Shopping! An Encounter with the Automatic Door, Elevator... AND HEY! YOU STOLE MY CHICKEN!!

Down to Earth

 Sun-Hee's POV


I walked out of the alley, looking around to see which way I should go. I decided to go to a 'shopping centre', a place where humans could purchase things that they needed or wanted. There were many shopping centres in Seoul. Many were really tall looking block things, with clear glass to look through. Something humans called windows. I have some at my human home too, but they weren't as pretty looking as the ones on the 'shopping centres'. I decided to go in the tallest looking shopping centre, and headed towards it. One tip; if you don't know where an entrance is, follow the crowd of humans coming out of the transparent, automatically moving wall. That's what I did. When I got to the entrance, I stared at this transparent, automatic wall, which kept opening and closing, as if it knew humans were approaching.

On it, were signs, saying "NO DOGS, NO SKATEBOARDS, NO BIKES, NO SPITTING". It made me wonder if humans had invented an intelligent machine that could detect things and only let humans through. Getting scared, I ran towards the door hoping to get through, but as I had feared, it had guessed I wasn't a human, and did not open. I smashed into the transparent wall, and fell backwards, causing a huge sound, and many humans to look at me strangely, some laughing. "Sorry, accident! ...I'm blind!", I said, making up an excuse. The humans stared at me for a few seconds with the same weird look, then went back to doing whatever they were doing.


Surprisingly, the wall seemed to take pity on me, and opened. Taking up its offer, I bowed and walked inside, while brushing myself off from the fall earlier. Then I looked up and my mouth dropped. The inside was amazing. There were heaps of stores, lining up almost every part of the wall, and more floors above them, connected by moving stairs called escalators. The first stores seemed to sell human clothing. I went through all of the shops, from almost every level, and bought myself a few things from each store. After shopping, I headed to the escalator, leading to the 15th floor. Lemme tell you, it's really hard to get on an escalator. They pop out and they're all spiky and jagged near the edges!!! I managed to finally get on after jumping on with two feet. Looking behind me, I saw many angry humans. I think I held up the line... Oopsie daisy?


Anyhow, when I got off the  escalator, I saw an even bigger crowd near a stage. I walked towards it, pushing through the crowd of squealing girls as I looked for a comfortable place where I could see the stage clearly. Music started to play and a tall male human walked to the middle with a microphone. He said something about k-pop then got off the stage. Then a smokescreen filled the stage and five boys appeared.

"Hello, hello~", they sang. Hmm... One of humans looked familiar. I squinted with my human eyes and went closer to the stage, eyes still on him. He was wearing a beige coat with a leopard-skin tie, dark brown pants and boots to match. As my gaze rose, I ended up at his face.

"AH! YOU'RE THE GUY WHO STOLE MY CHICKEN!!", I yelled, pointing towards him. Unfortunately for me, he didn't hear me, but I did catch the attention of a blond guy next to him, and many girls who were glaring viciously at me. I looked around apologising while bowing to them. The girls eventually lost interest in me and went back to screaming and cheering. Wow; human girls are scary.


Suddenly, my human body suddenly grumbled. Ooh, that means my body is hungry. I had forgotten that I missed morning tea when that chicken caused a reaction. Time went by fast, I even missed lunch! That reminds me; that male human took my chicken! I paid money for that! Urgh. Well, no point going crazy over it now... Time to eat!

I headed over to an escalator, and lined up; lots of people in Seoul, you know. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an elder woman walking into metal walls which could also open like the entrance ones. I stared in her direction and decided to follow her, amused by the automatic walls. I hopped inside, just in time, before they closed and watched the woman press a button near the top of the wall; 20. Influenced, I pressed many buttons and watched them light up at my touch. I grinned at the lady, while she stared back at me. The doors opened and I peered outside. It was like another world, but similar to the shopping centre.

"Aren't you going out?", the lady asked.


"Kids...", she muttered. I just looked at her questionably then waited for the right floor.

The doors kept opening at other floors, which I realised were the same numbers as the ones I pressed. Eventually it reached the 20th floor, the last floor, where everyone got out. I I poked my head out to see a floor, filled with many shops...selling FOOD. I jumped out of the hole in the metal wall, called an elevator (someone next to me was kind enough to let me know the name of it) and wandered around. I saw a store selling soft, white cylinders in a red sauce. 'Dubokki', it read. Ooh. I wanna try it. I ended up buying some but as soon as I headed to a table to sit down and eat it, a voice was projected throughout the building.


I sighed and made my way to the elevator. It opened and I saw that many humans were occupying much of the space. Seeing as there was no space, I decided to take the escalator. Luckily, on my way, I saw another elevator that was hidden behind plants that grew in funny brown pots. I ran to press the button, and the elevator soon came. The doors opened and I squished inside, making room for my shopping bags. Then I pressed the ground floor. The 'B5' button was already lit up. Several minutes passed and the elevator still hadn't reached the ground floor yet. Getting bored, I turned around to talk to my fellow elevator buddies.


"AH! YOU!!!"

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raaaaawr #1
@nishnish: (awesome name u hav there btw :L) ok he wont b gay, just very girly since he is the 'diva' :L<br />
<br />
also, a spoiler for u guys. i'll b rewriting them wen i hav the time n motivation buh i finally remembered wat happened in the next chapters. onew finds out :)
I just subscribed... XD... Come on update!!!!! I love the story.. i wish I could make something as funny as that...
raaaaawr #3
waaah~ u guys r so nice ><"<br />
im soooo sorry! i wouldve had 3 chappies up by now buh buh.... ARGH I CANT BELIEVE I DELETED THEM ALL DD:<br />
im soooooo sooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry ><<br />
thank you for not unsubscribing tho (TT____TT)
ok ^^ i undertand since im kinda in the same-ish situation XP but im too lazy to unsubscribe
nishnish #5
no i don't think i want him to be gay.. <br />
anyways i wont unsubscribe, cos the idea is awsome and i hope you can update soon ^ ^
raaaaawr #6
do u want him to be? ;)
nishnish #7
is key gay? on this i mean? <br />
anyways love the story:)
AwkwardTurtle #8
So far so good. The whole "alien going on a vacation on earth" plot is refreshing. <br />
I hope to see Sun-Hee and Onew fill out more as characters.
raaaaawr #9
thaaank you :D<br />
i officially love u. i love ppl who like se kyung... and long comments :D<br />