

Two years later

Taehyung pours himself another shot of whiskey and then swallows the amber liquid in one quick gulp. "I don't drink. I don't even like the taste of this stuff." He closed his eyes hoping to wash away the pain and distrust festering deep inside his heart.

"Then you should stop, idiot. You're already drunk." Jimin growled, snatching the drink out of his hand but failed.

"But I need this to help me get through tonight," he mutters and looked back at Jimin. "And I'm not yet drunk, okay?"

Jimin sighed heavily. "Is it because of Irene... again? You can't still accept the fact that she left you already?"

Irene was his girlfriend for a year. He was about to propose to her but she dumped him without any reason at all.

"Dude, it had been a month, move on! She's not the only girl in the universe beside it doesn't suit you to act like that. Just forget her."

"Although, I really get hurt for what she did, I still love her and I want her back. But this is not just about her, okay.”

"Then what? What's your problem?"

"Haven't you noticed? I'd been dumped not just once but twice already by different girl. I can't believe this thing happened to me."

"So it is also about Sooyoung your ex before Irene?"

"Yeah. They dumped me." He grinned mirthlessly.

"But you don't really love her, right? she was just your fling?"

"That's not true! I did love her. The fact that I made them my official girlfriends and introduced them to my family, means I'm serious about my relationship to them. The issue here is, they all left me. Don't you think that's weird?" Taehyung said as he twirled the wine around in his glass before taking a sip.

Jimin nodded. "Yes it's weird since you were the one who dumped girls before. If you're having a run of bad luck, maybe you just have some bad karma you need to work on."

"C'mon, I'm not a total playboy." He elbowed his friend who’s sitting next to him on the couch. They were having a drink session in his house. "This is really strange. Something is definitely wrong. I felt as if I'd been cursed or something."

Jimin's smile suddenly faded, replaced by frightened hesitation in his eyes. "Cursed?"

"Yeah. It was too bad to be true. I never imagine myself being dumped by the girls I used to love.” Taehyung touched his forehead, feeling dizzy and queasy. The third round of whiskey made him tipsy. “That's why I felt that as if I have been cursed and I'm afraid that if I fall in love again, the third time, probably the girl will leave me like what Sooyoung and Irene did to me."

After a few seconds of silence, he noticed Jimin remained agonizingly quiet and was staring blankly at the label of an unopened whisky bottle.

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

"Maybe you were right. I think the curse is real, you have been cursed."     

"What? by who?"

"Do you still remember Dahyun?"

Taehyung turned at him in bug-eyed shock."Dahyun!" His dizziness speedily disappeared as he heard her name.

"Yeah... the witch girl that according to you…” said Jimin, giving him a suspicious look. “you accidentally fall onto her lips during Jin’s party."

“It’s really an accident!”

“She’s absolutely cheesed off with you since you don’t stop pestering her quite life as a witch way back in college.”

“Hey! Your words are harsh… I’m just trying to be friends with her.”

“But that’s what Dahyun think of you, a pest. Didn’t I warn you?”

“I guess you’re right. She might be the reason of all the bad things that happened to me the past few years. She has cursed me…” He concluded as he slumped back on the couch, looking hopeless and distracted.

“If she’s the culprit then you must do something before it’s too late or else you’ll be suffered and that the rest of your life would filled with nothing but heartache and pain. You’ll never get married. That’s tragic.”

“No way!” Taehyung snapped, strongly opposed to Jimin’s words.

“Hey, where are you going?” Jimin asked when Taehyung suddenly stood up and walked towards the door.

“I need to find her, now.”

“Seriously? In this hour? Dude it’s eleven o’clock in the evening and I’m afraid that you may end up sleeping on the street since you don’t even know in the first place where exactly she is right now. Stupid!”

“Oh, you’re right.” He’d go back to the couch and took another drink, bringing the level down below half. “Where on earth can I find her?”

“Why don’t you pay Jin a visit tomorrow.”

“Good idea.” Taehyung’s face brightens up on his friend’s suggestion.

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Chapter 9: Wooooow I just found this, and this is awesome!!
When will you update it? It is so great, author-nim.
Chapter 9: please please please update sooooooon ! I love this so much
Kim_Ya_Dha #3
Chapter 9: I love this; continue soon I'm wondering how this will turn out
Chapter 9: I love these kind of characters! I've been imagining GFRIEND's Eunha as Dahyun. The image of her beauty couldn't leave my mind alone.
mariatiarap #5
Chapter 8: Theyre so cute. Haha I laughed while reading this. It's such a comedy story! Haha
ladygdragon #6
Chapter 7: I love it and i need more author-nim...
I Love dahyun and taehyung characters, they are funny af xd
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 7: Wkwkwk why taehyung so funny... dahyun really a witch how she can using taehyung like that wkwkwkwk... its become more interesting...
Chapter 6: Wkwkwkwkw why taehyung so innocence even he was a playboy befire wkwkwk... this story was interesting...
fifinellaa #10
Chapter 5: waaah, finally an update :D
btw, nice chapter ^^. Still looking forward for next chapter :D