Introducing the Retarded Duo; Alien and Maknae~!!

Down to Earth


Taemin's POV


"AH! YOU'RE THE GUY WHO STOLE MY CHICKEN!!", yelled a faint voice, among our many fangirls.

I turned to look towards the direction of the voice, and my eyes met with a strange girl with LOTS of shopping bags. She looked pretty pissed off and was pointing at... Onew hyung? I wonder if he took someone's chicken again... Well anyway, the strange girl was glared at by our fans. I'm guessing she realised the fangirls weren't happy, and started bowing while apologising at the same time. Good thing for her that Onew didn't recognise or even notice her, otherwise our fans would've probably hung her by her toes over a cauldron of instant noodles.

Our song finished and we quickly walked off the stage. Manager hyung yelled at me for messing up my head position (which I'm guessing was when I was looking at that girl) > <

Anyway~ A few more songs passed and SHINee went to dress up for our next song. We performed like usual, and this time I didn't get yelled at! Afterwards, we all headed backstage, and were told to dress into casual disguises, so we could head home. Just a few more songs until the concert was finished. The shopping centre was closing soon too.


When the concert ended, we made our way towards a lift that was covered by potted plants. Manager hyung told us to take the lift down to level B5; which happens to be an underground car park, then he left to take care of something. The lift came up to us with a 'ding' sound, followed by our shuffling to get into the lift. Now all that's left is to hope no one goes in the same lift. It shouldn't be too hard, seeing as it's covered with plants or decorations on every floor, but still, it's better to be safe than be trampled by our fans. The lift slowly made its way down when one of the buttons lit up. Oh god, I hope it's not a crazed fan. A girl walked in carrying bags and bags of who-knows-what. Oh god, oh god, oh god... PLEASE don't let her be a fan! There were bags looped on both her arms and  she was even carrying some like they were babies! They covered her face so she didn't see us straight away. As she walked into the lift, she peeked out the side of the bags in her view and pressed 'G'. The journey down to the lift was quite long and so far, the girl made no signs of communicating with us.

Suddenly she tilted her head and turned around, mouth open, ready to speak. However, she stood there, probably in shock, and stared at us. I squirmed a little, dreading the next action of a possible fangirl. Then she shouted, "AH! YOU!!!", and lifted a finger pointing at Onew hyung.

"Mmm?", he answered. He looked half asleep, half awake. Probably daydreaming about chicken again.

I glanced at the other members, and like me, they were all shocked and confused. Well, excluding Jonghyun. The poor, lovesick fool was texting Shin Se Kyung once again. Sometimes I wonder how such a cute yet mature woman could end up with...well, Jonghyun. He probably cries even more than her.

"You...", she said menacingly. "You stole my chicken!" Wow. She could totally act in a horror movie.

At the word of 'chicken', Onew snapped out of his daze and looked at the girl. He paused for a while, thinking to himself, then yelled out, "OH HEYYY! YOU'RE NOT BLUE ANYMORE!"

She looked shocked for a moment then yelled out, "THAT'S NOT THE POINT; YOU TOOK MY CHICKEN!!"

Then Onew hyung yelled out, "YOU SAID I COULD HAVE IT!"






This went on for a while. But you can kinda guess what happened. Well, they kept arguing even after we got off the elevator. Surprisingly, the elevators took so long that the shopping centre car park was only filled with old people who had trouble walking to their cars...and bad hearing. So Onew hyung and the girl didn't bother anyone or attract attention. We were about to head towards the car, when Key hyung broke up the two arguing chicken lovers.

"YAH. Onew hyung, you won't get chicken for the rest of today or tomorrow if you don't stop."

That's enough to shut Onew hyung up. Then Key hyung turned to the girl.

"And you. You should go home. It's dark and you're a girl. We'll take you home to pay for your stolen chicken. After that, don't bother us. You're going to get us into a scandal."

She nodded, telling Key the directions to her place, then followed us into the car, where manager hyung waited for us. He looked puzzled and stared at the girl. Key went up to him and explained the situation while the rest of us went inside the car and took our seats. I ended up sitting next to the girl and Minho hyung.


Manager and Key hyung finished talking and got into their seats. The car started and we were off. A few minutes passed and I got bored. I looked around. Minho hyung was sleeping, Key taking pictures of himself (making sure not to include the girl, of course), Jonghyun was still texting, Onew was staring out the window, the girl was looking through her bags -- OOH. SHE HAS BANANA MILK.

"Can I have some of that?"

She nodded her head and gave me the bottle, already half-drained. I took a sip. Only one sip... Okay, maybe another... And another.... Then I ended up drinking the rest.

"Ah~ Thanks! Sorry for drinking it all. I'm Taemin, by the way."

"No problem, I have heaps." She pulled out a bag stuffed with milk, and grinned. "I'm Sun-Hee. Nice to meet you."

My eyes twinkled at the amount of milk she had. "Hey, hey. Wanna have a drinking contest? Who can drink five bottles of milk the fastest."

Luckily she agreed. We spent the whole time competing until we reached her apartment. That's gotta be one of the best car rides of my life  ^ ^

Too bad I won't be seeing her again. She would've been a nice buddy.



A/N:  As you can see, this chapter is mainly introducing Taemin. He will be Sun-Hee's best friend on Earth, just so you know. Don't worry, he won't be a love rival! He's way too innocent and weird to be a love interest anyway xD

Speaking of Taemin --> BANANA MILK!! Have you guys realised that the banana milk in Australia is so much more crappier than in Korea?? I just tasted the type of milk Taemin drinks, and no wonder he likes it so much! It has sooo much flavour and it's sooo GOOD! I swear, the milk we have won't have that much flavour, even if we shake the bottle!  > <

Oh god, I'm craving it now  T_____T

The chips from Korea (and Japan) are better as well... And the lollies. Guuu...  > <

Oh wait. The Deli chips are good though. The honey-soy chicken and lime flavours, I mean. And maybe the chilli. Me finks so anyway.

Well enjoy, sorry I don't update often by the way! I'll update more after the 5th December. At the moment I'm trying to practise something so I'm quite busy... I have so many ideas but I just dunno how to put them into the right order and make it fit  > <

Sorry again! I promise I'll make it up to you guys later. Pinky promise!! Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a thousand needles in each eye!  > <

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raaaaawr #1
@nishnish: (awesome name u hav there btw :L) ok he wont b gay, just very girly since he is the 'diva' :L<br />
<br />
also, a spoiler for u guys. i'll b rewriting them wen i hav the time n motivation buh i finally remembered wat happened in the next chapters. onew finds out :)
I just subscribed... XD... Come on update!!!!! I love the story.. i wish I could make something as funny as that...
raaaaawr #3
waaah~ u guys r so nice ><"<br />
im soooo sorry! i wouldve had 3 chappies up by now buh buh.... ARGH I CANT BELIEVE I DELETED THEM ALL DD:<br />
im soooooo sooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry ><<br />
thank you for not unsubscribing tho (TT____TT)
ok ^^ i undertand since im kinda in the same-ish situation XP but im too lazy to unsubscribe
nishnish #5
no i don't think i want him to be gay.. <br />
anyways i wont unsubscribe, cos the idea is awsome and i hope you can update soon ^ ^
raaaaawr #6
do u want him to be? ;)
nishnish #7
is key gay? on this i mean? <br />
anyways love the story:)
AwkwardTurtle #8
So far so good. The whole "alien going on a vacation on earth" plot is refreshing. <br />
I hope to see Sun-Hee and Onew fill out more as characters.
raaaaawr #9
thaaank you :D<br />
i officially love u. i love ppl who like se kyung... and long comments :D<br />