I find you

Pure Love (Exo's fanfic)

Haesung Hospital ,Yeojoon's POV

"I'll visit you tomorrow, just rest well. See you soon Yeojoon-ah..."

I sit on the bed, thinking about his words, those words still ringing in my ears.

"Where does he go?"

I looking at the window beside my bed. Still thinking about him, only him who is in my mind. His smile, his voice, His coldness...i still remember all about him.

"Will he come back to me?" I mumbled. Then i shook my head
No no no! What am i doing? Why i always thinking about kai? Why do i wait for him? He's not one to me.
I still looking at the outside, try to find the reason. But it failed.

"WHY?! Why it's so complicated?! Urghh~" I scramble my hairs because of frustation.

"Don't be expect too much (again) Yeojoon-ah..." I talking with myself.

"YAK! Yeojoon-ah, you're talking to whom? And... Why you look a mess?" I heard that voice, it came from the door, so i look at the door, and... OMO! There's Taehyungiee, he standing in front of the door with confused looking.

"Taehyunggiiee >,< Since when are you in here?" I asked him and combing my hair

"10 minutes ago... Maybe/?" He just answer with flat expression.

"So, you've seen what am i doing, huh?" I asked, but he just nod and he doesn't move from there.

"So, what happened?" He asked me.
I try to find a bull to answer his question.

"Ohh... emm... maybe... just a little stress?"
Aigoo...Yeojoon-ah... what kind of bull that you said huh? It doesn't make any sense. I made a fool of myself.
Taehyung just shook his head with a little smirk, and then he walking towards me.

" Lie down." Then I was lying on my bed, and then he's touching my forehead. He's checking my blood pressure,He's checking the temperature of my body, And he's checking my scars.

"I think your condition is better than before. So don't thinking too much, you'll get stressed, it can cause you're health getting worse." He said

"Okay doctor, I wi-"
"Aish... don't call me doctor Yeojoon-ahh, are you forget about that?"

        He look annoyed because i called him doctor. Yesterday, He said that He won't called as doctor or oppa, He wants us like a friend, not like a senior and junior or not like a doctor and the patients. So i called him Taehyungiee. I think, it's so cute, and it isn't too formal for us.

"Of course No. But your behavior is so formal and you certainly talk like a doctor. So i called you doctor." I said

"Ohh hahaha... Mianhe Yeojoon-ssi, i'm so serious and i'm too focus to my work, and..." He stopped then he stare at my face. "I'm a little worried about your condition". Immediately, i stare him back.

"Don't worry about me, Hyungiee, i feel better now." I smiled try to comfort him.
"So, this is the 4th day, I'm in here?" I try to changed our topic.

"Exactly, it's been 7 days you're in here."

"Jinjja?!" My mouth gapped open after heard it. I'm shocked. It's very a long time i'm in here . But, It just like yesterday i came to this hospital.

"Of course i'm serious. -_- . You don't know about something." He said.

"What is that?"

"You've unconscious for three day" He said with calm style.

3 days?! Really?! It likes i'm sleeping only 2 hours. But... How can i've unconscious for 3 days?!
I stare at him, and he just like hold his laughed.

"Yak! Is there something funny?" I asked him

"Your face... it likes albert einstein thingking about the discovery ㅋㅋㅋ you're too serious, ㅋㅋㅋ ." He laughed.

" HA...HA... It's so funny-_- " I give him a fake laugh, and he stop laughing.

"Taehyunggie~~ Can i go home?"

"Why? You miss your home?" He asked, then i just nod while do a pouting.

"Sure, you can go home next week or this weekend. But... Don't forget to pay the costs of the hospital or I'm not going to get my salary ." He pointed at me.

"Yayaya, be calm boy! I'll paid it, but if you get your salary, you must treat me some foods okaay?" I asked him

"All right, I'm gonna treat you. But not too much." He smirked. I just chuckled, Pftt ... he is very stingy. Then, i take my sling bag under the pillow.

"But, would you go with me to the cashier? I don't know where is it, because I don't know about this hospital before. Maybe you can help me to find it/?" I ask him to help me. And YASH! He nodded.

"Sure, let's go." He help me to stand up. Then he help me to walk, while he bringing my infusion.


