now scarce of cars, with the exception of taxis every now and then.

On the very top floor, one of the largest office rooms is still lit brightly, revealing two well-dressed males still at work. However, one evidently exhausted whilst the other irritated.

“Fire him.”

The receiver of the message stares back in shock. He can’t be serious, right?

“I’m dead serious, Junmyeon. Fire this useless excuse of a worker and find someone else for me. What kind of idiot can’t even do a simple task such as completing a report and handing it in on time?”

“Sehun, you can’t be serious. As a co-worker and a friend, I feel the need to inform you that your constant firing of employees is stressing the s out of me. Quite literally.”

Given the unrequired information, Sehun takes a second to glance away from his work at hand to let Junmyeon know that he was being fully judged right at that moment.

“Every time, I swear, I get this 7th sense thing going on. My bowels start working really well and my bathroom visits become a lot more frequent and I know I’m grossing you out so I’m doing it on purpose,” Junmyeon smirks when Sehun throws a folder on the middle of his desk with a roll of his eyes.

“Serves you right for increasing my workload, ”

Sehun doesn’t reply and removes his suit jacket. Throwing his jacket across the back of his chair, Sehun stands and picks up the report given to him earlier this evening.

“Well, I’m lessening the workload for everyone else in the long run,” Sehun rolls his eyes and holds out the report to Junmyeon.

“Should you really be rolling your eyes at your hyung?” Junmyeon jokes as he grabs the item from Sehun.

“I don’t think talking about your bowel movements is an appropriate topic to talk to your boss,” Sehun smirks.

Junmyeon feigns shock and bows multiple times to Sehun whilst exclaiming, “Oh, my dear boss. Please forgive me, my beloved boss, my favourite person in the entire world. I have sinned, what can I do to repay you?”

Sehun shoves Junmyeon away when he comes closer and grabs onto his arm during his act. “Then find me someone new by the end of the week,” he replies before returning back to his chair.

Heaving a sigh, Junmyeon nods and collects his things. “Alright, for now I’ll appoint Baekhyun to assist the position till we find someone suitable.”

“Why?” Sehun frowns.

“Because he’s been an annoying little prick this entire week and what better way to get revenge than to get him to work for you?” Junmyeon replies with a shrug of his shoulders. “I’ll take my leave now. Don’t stay up too late, Boss.”

“Make sure to sneak in quiet enough so your wife doesn’t wake up and get mad at you,” Sehun quips back.

“She’s not my wife!” Junmyeon exclaims.

“Yet,” Sehun adds as Junmyeon closes the doors behind him.

“Heard that!” Junmyeon yells on the other side of the door.

Sehun scoffs and eyes the work on his table in front of him. Looking at the clock on the wall, he can’t help but sigh before picking up a folder likely to contain the next couple of hours of his attention.




“The boss would like to see you now, if possible.”

Breaking out of your trance, you look up to see your co-worker leaning into your room. You look down at the work on your desk in front of you and look up again.

“Why?” you ask as you scan the last bits of your work before putting it away. You stand up and centre your skirt again since it’s shifted around. You look up to see your co-worker leaning against the doorframe of your office.

“I’m not sure… Seemed really important though,” is the only answer your co-worker can supply in a soft murmur. You can’t help but frown at the answer.

With a nod, you exit your office and head towards your boss’. As you walk past your co-workers on the same floor, you feel their eyes on you. You begin to feel uneasy.

It’s not long till you reach your destination and nod towards the secretary outside the door, who tilts her head indicating for you to proceed inside. Taking a deep breath, you walk into the room.

“You wanted to see me?” you say as you enter the room. Your boss nods and gestures for you to close the door behind you and to take a seat on the couch located on the other side of the room.

“You’ve been a valuable member of this company for the past couple of years. From the very first day that we accepted you, you’ve done nothing more than exceed our expectations and help this company grow,” your boss starts, “How do you feel about your place in the company?”

You stare in silence as you think. As of this moment, you have no idea what is going on and nothing is showing on your boss’ face to give you any indication of what he is thinking.

Carefully, you begin to answer, “For the duration that I’ve worked here so far, I’ve been able to apply my skills to provide a further efficient and productive workplace within this company. Whilst my skills in this company were valuable, the additional lessons and skills that I was able to adopt throughout my time is invaluable and I appreciate it greatly.”

