
He left
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I could only snort and sigh, smacking Taehyung on the head. "Pabo," I found myself saying, not sure whether it was directed at him or myself. "Stupid," this time I flopped down into my bed, burrying myself in the sheets.

I heard a low and soft chuckle echoed through the room, Taehyung's deep and manly voice ringing through my ears. He gave my back a pat before I felt movements and the familiar noise of shuffling sheets. "You do realize you need to get out of here some time?" I heard him ask.

But that's the thing. I don't want to and have no intentions in doing so. I feel tired, exhausted and drained. I just can't.

"Your brother is worried sick, ya'know?" He added. "But he knows you need your space."

I could only sigh, slowly pulling the sheets off my face and finally take courage to sneak a peak at Taehyung who's now stood by the window, and adorable smile stretched across his face while his gaze locked lovingly outside. I didn't need him to confirm that he was indeed staring at his boyfriend, Hoseok. By the looks of it, the way his eyes twinkle in such adoration, his lips curved in a beautiful smile— he was gazing at the love of his life.

I couldn't help but wonder. Do I look like that too whenever I gaze at such beauty? Is my reaction even close to Taehyung's when I lock eyes with Jimin?

"How long have you been dating, hyung?" I blurted out, causing him to tore his gaze away from his lover and transfered to me, the adorable smile now changed into something much gentlier and friendlier.

He bit his lip and cocked his head to the side, probably to think. "Uhm, three years." He smiled, his boxy grin in full display. "Why'd you ask?"

"Just wondering." I casually replied, my lips forming into a thin line. "You seem to love his very much."

He chuckled, his gaze now back outside to stare down at his lover and Hoseok must've waved up at him as Taehyung broke into a full blown grin, waving ever so fondly down the older. He then stared back at me, taking slow strides back to my bed and plopped down, sitting by the edge. "We were bestfriends." he said out of the blue.

I could only just stay silent, not knowing what words to speak of nor how do I respond. He took my silence as his cue to continue, drifting off like remembering such memory before chuckling and shaking his head. "Hoseok had always been popular. He's a social butterfly while I on the other hand, is that wierd nerd kid who knows nothing but to study." he started. "I remember having him as my dorm neighbor. He was annoying, loud and very cheerful. He likes to party and often have friends over. I remember getting utterly pissed when he was being too loud and I needed to study for our finals. I asked him to keep it down but it instead of keeping it down, he slammed the door straight in my face, ignoring me and my complaints."

"Rude." I commented, earning an exasperated sigh followed by a loud 'i know right'.

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Sorry, I caught the flu. I was too ill to write and I was also stuck in lots of homework. I'm really sorry ❤️


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Chanyeoloppa97 #1
megalon04 #2
Chapter 38: Oh my lord I only found this today and I am already in love crap... oh ny goodness Jungkook just wow Jimin better come back for him soon or in may or may not cry :) loving this Miss Author! Keep up the great updates and keep yourself healthy too.
megalon04 #3
Chapter 11: Is this based on paper towns omg... I love that book so much :)
Chapter 38: omg kook just said that whoa isTG IF JIMIN REJECTS I'LL SLAP
kyujae #5
Chapter 37: I could tell that jungkook couldn't wait anymore.
Chapter 37: this is so sad and frustrating.. jimin better have a good explanation for all this waiting he's making jungkook do cause it's really taking a toll on jungkook sighhh and he better make up for the lost time urg. part of me is still afraid there wont be a happy ending.. i really hope there will be omg i couldn't take it if after all this, it ends without a happy ending where they're finally together and happy with each other. anyways, i loved the updates, thank you!!❤❤❤❤
jungtaekwoonieismine #7
Chapter 37: I'm starting to get a tad bit annoyed at jimin...why can't he just explain everything to kookie.. he clearly knows that his baby is hurting because of him!!!Park Jimin get you're back to your baby now !!:)
-------------------7 #8
Chapter 37: unngggg