No Need to Hide THAT, Onew!

Down to Earth

Sun-Hee's POV


Ah~ Today's going to be a nice day. The sky was giving us free water. A LOT OF FREE WATER. But too bad humans don't like water. They use these big, spiky, circle thingies to cover their heads. Meh, I guess I'll use it too so I look normal. I sat up, stretched, then yawned. I'm getting more used to the human actions and the things on Earth. For the past week, I had been looking around the area, getting to know the surroundings, and also to do more shopping. After 2 days worth of packing away my purchases, I decided that today would be nice to try something new, like the amusement park I read about in one of my brochures. The only thing I've been doing, has been attempting chicken and, shopping. That reminds me; the chicken guy! AND TAEMIN! Aww... I wish I could see Taemin. He would've been a nice friend and a good travelling buddy. Imagine the places we could explore together... And how many banana milk we could drink...... Well, no point thinking about that now. TIME TO RULE THE WORLD. And go to my next adventure! ...And eat humans. NO I'M KIDDING! I COME IN PEACE!


I packed my bag and headed out. The brochure said that I needed to catch a bus, a few minutes from the shopping centre and catch the one saying 386 on its 'forehead', then press the button and get off at the 5th stop, past the 'pink castle' shop selling cosplay outfits.  Once I reached the area, I headed to the bus terminal, and reached there just in time to catch the right bus; number 386. People got on the bus one by one, but what hit me was that they poked their butts out and whacked this funny device. The device went 'BEEP', and the people went back to walking into the bus. THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO PAY! Maybe if I do that too then I won't need to pay! OOH THEY'RE SMART. I went onto the bus and whacked my onto the device like the people who went in before me. There was no 'BEEP' sound so I just gave the device a weird look and started walking past the driver towards a seat, thinking there was something wrong with the machine.

"Oi." I turned around to look at the owner of the deep voice. He pointed to the device, then held out his hand. "You didn't pay."

"But the other people... Beep...?"

"Cuz they have a card. Do you?"


The women behind me rummaged in her pocket and pulled out a card. "We pay with this. I'm guessing you don't have one, so you have to pay with cash."

I stared at the card. Ohhh...

Walking back to the driver, I thanked the lady and apologised to the passengers. Aww, I have to pay with cash... I want to pay by whacking my card too... Aww.... Well, I paid, then I walked towards a seat and sat down. The ride was a few minutes, then I saw the pink castle and pressed the button. After a few more minutes, the bus stopped in front of a station called Jamsil. I went in the station and looked around. Then I found a sign, saying 'Exit #4 (Lotte World)' and went to the direction it was pointing to. When I got out, I saw a big, yellow gate saying 'Lotte World'. Ah, that must be the amusement park! I then noticed lots of other people from my bus had gotten off at the same stop too, and were going to the same place as me. We all went in through the gate and up to the booth to buy admission tickets.


When I had finished paying, I walked out of the line and looked around me. Wow. This place is like a wonderland. The first thing  that caught my eye was a rollercoaster called the 'French Revolution'. I went over to it, and joined the long line. A few hours passed as I waited in the line, but I had fun looking at the reactions of the different people on the ride. All of them were screaming; some with their hands up and grinning, others clinging onto their partner as if they were dying. There was one particular human that caught my eye on that ride, hugging the bars tightly with squinted eyes and yelling "I'M GONNA DIIIIIIIIEEEE!!! OH MY GOD! OH GOD! LEMME OFF, LEMME OFFFF!!!!!!!!" She looked quite scared. There was also human who lost their shoe during the ride.

Finally it was time for me to get onto the rollercoaster. The humans in uniforms instructed us to put on our seatbelts, and pull down our bars. When everyone was ready, the doors got locked, and we travelled along the track. At first it was quite slow. We started going upwards, like as if we were on a hill. I got bored and started swinging my legs. I looked to the side where a chubby girl was sitting. She was grabbing onto the bars and closing her eyes, tightly. Hmm, is the sun too bright for her? Anyway, we reached the top, and the ride started to tilt. Then we dropped. Fast. I heard everyone screaming, so I did it too. The ride kept going and we soon reached a swirly, round track. In the middle of it, was water and fountains shooting up. That part felt nice; there was a strong wind in your face and the fresh air of the water. After that, we went in a wavy pattern. Then I heard the girl beside me gasped and I turned to look at her. I followed her eye direction, and noticed a huge loop, then realised it was part of the ride's track. The ride then followed the track, and soon we were going upside down, on the loop. Everyone screamed then as well. What's with humans and screaming? I think they do does on every ride. After that, the ride slowed down and we came back to the start, where everyone got off. I wandered through the amusement park, trying every ride I took interest in and occasionally stopping to buy drinks like, 'soda' or 'lemonade' (they're addicting!). I also tried a ride called the Camelot Carousel. It wasn't scary but I did what humans did; scream.


"I'm sorry, miss. Did you have a medical problem? Here's the exit. I'm very sorry." A man approached me and pointed to a gate saying 'exit'. I think the ride ended.

Anyway, I headed to a separate place called 'Magic Island', that had even more rides to go on! Like this place called 'Ghost House', which had ghosts! Pale, dead humans in spirit forms! We have those type of human spirit things too, only they don't scare us, just steal our socks and go through our garbage. And there were also other things like Photo Stickers! Ahh~ I was having so much fun xD


Unfortunately for me though, nature called. And badly. Argh, why do humans have to pee?! Was it all those drinks I drank? I ran around the whole amusement park trying to find a toilet that didn't have a line. In the end, I ran outside to look for one. All the shops were closing up or didn't let anyone except 'customers' use theirs, AND I WASN'T A 'CUSTOMER'. WELL DUH, I AIN'T NO CUSTOMER! I LOOK LIKE A FRIKKIN HUMAN!

