A Day in SHINee Shoes...

Down to Earth


Onew's POV


I looked at the schedule for today. We were packed with interviews, recordings and live performances. Then practice. Today was another busy day...like every other one. Good thing we're free in the evening. Looks like I'll have to wait for my chicken though... Sighing, I walked towards my wardrobe and got dressed. Then I went out my room and into the kitchen, just to find Key seductively feeding Jonghyun. Is he still trying to seduce Jonghyun, even if he's already dating?! ...And Jonghyun is actually falling for Key's charms?! OMG NO. I gotta stop him before he cheats on Se Kyung! Running towards them, I accidently tripped and fell, hitting my head on the table in the midst of it. Ouuuuuch.

Remembering what my goal was, I looked up, seeing a red-faced Jonghyun looking to the opposite direction of Key, and a shocked/worried Key who was scurrying towards me. Mission accomplished!!! CHYEAH! ...Unintentionally.

Key helped me up, checking whether I was ok or not. When he was confident that I didn't hurt myself, he glanced back at Jonghyun (who was now shifting in his chair uncomfortably), then went to the stove to make breakfast. "Hey, can someone wake up Taeminnie and Minho for me?"

"I'll do it." Jonghyun got up quickly, and walked towards his and Minho's room.


Meanwhile, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. By the time I came back out, Taemin and Jonghyun were already sitting at the table. Key was placing the dishes in front of them, including a dish for me. Minho was probably asleep, like usual. I should get him an alarm for his birthday. Oh wait, I did... Like twenty... I think he must've broken them all. And I only got him them yesterday too... "So, is Minho going to miss breakfast?"

"I couldn't wake him up... He punched me in the stomach when I tried", replied Jonghyun, cringing. Then he rubbed his tummy area.

"Don't worry. I'm about to wake him up now. There's no way he's skipping out on my delicious food", said Key, who had a hand cupped around his other hand, which was curled into a fist. Then, he stomped off to Minho/Jonghyun's room. Ooh, Minho's in deep poo.

I looked down at my food. I scrunched up my nose. Bacon. Pig. Eww. I WANT MY CHICKEN. You know, SME actually hired maids and cooks for us, but you see, Key just HAD to insist on doing everything. Which means, no daily breakfast of chicken for me. *sniffle*



Key's POV


I swung the door to Minho and Jonghyun's room. Straight away, I spotted Minho's messy blue bed, and him sprawled out, asleep on it. Argh, Minho does this everyday! He should stop sleeping so that he doesn't grow so tall and make everyone else look like a frikkin' midget next to him! Especially my poor baby, Jonghyun, who even got punched by him! Ohh, he's SO gonna get it this time.

I quickly ran into my (and Taeminnie's ) room and pulled out some make-up from my drawers. And yes, I DO like make-up; screw you if you're laughing. At least I look prettier with it than you.

Anyway, I went over to Minho. I didn't bother to tip-toe there because Minho's such a deep sleeper, he wouldn't ever notice. I bet that even if you dropped a fridge on his head, he still wouldn't wake up. He'd just die sleeping. I proceeded to 'wake' him up by drawing on his face. I started with mascara moustaches, then went on with bright fluoro-blue lipstick and heart-shaped glitter near his eyelids. I backed away, admiring my diva-tastic masterpiece. Then I took in a deep breath and yelled out: "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH TAEMINNIE! DON'T DIE, DON'T DIE! OPEN YOUR EYES! TALK TO ME! HELP!! TAEMIN - TAEMINNIE IS DYING!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Next thing I knew, a pillow was flung onto my face.

"SHUT UP HYUNG, I DON'T CARE!" Minho yelled, and covered himself with the blanket.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but... T-T-T-T-Taeminnie... D-die..." I stuttered. The door suddenly opened.

"Hyung! I'm fine! I'm not dying or anything... Ohhh..." Taemin had burst in, probably as he heard me dramatically screaming my head off, then realised I was in the middle of trying to wake Minho up. I glared at him, sending him messages of how he had ruined my plan.

"Ahaha...! Don't worry hyung; leave this to me." Taemin walked over to the foot of Minho's bed and lifted up the covers that enveloped his feet. Then Taemin whipped out his bony fingers and started to wriggle them. He placed the wriggling fingers next to Minho's feet.

