Supermarket Gone Wrong.

Down to Earth


Onew's POV


I headed down the stairs, putting on the hood of my jacket. It was early, but I can never be too careful.

Argh. It's so unfair that I have to get the milk! I didn't even drink a cupful of it! And they even ganged up on me!! Well anyway, I walked down the street. Not surprisingly, there weren't much people. Just old ones on their morning walk and stuff. No one that would recognise me. I reached the shop after several minutes and straight away headed to the fridge. Hmm, I'll buy normal milk plus banana milk for Taemin. After getting the milk, I closed the fridge and turned around to go to the register. But my eyes came into contact with a young girl in the other aisle. I hope she doesn't know who I am... Then, I realised she was that retarded girl who didn't let me pee!! We glared at each other, then she walked off somewhere so I headed towards the register. To my amazement, there was actually a line at this time...of old people. I better hurry home before it becomes too late. Then out of nowhere, just as I was about to queue up, someone cut in front of me! The girl turned around and grinned mischievously at me. AHH. She's the one from before! How dare she cut in front of THE Dubu Leader!!! Grrr... I'll get her back next time... And for Dubulge too! Nevertheless, I paid for the milk and we both went our separate ways; me to the dorm, and her...wherever she was headed. Why was she even up so early...?!



Sun-Hee's POV


I headed out of the shop with my newly bought 'snacks'. Chips, lollies, ice-cream, soda, tea... The list goes on, heehee! I woke up exceptionally early today. The guide book (A/N: which is like an iPad) from my planet said it's nice to go somewhere early in the morning on Earth. Apparently it feels really nice and fresh, different from the midday air. The place I was headed was Han River, which was a refreshing place recommended by the guide book. I planned to eat snacks and take pictures of the view. Then after that, go to a 'swimming centre'. I was signed up for a private swimming class that started early in the morning. Swimming is supposedly another form of transport that humans use with their legs. I followed the directions given by the guide, and went towards the river. There were also signs on the streets showing me where to go, so it was pretty easy to get there.


I reached the riverside and looked for a nice place to rest. There was a dock, which is a wooden platform hovering on top the river. It's normally used for boats to stop by (another form of transport) or fishing. I wanna try fishing one day... And gutting a fish! I heard it's quite fun! I went over and had a mini picnic on the dock, dangling my feet off the edge while enjoying the morning breeze...The guide was right; the morning air was really different from daytime air. Much more clear and refreshing. The temperature was comfortable too. It was so nice that I nearly missed my class! I had to run to the swimming centre. I think my teacher, Ms Dolphins, was listening to music in her head when I reached there though... She was crossing her arms and tapping her foot. Although she did glare at me... Well, I hurried to the change rooms and got rid of my casual attire, then into these tight clothes made with different material. Swimwear, it's called. I ran out with my things and placed into a 'locker'. A box similar to the security systems in my home planet. My teacher was already in the water when I came out. She beckoned for me to get in as well. The water went up to hip/waist area.

"Ahem. Anyway, today we'll be learning how to float since I've already taught you how to breathe."

I nodded. She told me to stretch out my arms and overlap my hands so that they looked like triangle. Then I was instructed to lie down on my stomach; legs up, with the same arm position, but also hold my breath and put my chin to my chest.


Time flew by, and soon it was already afternoon. Class ended with my extra knowledge of how to float on my tummy and on my back! It was nearly lunch, and I still had more snacks from this morning leftover. Eating the rest of it, I sat on my towel, waking a break and looking at the humans having fun together. It reminded me of home. Sighing, I got up, and went back into the water, practising what I had learnt the past two days. Eventually, the pool became more deserted and the sky more dark. I checked the time and realised it was pretty late. I guess it's time to go home.

When I got back into my apartment, I suddenly felt a weird wet feeling 'down there'. OMG WHAT IF AN EARTH CREATURE GOT LOST THERE?! Running to the bathroom, I checked what had happened. Realising I had what female humans call a 'period', I stuffed tissue on my underwear, ran out, grabbed my wallet and rushed to the nearest convenience store.



Onew's POV


"GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT! GET OUT!!!!!" Key screeched. I had been kicked out of our dorm just for the reason of using his shampoo. Continuously.


"But it's already so late, can't we do this tomorro--"

"NO! NOW GTFO!!!" He then slammed the door, locking it shut.

I sat there sulking for a while, hoping Key would open the door. Then again, knowing Key, if you use his things, you're pretty much a hobo until you get your own. Deciding that sitting on the doorstep would do me no good, I headed to a convenience store that sold Key's shampoo.