"Excuse me, i'm a patient in room 507. May I know it cost? I'll pay for it now." I said.
That nurse just nod, then she typing something in her computer , after that she looking for some files/maybe/?

"Here you are." She give me a paper, but unfortunately i can't read it. It's hangul, i can't read hangul. So I just shut up and listen to everything that she said.

" It costs 880.000 won. That's including the cost of the hospitalization , the registration fee, the cost of care, and medicine." She explained. Then i just shook my head, Aigoo... it's really expensive.

"But someone paid for it." She said, she pointed at the signature in the right corner of the paper.

"WHAT?! WHO PAID IT?!" I speak so loudly because i'm very shocked.

      I stare at Taehyung, then he stare at me while laughing. For that moment, i want to slap his back, but i can't , i don't have any energy to hit him. I just ignored him, and look back at the nurse. She just smile, meanwhile i was very embraced.

"His name is Kim Jongin." She said.

"Kim Jongin? Who is he? I never heard that name before. Do you know him?" I asked the nurse, But she shook her head.

So, who is he?

I'm thinking so hard, remembering all the memories, maybe there's the person who named Kim Jongin.

"Kim Jongin is Kai. You know him?" Suddenly Taehyung answered my question.


     I just frozen, my cheeks turn into red. Only heard that name a.k.a Kai, my heart can beat so fast, and and it can makes my cheeks like a tomato. Then, i stared at Taehyung.

"Yes, but not much, he is-"
"I'm sorry, but What can I help you again?" The nurse cut my words.

"I think it's enough. Thankyou nurse. We will go back to the room now." Taehyung answered her and smiled at her, and so is she. Then he helped me to go back to my room.

"So, you know him?" He stare at me while helping me to walk.

"Ne, but not much. He is the one who bring me to this hospital." I remember about that tragedy.
"You know him too?" I stare at him. Then he took a deep breathe.

"Ne, he is my classmate in Senior High School, and he is the person who want me to be your doctor." He said


Then he nod.

"But... How?" There's so many question in my mind, but i can't ask it.

"It's secret" He smirked. I just rolled my eyes, and I see my foot are still in bandages.

"At first... I thought he is a cold guy who has a big arrogant, and he doesn't easy going, and he is a playboy." I mumbled. Suddenly he stop.

"Where did you know about it?"
He looked at me with confused looking.

"Why? I just see it from his face. Wae? Am i right?" I looked at him back with the same expression.

"I don't know. Maybe it's true, but as i know, he isn't the guy like that you said before." He said. He still stopped.

"Yak! Why we're still in here? Bring me back to my room!" I yelled at him. Then he just laughed. What's wrong with him?

"This is your room Yeojoon-ahh, Hahahaha..." He pointed at the room beside us, then i looked at that room '507' . Omoo, how can i forget my room huh? I'm Very very very ashame. I just smile like an idiot at him. Then he helped me to walk and lying in my bed.

"Yeojoon-aahh... Now is lunch time. I'll go to have a lunch with my appa. I'm sorry for not to stay in here with you. I'll visit you at night or tomorrow, Don't skip your lunch, Ne?" I nod with a smile, then he kisses my hand, and he smile at me, I just laugh at him. Then he walking out.

"Taehyungiee!" I called him. He turn back his body towards me.

"Nee" He answered

"Would you tell me about Kai?" I asked him, i hope he can tell me something about who is Kai. But, he just smiled.

"Someday, you will know about him, Yeojoon-ah."


3 days later, Haesung Hospital, Author's POV

Yeojoon sitting on her bed, she just smiling at her legs, because it is better than a week ago, Her healthy and her scars too. Then, someone come at her room.

"Jeoseonghamnida," He bowed. "Excuse me, Ma'am, but i'll clean this room. I think there's nobody in here, because the staff tell me that the patient in this room checked out yesterday, so i just come in." He explained. Yeojoon just smile, She can understand what he said.

"Don't worry, you didn't do a wrong things. I'm sorry, i forget that yesterday was my last day, thank you for remembered me about it." Then she stand up, she doesn't bring anything except her sling bag, because she only have that sling bag.

"But before i go, can you help me?"


        Yeojoon sitting in the waiting room, she waiting for take her medicine. Then a few minutes later, the nurse come and giving her medicine. Suddenly someone shouted her name.