Ahem. Eventually I found portable toilets, the ones on the side of a road, and ran there. When I got there, I realised there were two toilets. One with a triangle human, and another with a normal human that has legs. I think it means that what you're wearing affects which toilet you go to! Well, since I'm not wearing a triangle, and just pants, I'll go into the toilet with legs. I then opened the door.


Ha, guess who I ran into? Chicken-theft dude.



Onew's POV


"Manager hyung! I need to pee! Can't you just stop at a shop or something? I really, really need to go!"

"Hold it. Sleep or something to get your mind off it. We'll be there in like half an hour anyway."

"That's too long!! Please hyung!"

"Just hold it."

"...If you don't lemme pee, I'll do it in your car."

"What?! Eww... Don't do that! You'll ruin the scent of my new perfume! I need it to beat Nicole!" Key, obviously. But I still continued. "On the count of three! One... Two... Th--"

"W-WAIT! Lemme find a place first! Just don't pee on my car! It was expensive!"

Yay! Dubulge, my dear, did you hear that? Manager is finding a toilet for you! You can pee soon! Just a little longer!  :D


The car stopped and our manager unlocked the door, practically chucking me out before I could ruin his poor baby. I looked around and spotted a portable toilet. Ahh, I need to pee  >__<

I ran towards it and flung open the door, rushing in, closing it again and ping my fly. DUBULGE, LET IT RIP!!! I was enjoying paradise for a while, when the door opened. I turned around.

Person with... Long hair... Long hair equals... Girl... Girl? GIRL?!


"Ouch my ears > <"

"What the heck?! Close the door; can't you see I'm peeing here?! Cover your eyes, or even better, get out!"

"Hmm? What's wrong? ...Ooh hey! That dangling thing! I haven't seen those in a while! Speaking of which, the people where I come from have that too! Only they don't cover it."

Where I come from....? Don't cover it? Where does she come from? Does she live near a strip club? Or next to a beach?? ...Ack, that's not the point here! "Don't look! Get out! Out, out, OUT!"

"What are you so embarrassed about? It's pretty big..."

"Haha, it's not that big..." Oh, wait. This isn't the time to get flattered! "Anyways, just get out!! OUT!"

"What?! I came here to pee! So YOU get out!"





I was about to talk back to her but then I heard something outside.

"I wonder what's going on in there..."

"Do you think it's a lover's quarrel...?"

"Dunno. Want to go in and check if everything's okay?"

Oh . People can hear us outside. Ugh, I better go before something worse happens. "Okay, whatever, fine! I'm getting out!!!"

I finished up, and got out. Then a person walked up to me. "Hey, were you okay in there?"

I put on a different voice, pretending like it wasn't me. "Oh you mean the people that were arguing? That wasn't me, I think you're talking about the ones in the other toilet stall."

The person nodded slowly, and I took that chance to get to the car.

"So, did you manage to pee?", manager hyung asked, annoyed.

"Ha. Ha! ...Not even half of it. Can we go to a different place?"

"What?! You're kidding me!!!"

I'm sorry, my poor Dubulge. I'll get that girl back for you another time.



Sun-Hee's POV


Ahhhhhhhh~ I finally got to pee :D

Strange thing is, when I got out, I saw people lining up, but none of them looked like me. I mean, they wore pants as well... But they didn't have long hair. One of them was even bold! Plus, they didn't have bumps on their chests! All flat, I tell you, FLAT.

And they looked at me weirdly. All wide-eyed, gaping, or glaring at me.

To make matters even worse, when I tried to go back to the amusement park, THEY DIDN'T LET ME BACK IN!

......Well, if I look on the bright side of things, at least I got to pee.




A/N: Hey hey!!! Sorry for not updating! It's after the 5th of December, so like I said, I will be making it up to you guys! A nice, extra long chapter awaits you! HELL, THERE AIN'T NO WAY I AM STICKING A THOUSAND NEEDLES IN EACH OF MY EYES.

Anyway~ Did you notice that her bus number spelt 'fun', on a mobile number pad? :D

And also, I'm sorry. All I seem to talk about is pee. But hey! Coincidently, this chapter was written when I needed to pee as well!


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raaaaawr #1
@nishnish: (awesome name u hav there btw :L) ok he wont b gay, just very girly since he is the 'diva' :L<br />
<br />
also, a spoiler for u guys. i'll b rewriting them wen i hav the time n motivation buh i finally remembered wat happened in the next chapters. onew finds out :)
I just subscribed... XD... Come on update!!!!! I love the story.. i wish I could make something as funny as that...
raaaaawr #3
waaah~ u guys r so nice ><"<br />
im soooo sorry! i wouldve had 3 chappies up by now buh buh.... ARGH I CANT BELIEVE I DELETED THEM ALL DD:<br />
im soooooo sooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry ><<br />
thank you for not unsubscribing tho (TT____TT)
ok ^^ i undertand since im kinda in the same-ish situation XP but im too lazy to unsubscribe
nishnish #5
no i don't think i want him to be gay.. <br />
anyways i wont unsubscribe, cos the idea is awsome and i hope you can update soon ^ ^
raaaaawr #6
do u want him to be? ;)
nishnish #7
is key gay? on this i mean? <br />
anyways love the story:)
AwkwardTurtle #8
So far so good. The whole "alien going on a vacation on earth" plot is refreshing. <br />
I hope to see Sun-Hee and Onew fill out more as characters.
raaaaawr #9
thaaank you :D<br />
i officially love u. i love ppl who like se kyung... and long comments :D<br />