
He left
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This chapter probably will but please bear with me!
and I highly apologize for not updating much. I got so busy with school and my internet's ed. So all in all, I'm really sorry for the slow updates. this isn't my best but still, I hope you enjoy this chapter. ❤️ 

• sophia~



I couldn't help but squirm in my seat, my heart thumping hard against my chest, eyes trained on the many building we pass by. It has been a month since we arrived here in busan, where Namjoon's family vacation house is located, but it was the first time we ever strolled the city without the intentions of searching for a missing person and for once, to have fun. 


Instead of using the usual van, we are currently on Namjoon's beige pick up truck. And guessing by the change of vehicle today, things are going to get ed up.


It's already seven past thirty, the sky have already dimmed but much to my stress, none of the starts were in sight, not even the moon. The sky was simply plain and dark, and I don't know whether to feel mad or depressed at all.


"—yes, babe." I heard Yoongi said in a hushed voice from behind. And by the sound of it, he's on the phone with his girlfriend whilst other than Seokjin who's driving, the others were pretty passed out on their seats, a mellow song playing in the background.


I'm seated with my brother in the front seat this time, completely aware of his glances from time to time, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel along the beat of the music. I could feel bile rising up my system. I feel sick or rather nervous. Jin must've sensed it as he reached to give my hand a soft squeeze. "It's okay, you'll be fine." He said, a small smile on his lips.


"I don't know, hyung." I gulped. "I might this up."


"You won't, jungkook-ah." He said. "The moral of this activity is you have fun and let everything go. It is a night of no worries. Just enjoy and anything else will follow."


I could only let out a breathy sigh. I'm far from feeling good about this one. I could feel my hands shaking and despite the coldness of the weather as it's already nearing the end of November, my palms grew sweaty and I feel hot suddenly with my lips trembling and my teeth chattering, not in cold but rather in utmost nervousity.


I have a bad feeling about this.


"You're going to be fine, trust me." Jin said, eyes trained on the road. "I've once been in your place. I know you don't feel good at all, but I can assure you you'll feel a whole lot better after this."


"Okay," was all I could say before diverting my attention back to the buildings we passes by outside.


After a good fifteen minutes, we came an abrupt stop on a huge tunnel. It was illuminated by a few lights, making it a bit dim and yellowish. He parked the car diagonally, refraining any vehicle from passing by. He pressed the honk three times, thus waking up the others.


I could hear the loud honks and complaints of the people outside, angry remarks and scowls directed at us. I was snapped out from the outside when I felt something cold placed on my hand. I look up to see Namjoon giving me a sheepish smile before my gaze then went down to my hands, eyes wide to see a spray can and a bag of cheetos.


"Let's get the party started," I heard hoseok say before he opened the door and exited the vehicle, a smug smirk displayed across his face. Taehyung followed suit as well, then everybody got out, except for my brother.


The defeaning noise of cars and protests could be heard, the great smoke filling my nostrils as one by one, people grew impatient. "ing move you bastards!" one of them yelled, a few consecutive honks from him.


I stood behind Taehyung closely, not until Namjoon told me to climb up the truck and sit on the roof and just simply speculate them for a few minutes. And damn they were intense, drawing graffities in each ca

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Sorry, I caught the flu. I was too ill to write and I was also stuck in lots of homework. I'm really sorry ❤️


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Chanyeoloppa97 #1
megalon04 #2
Chapter 38: Oh my lord I only found this today and I am already in love crap... oh ny goodness Jungkook just wow Jimin better come back for him soon or in may or may not cry :) loving this Miss Author! Keep up the great updates and keep yourself healthy too.
megalon04 #3
Chapter 11: Is this based on paper towns omg... I love that book so much :)
Chapter 38: omg kook just said that whoa isTG IF JIMIN REJECTS I'LL SLAP
kyujae #5
Chapter 37: I could tell that jungkook couldn't wait anymore.
Chapter 37: this is so sad and frustrating.. jimin better have a good explanation for all this waiting he's making jungkook do cause it's really taking a toll on jungkook sighhh and he better make up for the lost time urg. part of me is still afraid there wont be a happy ending.. i really hope there will be omg i couldn't take it if after all this, it ends without a happy ending where they're finally together and happy with each other. anyways, i loved the updates, thank you!!❤❤❤❤
jungtaekwoonieismine #7
Chapter 37: I'm starting to get a tad bit annoyed at jimin...why can't he just explain everything to kookie.. he clearly knows that his baby is hurting because of him!!!Park Jimin get you're back to your baby now !!:)
-------------------7 #8
Chapter 37: unngggg