Silence fills the room and you watch your boss take in your words and slowly nod. Sighing, he stands up and walks over to his desk, your eyes follow him as he walks. He takes a folder from the drawer of his desk and walks back over to you, dropping the folder onto the coffee table.

“You’ve been summoned.”


Your boss gestures towards the folder and you lean over to take it. Upon opening it, your eyes widen and you look back at your boss as you wait for an explanation.

Seating himself across from you again on the couch, he leans back and simply says, “We were asked for the best, and so I must give them our best. I can only wish the best for you from this point onwards.”

Frowning, you look through the paperwork in the folder, reading through everything carefully.

“Chanyeol, I don’t understand. Am I being fired?” you ask, putting the folder on the table.

“No,” Chanyeol chuckles, “If anything, you’re being promoted.”

He looks down at the paper work again and you follow his eyes. “And if I refuse?”

With a sigh, Chanyeol tells you, “Look, it’s a shame that we’ll be losing a valuable worker like you, but I’m sure your abilities will be of much better use with them. We’ve been friends for a long time, so believe me when I say that I want the best for you. You start the week following this one.”

You stare at the huge print on the front page which gives a clear indication of where you’re headed, unsure how to feel about what’s in store for you.

“Will I get paid more, at least?” you joke. Chanyeol breaks out into his iconic loud laughter and nods.

“Much, much more, babe. But most likely less than what you probably desire,” he grins. You roll your eyes and decide it’s time to get back to work, so you pick up the documents and stand up.

Before you open the door to exit the office, Chanyeol speaks up again, “Speaking as both your boss and your friend, I really do wish the best for you. You’ll succeed whatever you do. You always do, babe.”

“I don’t think bosses are meant to address their employees as ‘babe’,” you raise an eyebrow.

“That part was the ‘friend’ part!” Chanyeol reasons, shrugging his shoulders.

Rolling your eyes again you retort, “Yes, well, call me ‘babe’ again and, as a friend, I’ll be obliged to whack you one on the back of your head.”

With that, you leave his office and head back to your own, all thoughts surrounding your new workplace in the upcoming week.

Closing the door behind you once you’re alone and inside your own office, you close your eyes and lean against the door, tightening your grasp on the folder in your hand.

Sighing, you open it up again, this time reading through it slowly and carefully, your eyes particularly trained on the elaborately printed name on the corner of every sheet – 



Note: These people use a lot of folders, I know.

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Chapter 14: Tysm authornim, Aekcso for sharing this story. This is so warm and sweet. I really enjoyed reading it!💚💚😍
Chapter 12: Aw. Seeing the two of them being very domestic is so sweet... My heart is so full and warm... 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 11: 'Love how Sehun and OC are so honest with their feelings and troubles. Very essential for a relationship but most often put aside due to "maturity" people think they possess by trying to solve their problems on their own and not sharing them with their partners... 'Am so loving this story... 😍
Chapter 9: They finally said it! 👏 OC must really have a lot in her mind tfor her to take half a year to finally realize the she loves Sehun, and then there's Sehun, wow the self control 🙌
Chapter 7: Sehun stealing a kiss from OC at the beginning and suddenly feeling shy about it is so cute! This whole chapter is really heart-warming and with the hint of the next chapter having a little angst, I can't wait to read more...
Sadly, being a working adult only gives me time to read a chapter per night, but if my sched allows it, I can definitely finish reading this in one go. It's so beautifully written. Thank you again, authornim for sharing this! 💚
Chapter 6: Sweet. Sehun is so sweet. That ice cream must be so sweet... Everything is just so sweet, I cant! 😭😍😍 I'm really a er for fluffs.. Tysm for this, authornim aekcso! 💚💚💚
Chapter 6: Awww... they look very domestic. I also feel warm, like Sehun. 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 4: I'm really loving this! Gosh, Boss Sehun is so hot and lovable... *Swooning here*

I also love Baek's character with all his fun and witty lines. 😍
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhggg! My God, Oh Sehun! *screaming silently here* 😍😍😍 #gosehun 😁
Chapter 1: I just finished reading YMO. I really loved it and I'm so excited to read the story behind it. Looking forward to reading the chapters ahead 💚💚💚