

“Just live how you want Your life is yours

Don’t try so hard It’s alright to lose

Errbody say La la la la la (La la la la la)”

Taehyung was singing out loud while he dances in front of the mirror. He can’t help it. Tomorrow is his last day as a servant and most importantly, Dahyun will remove the curse. He can now get on with something like a normal life.

“Say la la la la la (La la la la la)

Put your hands up and shout Burn it up

Burning – WAHHH!” Taehyung jumped back when he suddenly spotted a pale lady in a black nightgown standing in the door frame and for a second, he though he saw a ghost but turned out to be just Dahyun. She can actually portray as a ghost in any horror movies.

“You startled me!” Taehyung said reproachfully, his hand flew to his chest as it’s still beating fast.

“Having fun, huh?”

“Not really. I was just practicing my singing and dancing skills.”

“Where’s my notebook?” she asked defiantly, making him more nervous.

Dahyun looks angry and scary. Taehyung could almost see the flame of the candle reflecting in her eyes, like there’s dancing fire in her pupils.

“What notebook?” he denies. Taehyung had totally forgotten to return her notebook.

“You took my notebook!”

“I – I... don’t know what you’re saying.” If he admits his sin then there’s a big chances that Dahyun will turn him into a cockroach. “You must have misplaced it.”

Dahyun’s eyes twitched in annoyance. “So you’re still denying when I saw you entered my room and took my notebook from my witch pan!”

Taehyung felt his own jaw drop open. He didn’t know that witches has a power like a video camera that can record and replay a scene. In other words, he’s dead!

“Sorry Dahyun. I don’t have any bad intention. I’ve been admiring witches lately... and thought that you are so cool and wanted to gain little knowledge about witchcraft that’s why I took your notebook. I was really planning to return it. It’s just that –”

“I told you not to enter my room, didn’t I!?”

“Please forgive me, I swear, I didn’t touch anything, just the notebook.”

“What I hate the most are those who don’t comply with my simple instruction, invade my privacy, steals my belongings and a liar! You really made me angry this time and because of that, you will – ”

“No...!” Taehyung folded his hands as he pleads for forgiveness. “Have mercy on me! Don’t turn me into an insect. Please...!”

“Another week.”


“You’re supposed to finish your job here the day after tomorrow. But because you made me mad and you disobey my command, you’re going to stay here for another week.”

Another week in the house? Are you kidding me?

“Would you rather be a cockroach than stay here for another week?”

Cockroach? Witches could read minds, too? “I’ll stay for another week.”

“Give me back my notebook!”

“Yes, ma’am,” then he quickly moved to return her notebook.

“The next time you you enter my room, I’ll summon bad spirits and sell your souls. Do you understand?!” Dahyun warned and then leave.

Taehyung slumped back down into the chair and buried his face in his hands. He thought that his mission was finally accomplished, but bad luck still dogged him. He groaned in frustration.

He jumped when the phone rang, glancing at the caller ID he saw that it was Jimin. He had been updating him about his plight with the witch since day one.

“You know what dude, if you really believe that Dahyun is not a bad witch and that she also has a soft side then my strategy will surely work.”

“And what was that?”

“Be nice to her. Stop teasing her. Avoid doing things that you would irritate her. Be a friend to her and show some concern. I know it’s hard to earn her trust but do it properly and don’t make it too obvious that you are just acting. Have you forgotten how to court a girl? Do it with Dahyun too? Why don’t you bring some sweetness into her life? Show her how sweet loving you could be and then maybe in three days you’ll finally win her trust.”

Taehyung nodded. “Didn’t I tell you that you’re the best advisor I ever had?”

“Then you owe me a drink.”


Dahyun noticed that Taehyung has been working so hard the past days. He had completed all works without any further instructions from her. He didn’t complain nor protest and does the job thoroughly which was really strange. She sometimes caught him singing while mopping the floor, cleaning the toilet and wiping the furniture. He really did change after what happened that night. Maybe he reflected on his mistakes and decided to work hard and make things right between them so he can finally go back home.    

She didn’t feel any guilt at all about his work’s extension but now seeing Taehyung in this kind of persona makes her want to apologize and end his service. He wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place and act as a servant. She knows that he has more important things to do in Seoul but she have isolated him here. Had she crossed a line?

Dahyun unlocked the door and went straight into the kitchen and saw Taehyung, busy cooking for dinner.

“Do you need anything?” he asked.

“Nothing...” Dahyun opened the refrigerator and took out the pitcher of lemonade. She then walked to the cupboard and got out a glass.

“I’m cooking my favourite. Hope you will like it too.”

“What’s that?”

“Soft tofu stew.” He responded, smiling down at her but it faded-out quickly as he mentioned his ex. “Irene like this too... she always self-concious about her body but then she eat a lot when I cooked her favorite.”

He is probably still in love with her. “It sounds like you miss her so much?”

“We have a lot of good memories together and I was about to proposed to her when she suddenly left me without any reasons at all. Last thing I heard, she’s already in states.”

 “You didn’t feel any resentment toward her?”

“I did but I couldn’t afford to get mad at her for too long and it doesn’t change my love for her. That’s why I’m here, maybe Irene will come back to me once the curse has been removed.”

“You love her that much? You still want her back after she dumped you?”

Taehyung nodded. “Love overrides anger. If you love someone even how much they have hurt you, you can always ready to forgive. It may sounds foolish but it’s true. There’s always gonna be that one person in your life that you can’t walk away from even if you know you have too.”

Looking him straight in the eyes, she saw it: the seriousness and sincerity that showed he meant those words.

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Chapter 9: Wooooow I just found this, and this is awesome!!
When will you update it? It is so great, author-nim.
Chapter 9: please please please update sooooooon ! I love this so much
Kim_Ya_Dha #3
Chapter 9: I love this; continue soon I'm wondering how this will turn out
Chapter 9: I love these kind of characters! I've been imagining GFRIEND's Eunha as Dahyun. The image of her beauty couldn't leave my mind alone.
mariatiarap #5
Chapter 8: Theyre so cute. Haha I laughed while reading this. It's such a comedy story! Haha
ladygdragon #6
Chapter 7: I love it and i need more author-nim...
I Love dahyun and taehyung characters, they are funny af xd
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 7: Wkwkwk why taehyung so funny... dahyun really a witch how she can using taehyung like that wkwkwkwk... its become more interesting...
Chapter 6: Wkwkwkwkw why taehyung so innocence even he was a playboy befire wkwkwk... this story was interesting...
fifinellaa #10
Chapter 5: waaah, finally an update :D
btw, nice chapter ^^. Still looking forward for next chapter :D