"YEOJOON-AHH!" He shouted, then he run towards her, Yeojoon just shook her head seeing what he is doing.

"Yeojoon-ah! Are you sure to go home right now?!" He speaks so loudly, until all people in there looking at them.

"Of course, yesterday was my last day, so i'll go home today. I just know from the Office boy who cleaned my room." She said.

"How about your foot?" He asked and looking at her foots.
Then she try to walking, running, and jumping.

"See? It's hurts but I'm fine . It's better than before, right?" She pointed at her foot. Then Taehyung just trying to find another bull to make her stay in here.

"But, it's too late for go home. Look! The sky is so dark at the outside!" He pointed at the sky. Then yeojoon holds his arms.

"Taehyungiee~ It's still 06.10 pm. Don't worry and just be calm. I can take care of myself." She looks at him. Then He do a pouting.

"Haha... are you afraid to let me go huh? Are you afraid to miss me so much huh?" She asked him. Taehyung nodded still do a pouting.

"Give me your phone." Yeojoon asked at him. At first, He doesn't know,what's the meaning of this. But, he just give his phone to her. Then She typing something on there, after that she give it back to him.

"If you miss me, just call me okay? There's my number at your phone, you can text or call me, Arraseo?" She smile at him. Taehyung just looking at his phone, he can't say anything to answer her.

"I think i should g-" Suddenly, Taehyung hugs her so tightly.
"-go now." She whisper, She's very shocked because of his hug.

"Please, don't go... If you go, then i'm alone in here. I don't have a friend anymore. You are my one and only friend in this hospital. Pleaaasee Don't go, don't leave me." He begged at Yeojoon while still hugging her.

"Me too. If i go from here, then i don't have a friend, i will never find crazy friend likes you. And If i don't meet you before, i'll be hate the boys in my life and i never believe at the boys anymore. But, thank god, you come and changed everything. Thank you for coming to my life." She smile, Taehyung nodded his head, Yeojoon really want to cry, but she hold it. Then she pulled him away.

"I think i should go now, or i'll not get of the bus Haha... Take care of yourself Ne? Arraseo?" I asked him, he just nodded.

"Ne arraseo." He answered. Then she walking out, leave him alone in here, he want to runaway towards her, but unfortunately his phone is ringing.

"Yeobuseyeo?" He just do a short conversation. Then he run to the lobby, try to find Yeojoon but it's too late, he can't find Yeojoon
She's gone...
"Aigooo... Turn left? Or right?" Yeojoon is confused to choosed the way. You all know that she doesn't know about Seoul, Usually she go with Jisoo as her tour guide but now she's in the middle of Seoul without her tour guide. She doesn't know where to go, but she should to find a halte to take a bus.

     She decided to turn right, and fortunately she doesn't choose the wrong way. Not far from where she stood up, there's a halte, and there's a bus who stopped at that halte and the bus seems like that it will go now. Yeojoon run as fast as she can,
"WAIT!! WAIT!! BUS WAIT!! AHJUSSI WAIT!!" She shouted, then the bus stopped. And she go up to the bus.

"Aigoo... i think it'll be quite, but in the fact that it's just my expectation" She mumbled.

     There's so many people in here, The bus was fullfilled by the passanger.She try to find a seat, and finally she find a seat, she was sitting in the passenger seat at the back. She take her earphone in her bag and then listening to music while enjoying the beauty of Seoul city at night. But she thought that it's too bored, so she decided to play the game in her phone.

      1 hour... 2hour... Then the bus stopped. All passengers got off the bus, except Yeojoon. She still playing game, she doesn't realize that the bus has stopped. The girl who sit beside her was very confused, 'is she sleeping? Or what?' She thought. Then, that girl shooking Yeojoon's body.

"We have arrived in the next halte, where do you go know?" She ask Yeojoon. At first, Yeojoon looking at her with annoyed looking, but Yeojoon try to be friendly with her.

"Oh thankyou, where is it?" Yeojoon asked her.

"It is in Gangnam." That girl answered. Yeojoon is shocked, gaped open.

"Gangnam is still in Seoul, right?" Yeojoon asked, then that girl just nodded.

"OH NO! FOR GOD SAKE! I Walked more than one hour, and We traveled more than two hours, but we still in Seoul? How funny it is." Yeojoon speaks so loudly, she gets mad because of it. Then, Suddenly, the driver asked them.

