You Broke Everything

Pure Love (Exo's fanfic)

Lee's house, 3 pm, Yeojoon's POV
Today is really bored, very very bored. I have been waiting Lee since 1 hour ago. But he hasn't come back to home. That in meeting took a long time. What is he doing? I don't know, but I'm so worried about him, i have a bad feeling.
And suddenly someone came to me.

"Yak, Yeojoon-ah, what are you doing?" Jisoo stand up beside the sofa.

"Nothing?!! How about that ice cream cups?!" He pointed at beside me. OMG, i just realized that i have eaten a lot of ice cream. Then, i put them on trash. And go back to seat on sofa

"Nope. Just wanna eat some ice cream." I just looked at the window. I see the snowflakes in the sky. Then i remember about Lee. I'm so worried about him.

"Are you okay? Something bothering you or you in your period?" Jisoo seat beside me
"Maybe just worried about Lee/? I have a bad feeling, And...... I don't know."

"Yeojoon-ah," he stared at me, "Lee is okay. Don't negative thinking about him. Maybe this place is too bored, so you're in a badmood." He try to make me calm.

Maybe he is right

"So,Noona let's go outside." He put his arms on my shoulder.

"Jisoo! WHY YOU CALLED ME NOONA?!! I'm younger 5 months than you." I slap his arms.

"But you looked so older than me if you in a badmood." Then he put his head on my shoulder.

"But, Lee said that I-"
"That you don't go anywhere, because the weather was bad, and he don't want you get hurt. Is it right?"
What?he know it. But how?

"Be calm. You'll be fine, I'll protect you." Jisoo persuade me.

To be honestly i'm so bored in here . I don't have some activities so i get bored. So, i think that's a good idea.

"Okay then let's go"

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This is a huge place, there's so many people in here, they busy with their activity. I don't know this place. I just following Jisoo, because he know about Seoul.
He is a fanboy, he usually attend a solo concert of his idol in Seoul. Meanwhile, i'm just an ordinary fangirl, i don't have enough time to go to Korea, because i have a lot of schoolworks. My father said that i will continued his business. So, i study hard for it.

"Where will we go?" I asked Jisoo
"How about go to the cinema?" I just nod agree with him. Then, we go to the cinema, we decided to watch insurgent. Fortunately, the movie will be held in 5 minutes. So we get in the studio, and looking for our seat. But, when i will go to my seat, suddenly Jisoo grab my hands.

"Yeojoon, i think this movie is boring let's watch the other movie." He was panicked. What's wrong with him?
Then he take me to go out from the studio, but i pulled him.

"Wae? Why did you think that movie will boring, huh? You never watch this movie before."

"Emm... I think i wanna see a horror movie."

"What the hell. It's really NO! Are you forget that i really scared with ghost?"

"Emm... how about romance movie? If i watch that movie with you people will assumed that i have a girlfriend, Haha." He laugh.
This single is really really feel alone huh?

I thinking about it, to be honestly i want to see action movie, but Jisoo want to see romance movie. Urghh, he make me confused.Then he do aegyo. Oh god! This boy know my weakness. So i just nod and agree about it
We go out from the cinema. I'm crying so hard, that movie is really sad for me. menawhile, Jisoo laughed so hard, because of i crying.
"YA DON'T LAUGH! There's no funny thing!" I said
"HAHA, You're so ugly when you cried!"


I slapped his back. Then all the people looked at us with "what-the-hell" looking. We only smile like an idiot then we runaway go to a bookstore while laughing.

I looking for a romance novel. But there isn't interesting at all. So i looking for education book. Meanwhile, Jisoo looking for a comic.Then i found a books. The tittle is "How to be a sucsses business man". I think this book is really great for me, so i buy it. But when i'll go to the cashier. Jisoo camed with a panicked face (again).

"What happened? Why you're so panick?"

"What?! Panick?! N...No i just want to show you this comic. It's really awesome. Emm... Where is your book?". Then, i just show it in front of his face.

"How to be a sucsess business man by Jaesook. But you are a business girl, right?".He said. I just rolled my eyes
Pfft why you are so......

Then i hit his head with the book, and he groaned in his pain. "Let's go to the cashier."

"WAIT!!!" He blocked my way and looking around. Seems like he looking for someone.
"Okay, let's go"

"Are you hungry?" He asked
"Nope, i want to play arcade, pleasee", I begged him

"Buuuut, my stomatch growling so hard. They want to eat korean food..." he pointed at his stomach.

"Okay eat first, and then play arcade." He nodded and i following him. Finally we found a korean restaurant. But, suddenly Jisoo stopped.

"Emm... I... i think, i want eat some western food."

I looked at him with 'confuse' looking then he smiles like an idiot.I just nodded and we go to the other restaurant.
What happened with him? 5 minutes ago, he said that he want korean food, and now, he said that he want western food. And, as i remembered about him, he doesn't like western food. Aigoo Why it's so complicated?

"I think you don't like western food, eh/?" I asked him

"Me?! Urghh... yeah..., that's right but i... i just want to..." he stopped, he looking for a bull? Or a reason/? I don't know.

"I just want to eat this ice cream." He said and showing his ice cream.
But it doesn't make a sense, i think he hide something from me. Aish... I don't care! I just focused on my food.

"What do you think about that movie?" Jisoo asked me.

"Em... it's really sad, the girl was cheated by her boyfriend, and her best friend. It's unexpected, because her beloved persons in her life was cheated behind her. And... i don't know." I focused with my food. "After play arcade, where will we go?"

"Emm... i think Namsan Tower. It has a beautiful scenery in the night, you bring your camera?" He asked me

Camera? Camera? OMO! I Don't bring my camera, i can't go to Namsan without it. "Emm... i think i forgot about it, But it's okay, first we will go home and go to Namsan."
"NO!" He yelled. I'm shocked because of his voice.

