Don't Leave

Phone Swap


Joohyun stood straight upon hearing the voice of the caller.
She looked at the name of the caller and signed

"Yoongie where were you? I've been searching for you? I missed you so much.....Yoongie please come back to me..I.....the thing about yonghwa, Its not what you think"
Seohyun stated without stop

'Please stop seohyun, I don't wanna hear any of it. Besides, I just called because I want to make an appointment. I know it doesn't make sense but you're assistant is not picking up. So yeah, lets meet at Monet's if you're free later 4pm, I'll be waiting. Thank you for the time '

The phone call ended without yoona saying the three words eight letters that she used to say.

There's no sound of affection in her voice but sound of despair.

Seohyun cried her heart out, 'why is all of this happening to me', is the question that keeps on repeating on her mind.

She's lost, why did she let all of this to happen and for the moment she questioned if yoona really love her and why doesn't she let her explain herself but again she got to think that its all her fault.

If only she didn't let yonghwa to kiss her, this won't happen to her. To her and yoona and their relationship.


She's been staring in nothing in particular the whole time until the time when yoona should arrive at their meeting place.

Then the sound of the wind chime bought her back to her senses.
She look at the person in front of her.


"I don't want to beat around the bush anymore, I came here to tell you that I think we should.......we should break up."
That short pause made seohyun paused her breath. She expected it but she didn't expect that hearing it from yoona herself would make her don't like to breath again.

Its just too painful for both of them.

"Yoongie please don't do this, I love you very much, and the thing with yonghwa, I didn't saw it coming, You're the only person that I love"
Seohyun was gripping on yoona hand, tears b on her eyes.

Yoona didn't took her hand away from soehyun's grasp yet for the first time since she entered the place, her facial expression change into feebleness.

Yoona hold back into younger one and caress her hand, when a weak smile crept into her face.

"I know, and I love you too, that won't change. And seohyun, I may get jealous about that kiss but its not the reason."
Yoona said now trying to hide her feeling, which seohyun find bizarre.

"Then why yoongie?"

"I'm getting married....and this is very hard for me to say but please be happy for me so that I could accept it easily... Please hyunnie...I love you no matter what may happen."

With that yoona took her hand away from seohyun's grasp and hold her luggage that seohyun didn't notice earlier.

"Yoongie, why are you doing this? I can't let you go. I can't be happy for you, I love you too,such more than you know"

"I know princess, and I know you'll be happy for me, and the moment you'll get married yourself, I'll be the happiest human alive"

With the last kissed, yoona left the younger, crying, can't move.


Very short update.
Sorry if I took long and this is all I could offer.

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RunningTRussia #1
Chapter 19: It was a cool story; I felt like it'll be longer but I liked the concept of this cuteness
Fitri94 #2
Chapter 19: I like you story... And i like when seohyun jelouse...
JeYoon #3
Chapter 19: Hehehehe sorry for broadcasting it author-nim (^_^)V
JeYoon #4
Chapter 18: *smirks* why do i get the feeling that its seohyun who is gonna marry yoong..and yoong is happy basically cause she's marrying seo and its all just a plan and seohyun was framed WHOOO HAHAHAHA
yoongie23 #5
Chapter 17: What ?? Yoong will get married ? with who ?? please make it happy ending author ssi.. T.T
JeYoon #6
oungie87 #7
Chapter 15: I don't know what wil happen... i really like this story... i want be cry event i read this
oungie87 #8
Chapter 15: I don't know what wil happen... i really like this story... i want be cry event i read this
yoongie23 #9
Chapter 15: So short author ssi.. please update moreT.T
yoongie23 #10
Chapter 14: Why so cliffhanger aurhor ssi.. Please update soon..T.T