"Yak! You two! Why you don't get off from the bus?! I will go now." The driver said, he is very annoyed because Yeojoon speaks so loudly before.

"Jeongseonghamnida Ahjussi" That girl said, then she grabbed Yeojoon's arms and they get off from that bus. Then they seat in the halte.

"So, where do you go now?" The girl asked.

"I don't know, I just want to traveling in South Korea." Yeojoon being a liar, But that girl isn't stupid enough to accept her liar.

"Are you sure? But i think, Your foot isn't okay, right? How can you do a traveling with that foot?" She pointed at Yeojoon's foot.

"Ohh, it's... it's from yesterday, i have a little injured in my foot." Yeojoon said while looking her foot.

"So, what's your na-" Suddenly That girl's phone is ringing, then she answer the phone

"Yeobuseo?......... Ne i'll go now."She ended her conversation, then she stand up and bowing at Yeojoon, Meanwhile, Yeojoon just looked at her with confused looking.

"I'm sorry but i should go now, my appa waiting me at home. And..." She take something from her bag, and it's a blanket/?

"This is for you, the weather is very cold tonight, so you can used it for make a warm to your body." That girl give it to Yeojoon. Yeojoon just recieve it with a confused looking. Then she looks at that blanket.
This is? For what?

"Thank-" Yeojoon stopped, she want to thanked at her but she's gone. " She's really fast, Ckck maybe she's so busy."

        There's nobody in there, only Yeojoon who sitting in the halte. There's very quite, there's only music who playing in Yeojoon's phone. Then She looks at the night sky.

"It almost 2 weeks i'm in here... And there's so much things were happened. At first... I thought that i will life happily in here with my best friend, with a lot of my friend, with my beloved people. But now, i don't have some friends anymore, i'm alone in here. " She talking with herself, and her tears began to fall.

"I miss my old country, i miss my mom and daddy, and I miss... the old of me." She crying.

"Aigoo... the sky is really dark. There isn't stars, even a one star. Like me now."She wiped her tears.

"I hope i could see a star falls, because i have a big wish...I hope the happines can come to my life." She said.

      Then she put the blanket on her body. That blanket make her feel warm, It's really simple but so meaningful for Yeojoon. She still wearing her earphone, (Now playing: Gummy-You're My everything), it makes her feel so sleepy. Just a few minutes later and fall into her dreams.


I can't open my eyes, i'm still sleepy because I'm so tired last night. I just can hear the sound of birds
"Oh, this morning already?" I mumbled.

I can feel the warm sun, i think the weather will be good today. So, i try to open my eyes, Then I look to the right.I saw the sun shines very bright.

   But,i just realize something. Last night, i slept at the halte, I slept just covered with the sky, and i can see the dark sky. But why now I can't see the sky? I just see a rooftoop? It isn't in the halte. I'm sure It isn't in the halte.

Then I just woke up, but suddenly it has all become dark. I can feel someone's hands on my eyes. Someone shut my eyes with his hands.

"Who are you?"
There's nobody who answered me.
"Just tell me who are you." I asking for the twice.

"Good morning Yeojoon-ahh."

Wait?! It's a boy's voice. And he knows my name?But how can?!
I thinking so hard about it, maybe i got a clue to know who is he. And finally I Remember something! I remember that voice!

Then he took off his hand from my eyes. So i can open my eyes, i look at the left and i can see his face, he put his chin on my left shoulder.

"Kai?" I asked him, just want to checked that he is the real kai, not my imagination. Then he nod with a sweet smile. OMG, That's very close, it's only 3 centimeters from my face. He's really really really handsome, his lips is so y, i really wanna to kissed it. But, i can't.

"But, how can you find me?" I asked him again, it's just the one from a thousand question. There's so many question in my mind right now.

"Don't thinking about it, You must tired right? So just rest well, okaay?" He smiled. I just can give him an idiot smile meanwhile i still have a big question 'where is it?'

Then kai opened the window, let the fresh air come in to the room, and he seat beside me.

"Kai, is it your house?" I asked him. He want to answer it, but suddenly someone come in to the room.