"....................Pfft............Hee...........Heehee............HA.........OK STOP, I'LL GET UP!! BWAHA!"

Wow. Taeminnie has superpowers. Who knew? Anyway, seeing as Minho was now awake, me and Taeminnie headed out to the breakfast table, once again. After a while, we were joined by Minho, who was awake but still much asleep.



Minho's POV


I walked towards the kitchen and sat down at the table, rubbing my eyes to get the sleepiness out of it. I got my breakfast ready and was about to eat when I realised the strange silence. The table was usually quiet today, and not very chatty, like it normally was. I opened my eyes to see everyone, except Onew, staring at me. I think Onew was too busy giving death glares at the meat that, to his disappointment, wasn't chicken.

"Minho hyung... You have something on your face..." Taemin pointed out, eyes still glued to my face.

"Ah, really? Where? Which area? Here?"

"Uhh... It's everywhere."

I got up and rushed to the fridge, checking my face on the metallic surface. Who the hell... I turned back to look at everyone on the table. Now, who would do this...? Key. I guess he seemed to notice me glaring at him because he lifted a finger and pointed to Onew. "It was him."

I followed his finger direction, to Onew, who at that point, snapped out off his 'world' and looked up at me. "OH SWEET BABY JESUS! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!"

I was about to turn back to Key when Jonghyun muttered, "We're out of milk."

My eyes were drawn to my glass and Taemin's glass of milk, which were both full. Then I felt Key's angry aura. How could I tell? It was pink.



Key's POV


"Whoever used up the rest of the milk should take responsibility and go buy more!" I said, gritting my teeth in anger. I was obviously referring to Minho and Taemin. I glared at both of them, expecting at least one of them to do it. Instead, they just glanced at each other, then back at their cup. I sighed, looking at them in disbelief. Then I got an idea. Onew. "Onew. Go buy the milk. It was your fault anyway."

"What?! Why me? How is it my fault?!"

"Because it is. Just, because." Taemin stated, almost coldly.

"Yeah, so go buy the milk, hyung." Minho pitched in.

"But, I'm the lead--"


Onew got up from his seat unhappily, and made his way to the door. I feel so sorry for him. Well, at least I didn't have to buy the milk.



A/N: Hello peeps! Hope you like this chapter! I shall be giving you guys a double update!!

Seeeeeeeeee? Told you I would be making up to you people! SO, do I get a pat on the head? *wags tail*

Although lately I've been having writer's block. I can't seem to make the chapters...funny. The ideas just don't 'pop' into my head anymore. So this chapter and the next are just drafts. I'm leaving it up to the co-author to make it funny. And trust me, she's hilarious. You'll love her.

Anyway~ I don't really know if Minho is ticklish... Just saying... So yeah.......... Enjoy!

Oh yeah. Deets to Boboboooo again for helping me out with this chapter ^^

She will be the new co-author btw :D

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raaaaawr #1
@nishnish: (awesome name u hav there btw :L) ok he wont b gay, just very girly since he is the 'diva' :L<br />
<br />
also, a spoiler for u guys. i'll b rewriting them wen i hav the time n motivation buh i finally remembered wat happened in the next chapters. onew finds out :)
I just subscribed... XD... Come on update!!!!! I love the story.. i wish I could make something as funny as that...
raaaaawr #3
waaah~ u guys r so nice ><"<br />
im soooo sorry! i wouldve had 3 chappies up by now buh buh.... ARGH I CANT BELIEVE I DELETED THEM ALL DD:<br />
im soooooo sooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry ><<br />
thank you for not unsubscribing tho (TT____TT)
ok ^^ i undertand since im kinda in the same-ish situation XP but im too lazy to unsubscribe
nishnish #5
no i don't think i want him to be gay.. <br />
anyways i wont unsubscribe, cos the idea is awsome and i hope you can update soon ^ ^
raaaaawr #6
do u want him to be? ;)
nishnish #7
is key gay? on this i mean? <br />
anyways love the story:)
AwkwardTurtle #8
So far so good. The whole "alien going on a vacation on earth" plot is refreshing. <br />
I hope to see Sun-Hee and Onew fill out more as characters.
raaaaawr #9
thaaank you :D<br />
i officially love u. i love ppl who like se kyung... and long comments :D<br />