

Dahyun finally finished the first part of her story, she glanced at the clock on her computer screen; it was almost seven o’clock in the evening.

She began to be a writer a year ago and her first full-length of book became famous that’s why her readers demanded a sequel which was she currently working on.

Rising from her chair, she stretched her arms and legs to loosen the stiff muscles and walked out her room to eat dinner. As she paced across the living room she noticed her house all messy and her laundry basket already full. Her maid just called a while ago that she can’t report the whole week because someone died in their family and needs to visit her hometown.

Dahyun sighed. “I don’t have much time to clean it up.”

After she ate dinner, Dahyun slipped outside to make sure the gate is close properly. Then, in her surprise, she saw Taehyung sleeping in the porch and was trying to make himself small enough to fit on the wooden chair.

Dahyun tapped his leg to wake him up. “Why are you still here? I told you to go away.”

Taehyung sat straight up in the chair and gave her a look of surprise. “I fell asleep while waiting for you to come out.”

“Leave before I turn you into a rabbit.”

“Oh c’mon, Dahyun. I won’t leave here until you forgive me.”

“So you’re trying my patience, huh?” She said testily.

“I want to make a bargain with you.”

“Bargain?” That interest her.

“You just tell me how much will it cost to take back the curse and I’ll pay.” He said in a serious tone.

Anger flared inside her body. “You think you can buy me with your money? Sorry to say but I don’t need that!”

“Okay, if you don’t want my money then how about a service?”


Taehyung nodded, “I can be your massage therapist. I can massage and relax your tired shoulders or if you want a… full body massage I can also do that.” His lips curling in a playful grin.

Dahyun stared at him fiercely. “Are you kidding me?”

“No. It’s just an example from me and it’s up to you what do you want me to do in exchange of what I need from you.”

Taehyung look so desperate right now and Dahyun couldn’t help but feel guilty about lying to him.

“Please accept my offer Dahyun.”

“Hmm…” Dahyun pretending to think deeply while Taehyung staring at her, waiting for a positive response from her. Then after a few seconds she finally agreed. “Okay.”

Taehyung’s face brightens up rapidly. “Yes!” He looks like a man who just won the jackpot. “Thanks, Dahyun! So what do you want me to do?”

“Do you know how to cook?”

“Yes! I know how to cook. I live on my own that’s why I can cook anything. So… that’s it?”

“Be my servant for a week.”

Amusement danced in his eyes, but he managed to keep his face straight. “Servant?”

“Yes, my maid took a vacation so I want you to be her temporary replacement even just for a week.”

Taehyung didn’t say anything. He was staring blankly at her.

“You look like you disagree?”

“This model type of face just looks like a maid to you? He groaned, pointing his index finger to his face. “Seriously, Dahyun? That’s not fair.”

How conceited guy he was and for his information he doesn’t look attractive at all.

“Just take it or leave it. If you really can’t do it then I’m not going to force you anyway.” Dahyun said as she started to walk inside the house.

“Wait, Dahyun!”

She stopped in her tracks but she did not look back at him.

“Yes, I’m willing to be your servant for a week.”

She smiled wickedly.


Dahyun brought Taehyung to the servant room. She had fun seeing his jaws drop. It was a small room where her maid is sleeping.

“This is my room?” he said in disbelief.


“This is where I’m going to stay for one week?”

Dahyun nodded as a response.

“But this is a servant quarter. Can I just stay in one of your guest room instead? You know this room is so small. I think I can’t properly breathe here.”

“Excuse me but you’re not my guest. You are my servant and this is where a servant like you sleep.”

Dahyun could see his teeth gritting and his nostrils flaring in annoyance but then it quickly fades. She knew he was afraid of her and he can’t do something harmful because she’s a witch according to him and that means he’s no match for her.

“Yeah you’re right I’m a servant.” He gives her his best fake smile. “

“Good. So put your baggage there and you can start cleaning the house tomorrow.”


“Don’t be afraid I won’t give you difficult task.”


“Yep.” Then she started to list all the work he needs to accomplish for the whole week.

Taehyung’s face look dismay. “The work was very easy indeed.” He stated emphasizing the word “work” and “easy”.

“Good. So if I’m satisfied with your performance and you finished it in one week then I will take back the curse. But if you do something wrong without a good excuse, you will be punished. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Dahyun.”

“Don’t call me by my name. We’re not close. Call me Ma’am.”

“Ma’am….” He smiled with gritting teeth.

“Okay. Then it’s settled.” Dahyun was about to leave when she remembered something. “By the way, I just want to warn you that don’t you ever plan to put poison in my food or else the curse will never vanish and when I die, my spirit will visit you every night until you can’t take the terror anymore and end up killing yourself.”

He looks frighten. “I won’t do that. I’m here to make up with you not to do something unlawful.”

“Good. And lastly, my room is off-limits just so you know.”

WITCH.” He uttered when Dahyun finally gone. 

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Chapter 9: Wooooow I just found this, and this is awesome!!
When will you update it? It is so great, author-nim.
Chapter 9: please please please update sooooooon ! I love this so much
Kim_Ya_Dha #3
Chapter 9: I love this; continue soon I'm wondering how this will turn out
Chapter 9: I love these kind of characters! I've been imagining GFRIEND's Eunha as Dahyun. The image of her beauty couldn't leave my mind alone.
mariatiarap #5
Chapter 8: Theyre so cute. Haha I laughed while reading this. It's such a comedy story! Haha
ladygdragon #6
Chapter 7: I love it and i need more author-nim...
I Love dahyun and taehyung characters, they are funny af xd
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 7: Wkwkwk why taehyung so funny... dahyun really a witch how she can using taehyung like that wkwkwkwk... its become more interesting...
Chapter 6: Wkwkwkwkw why taehyung so innocence even he was a playboy befire wkwkwk... this story was interesting...
fifinellaa #10
Chapter 5: waaah, finally an update :D
btw, nice chapter ^^. Still looking forward for next chapter :D