After a while, I reached another convenience store and walked in. I searched the shelves and finally found what I was looking for. On my way to the register, I blindly walked into a really...girly aisle. I kept walking, pretending like I hadn't noticed when I spotted a girl with two packets of pads in her hands, alternating between them. She must've heard me come closer, because she swirled her head around to look at me. Oh my, oh my. It's the weird, blue girl. ROUND 2, ONEW SHALL WIN! *battle cry*

Well, that's what my head was saying. But to maintain my idol image, I walked up to her calmly.

"Hey, chicken guy! What's the difference between wings and no wings? Does one fly?" She questioned. Does a normal girl ask a GUY what type of pad she should use?!

".............................Uhm. You shouldn't be asking guys this..."

"Hm? Why not? Don't they have something similar, only it's white?"

"Uhh. You shouldn't ask those things. Just use the wings."

"Ooh ok then, thanks!!!" Then she grabbed a few and happily skipped to the counter.


I dashed for it, making it just in time to get in front of her. Then I turned around and smirked at her.

"What you smirking at, huh, boy?! Ain't no youngster gonna hit on me!!" My face was slapped with a handbag. By an old lady. Who thought I was hitting on her. Eeeeew...

"Ahem. The items come to a total of 4500won" Oh right, the register.

"Ah, sorry." I reached into my pocket to get out my wallet.

...Hm. Maybe it's in the other pocket... No... I left it in my bag...on the home... OMG I LEFT MY WALLET AT HOME!

"Uh, sir? The money?"

"Oh! Uhm! ...Eheheh. Can I buy it on credit?"

"No... I'm sorry."

"I'll dance and sing for you? Or do you want me to hug you? Do you want a strand of my hair?"

"If you can't afford it, please leave. You're holding up the other customers."

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the blue toilet girl. She stepped in front of me and handed the counter person her stuff, and money. "He's with me."

The irritated salesperson turned into a very happy one. "Thank you, come again!"

Psh. You disgraceful penny pincher! Then I turned around to talk to the blue toilet girl. "Why did you pay for me...?"

"Ah, that? It was thanks for letting me go in line first last time."

"Oh... Thanks, I'll pay you back another time."

"No problem, I'll see you later~" And with that we parted once again.



A/N: Hello there readers! Sorry if this chapter is boring. If you ever read my author's notes, you'll know that the ideas haven't been coming into my head lately. So yeah... Sorry bout that.

And I couldn't find a good name for the teacher. So I was thinking of naming her Ms Swimms, but that's too...ordinary and Western like. So I thought of animals. Dolphins can swim, yeah? Plus they're good at it, and they're cute! So I named her Ms Dolphins. Now for her first name... Keheheheh....

Well, I have sooo many ideas for this story, but I just dunno how to add it to the story  > <

It just doesn't fit in order. And I don't want Onew to find out so soon and commit himself to her. That's so unnatural. Even if my alien story is unnatural already. Well, meh. Screw it. I'll figure it out somehow. By the way, if you guys want anything to happen in the story, give me a comment/wall post and I'll write something along the lines. Plus it's helping me, since I don't really know how to piece things together at the moment. Don't worry, I will reference you as well, so you won't go uncredited!

Well, I shall be going now!

TTFN! Tuff Tuff For Now!!! (Tigger from Winnie, the Pooh Bear) :D

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raaaaawr #1
@nishnish: (awesome name u hav there btw :L) ok he wont b gay, just very girly since he is the 'diva' :L<br />
<br />
also, a spoiler for u guys. i'll b rewriting them wen i hav the time n motivation buh i finally remembered wat happened in the next chapters. onew finds out :)
I just subscribed... XD... Come on update!!!!! I love the story.. i wish I could make something as funny as that...
raaaaawr #3
waaah~ u guys r so nice ><"<br />
im soooo sorry! i wouldve had 3 chappies up by now buh buh.... ARGH I CANT BELIEVE I DELETED THEM ALL DD:<br />
im soooooo sooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry ><<br />
thank you for not unsubscribing tho (TT____TT)
ok ^^ i undertand since im kinda in the same-ish situation XP but im too lazy to unsubscribe
nishnish #5
no i don't think i want him to be gay.. <br />
anyways i wont unsubscribe, cos the idea is awsome and i hope you can update soon ^ ^
raaaaawr #6
do u want him to be? ;)
nishnish #7
is key gay? on this i mean? <br />
anyways love the story:)
AwkwardTurtle #8
So far so good. The whole "alien going on a vacation on earth" plot is refreshing. <br />
I hope to see Sun-Hee and Onew fill out more as characters.
raaaaawr #9
thaaank you :D<br />
i officially love u. i love ppl who like se kyung... and long comments :D<br />