The Dreaded Word/Status

Down to Earth

I'm sorry... As you can kinda tell, I'm on hiatus. I wasn't originally, I just update slowly. THERE'S A PERFECTLY GOOD EXCUSE THOUGH! You see, I had written 3 chapters already, and wanted to upload them all at once. But then, the new school year was starting, and I cleaned out my laptop, thinking it was all just last year's school work... WHEN I ACTUALLY DELETED ALL THE CHAPTERS FOR THIS FANFIC D:

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry ><"

I can't even remember the chapters anymore, but I know it was the meeting of Onew and alien :S

Anyway, as much as I hate to say this, but please, if you want, unsubscribe. There's a good possibility that I won't upload again. I want to take my HSC seriously, and losing all the chapters made it worse. I'd rather not let my readers waste their space on their "Subscribed" list or waste their time waiting. Once again, I apologize ><"

I hope you lead very good lives and maybe even meet an alien along the way.




YO PEEPS! Uhm. I might start again. It's holidays, you see! So i have time :D

But uh. I got some new inspiration to write more fanfics.... Like there's one which came to me in a dream.......... and another when I was daydreaming! So uhh, if you guys want, feel free to try reading them! 

'The Journey to the Bathroom' is a funny one, the one i had in my dreams. It centers around an encounter with a group of friends and SHINee.


the second one, i have no idea what it'll be called. It's about a girl. (LOLOL NO !)

Who's mixed up in a bunch of shady family personal problem stuff. So yeah, if you guys have an suggestions for a title, I'm all up for it.


ANYWAY! I'll be seeing ya. Good day to you all! *bows*

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raaaaawr #1
@nishnish: (awesome name u hav there btw :L) ok he wont b gay, just very girly since he is the 'diva' :L<br />
<br />
also, a spoiler for u guys. i'll b rewriting them wen i hav the time n motivation buh i finally remembered wat happened in the next chapters. onew finds out :)
I just subscribed... XD... Come on update!!!!! I love the story.. i wish I could make something as funny as that...
raaaaawr #3
waaah~ u guys r so nice ><"<br />
im soooo sorry! i wouldve had 3 chappies up by now buh buh.... ARGH I CANT BELIEVE I DELETED THEM ALL DD:<br />
im soooooo sooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry ><<br />
thank you for not unsubscribing tho (TT____TT)
ok ^^ i undertand since im kinda in the same-ish situation XP but im too lazy to unsubscribe
nishnish #5
no i don't think i want him to be gay.. <br />
anyways i wont unsubscribe, cos the idea is awsome and i hope you can update soon ^ ^
raaaaawr #6
do u want him to be? ;)
nishnish #7
is key gay? on this i mean? <br />
anyways love the story:)
AwkwardTurtle #8
So far so good. The whole "alien going on a vacation on earth" plot is refreshing. <br />
I hope to see Sun-Hee and Onew fill out more as characters.
raaaaawr #9
thaaank you :D<br />
i officially love u. i love ppl who like se kyung... and long comments :D<br />