"No! We... can go there without it , we can used our phone." He said, and pointed at his phone.
"Uuuuu, It's new huh?! We can used it. But, i need that-"
"No Yeojoon, it's really No! We-" Suddenly he grabbed his stomach, i think he want to BAB.

"Oh ! I can't hold it anymore. Yeojoon-ah i will go to toilet, wait in here don't go anywhere, please... just a few minutes." He begged me, i just rolled my eyes and nodded

5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes. And he doesn't come back. Are he go home? Or somewhere? Or... i don't know, it's too long for waiting him. I can't wait him anymore. So I decided to go home and i will text him, that i'm in home.
Be calm guys. Even i don't know about Seoul, but i still remember the way to go home.


I arrived at home. I open the door and go to upstairs, my room is in the 2nd floor. Then, i take my camera, i think Lee haven't in home yet, Because it's very quite in here. But, I want to go Namsan with Lee too, I think i will waiting him arrived at home, We go to Namsan plus we refreshing together.
So, i text Jisoo, that i waiting him and Lee in home. After that, i waiting them in the livingroom.

I walking down the stairs to go to the living room. But i stopped. I hear a voice, someone voice, no no it's a girl's voice. "Is that a ghost?" I mumbled, suddenly i feel gosebumps in my neck . I move slowly, looking for where is the voice from. And then, i heard boy voice.

"Are there 2 ghost? 2 ghost who dating? Or what?" I talk with myself
I decide to  following that voice. That voice is louder and louder. That voice is more louder when i near Lee's room. Suddenly My heart beat so fast.

"Is that Lee? But... no! It's impossible." I shooked my head, try to calm myself. But i can't, because i have a bad feeling right now. I need some couraged to get into Lee's room. So I take a deep breathe. I closed my eyes for a few second. I took off my camera and my book that i bought. Then, i get in to Lee's room.

"No..." I shooked my head, my tears began to fall down. I can't hold them anymore. Angry, sad, disappointed, That... That's what i feel right now.

"Lee......" They all immedietly look at me. Lee is very shocked. Then, he stopped from his game and walk towards me.
"Who is she?" My voice was shaking. He still walk towards me, and i stepped back. "Answer me, who is she?"

"I'm his girlfriend, no no, not only his girlfriend but also his partner in his game."
"I DON'T TALK WITH YOU BIT*H!" I yelled at her. Wtf, why must that b*tch said that?! It's make me feel asdfghhjkl

"Answer me Lee! Answer me! Who is she?!" I stopped, "Is she right?All the word that she said is right? LEE ANSWER ME!" i talked very louder, and my tears still fall down on my cheeks.
Then Lee stopped and he only looked at down and nodded, my tears fall harder and harder, How can he do this to me?! I closed my eyes, take a breathe,try ro calm myself, and ask him again.

"Since when do you play this dirty game?" I stared at him with a full of tears. I can see his face, his face was so sad. I can see that he feel guilty. And i can see... He's crying.

This is the first time i see his tears. But i don't care about him anymore. I hate him.

"Lee, answer me..." i really want to know about his answer, but that bi*ch...
"Since 1,5 years ago an-"
"STOP IT! DON'T SAY ANYTHING!" He yelled at that b****, this is the first he said open his mouth.

"Is that true? Wae? Wae? Why you do this to me? WHY?!" I feel unexpected that Lee will do this to me.

"Mianhe, jeongmal mianhe. I'm sorry, I-"
"I DON'T NEED YOUR APOLOGY. I JUST NEED YOUR HONEST!!" My legs Buckled, I lost my energy.
I just close my face with the palm of my hands. Why all this should happen? Why this sadness happening to me? When i trust him very much, When i will always be right next to him, when we are going to share our happiness. But it was destroyed with the ugliness of him, He makes me very disappointed.

I heard his footsteps. I looked up, then i realized that he is in front of me, only a few centimeters.He put his arms on my cheeks and wiped my tears

"DON'T TOUCH ME WITH YOUR DIRTY HANDS!" I pointed at him and stepped back.

"I love you." He whispered

I stared at him with a fire looking. How can he said i love you when he cheating?
"This is that you mean Love? LOVE? HAHAHA. YOU'RE SO STUPID! It isn't make a sense." I stopped, then i stare at him.
"You know Lee?! You broke my heart, You broke our promise, You broke your promise, You broke my hope, You ruined our future , You ruined my life. You broke everything."

"But i can expl-"
"I don't want to hear your explanation, all things that i see already explained everything. I don't want to hear your voice, and i don't want to see your face! I HATE YOU!" Then i stand up and runaway from him. I leaved him and that bit*h in that room. Suddenly i bumped into someone's chest.

"Yejooon? Why? Why you're crying?" He is Jisoo. He was sypmathy to me. But, i know heis same as Lee too.

"Why i'm crying?! You know?! LEE CHEATED ME. HE PLAYING WITH ANOTHER GIRLS!" I yelled at him. He was shocked. But then he looked at down and didn't say anything, he look like feel guilty. So he knows everything huh?!

"So this is why you didn't allow me to go home huh?! You know this from the first?! WHY YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?! WHY?!" I still in my emotion. I can't control it anymore, i just can say what i want to say. Jisoo still looked at down, and didn't say anything.

"You are same with that bastard!" I pointed at Lee's house. "You broke my trust to you, Jisoo. I hate you." Then i just go runaway from him.

I can heard that he called me but, i don't care about him anymore. I just run and run, i don't know where to go, just want to go to quite place, to calm myself. From that time, i know that all the boys in my life is a liar.
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