"Oh! She woke up! Annyeong" he bowing 90 degrees, he's a polite person.
"My name is Zhang Yixing, welcome to our house, Yeojoon-ahh." He smiled. OH!OH! HE HAS A DIMPLE! His dimple is so deep, It's really cute, for god sake i really like a man who has a dimple.

"Oh, Ne, Annyeong Zhang Yixing Oppa." I smiled and I bowing 45 degrees. I try to bowed myself even it's hard because when i bowed i was seating on my bed.

"Just call me Xing ge or Yixing oppa or Lay oppa, or anything as you want." He smiled,at that time i really forget about kai.

"Oh Ne, Annyeong Lay oppa, nice to meet you. I'm glad to see your dimple, it's really cute." I said and pointed at his dimple. Then he laugh.

"Oppa...thank you." I said, then they looking at me.
"Thank you for allowed me to sleep in here." I smiled then look at down. Then someone grabbed my back.

"You're welcome Yeojoon-ssi, It has become our duty to take care of you now." He said. I looked at kai with confused looking.
Your duty? Take care of me?

"Ah! Yeojoon-ahh, it'll better if you take a bath now. I've already prepared it, and the towel is behind the door." Lay said. Aigoo he's really really like my mom, he has a kind heart maybe an angel heart/?

"Thank you so much oppaa" i smiled. Then Lay show me the way to the bathroom, we leave kai alone in that room.


     I come out from the bathroom. I looking arround but nobody in here, maybe Lay oppa and Kai are in the downstairs or in their room. This house is too big for two people, only in the second floor, there's a living room, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a balcony. It's only in the second floor, i don't know about the downstairs.

     Then i do a stretching in the balcony. I looking arround, but nobody in the outside too, i just see 4 cars, and 3 motorcycle. Woaah, maybe the owner a.k.a Kai or Lay are the rich people/?

"You don't change your clothes?"
I looking for that voice, and oh! There's Kai standing beside me.

"Yeah i don't have anymore, I only bring my bag. At first, this clothes is full of blood, then Taehyung washed it." I explained.

"Taehyung do that?!" Kai's very shocked after hearing what i said.

"Maybe? But I'm not sure if he washed it by himself." I said

"Can i go to downstairs?" I stare at him

"Sure why not?" He smirked. OMO! He's still handsome when he smirked. Then i walking, behind him, i just following him. Because I'm just a guest and he is the owner of the house.

"So this is your house?" I asked him.

"No. This is my brother's house." I looking at him with confused looking Brother?

"Brother? is lay oppa your brother?"

"No, My brother is Kim Joon Myeon, and Lay hyung is his friend from Beijing." He explained, and i just nodded.

      When i walking to down the stairs, I looking at my right side, there's so many game in there, there are two basketball games, billiard, a pump, and many more. Beside it, there is a big tv, and a kitchen like a bar.

"This house is really big, are only you and lay who stay in here?" I asked him, i don't look at him at all, i still looking at the game player and the tv. It's really amazing! We can play game like in the arcade and we can watching movie like in cinema, woaah it's really daebakk!

"Kai, this house is really amazing!" I said. But he didn't notice it, and i just realized that he didn't answer me before. Then I'm looking forward, but he doesn't exist.

"Kai?" I whispered, but there's nobody in here.
"Kai, where are you?" I called him, but he didn't answer me.
Then I down the stairs quickly.
"KAI!KAI!" I shouted his name, then i turn right, but he doesn't in here. Then i turn left, and...

"I'm in here Yeojoon-ah." He smirked at me. Yeah, i found him, and emm... not only him but also lay oppa and the other boys. They're in the living room. And now, they all staring at me with a cold looking, and kai did it too. Only lay oppa who smiled and showing his dimple.

It's like i'm in the jungle and there are a lot of hungry wolves who want to eat me. It's really scared.

"So this is the girl who do you talking about?" The one of them asked kai. He has a good forehead, his skin is brighter than kai, and he is handsome.

      Then kai, just nod and stare at me with his smirk. Omg! Why that smirk is scared me, it's different. Usually his smirked can show me that he is handsome. But now, his smirked show me that he is a Psychopaths. Does he have two different personalities? And who are they? They're like wolf Who become a human? Am i right?

I'm sorry if this chapter was bad. I can't imagine with Kai because of the dating news. Hahahaha... But, i promise i will try my best... Thank youu Guys for reading
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