

“! This is like a hell,” Taehyung cursed as he the faucet, filled the sink with soapy water and began washing the dishes. He wanted to shout at the top of his lungs, throw the plate at the ceiling, sweep all of the dishes off the table and hear them crash on the floor, play like some huge animal loose in a tiny world and roar like a tiger.

He had managed to clean the whole house and backyard in two days. Yesterday, he washed all the dirty clothes of Dahyun, including the bed sheets and the blankets. It’s been three days since the day he agreed to be her slave and never in his wildest imagination had he thought to be a servant! But Dahyun is a witch. Even though she’s a woman, he’s still nothing against her. Dahyun has a power to turn him into an ugly frog or a cockroach and stomp him into the floor until he dies. Taehyung knows that it was her way to get even with him and it seems like she’s enjoying his suffering. She was really a witch.

After cleaning the kitchen, Taehyung went back to his ironing and forced himself to appear relaxed and energetic. He felt someone’s presence and abruptly turned around and saw Dahyun, examining a stack of neatly folded clothes sitting on the table. She doesn’t look pleased at all.

“You didn’t scrub?” she sounds irritated while looking down at the white tablecloth.

“Should I need to scrub it? I used washing machine.”

Dahyun sighed heavily, “If there’s a stain, you scrub it. If traces of the stain persist, you use chlorine.”

“But I just don’t know how to wash clothes! To be very honest with you, I never did this before and this was actually my first attempt to launder someone’s clothes because mine always took to a professional place to wash. And I think you know why. I’m a rich man and I can afford any laundry services.”

She smirked. “You’re a rich man, huh? Well I don’t care if you’re a man or even if you’re a prince in your own place because here in my house, you’re just a houseboy. So you follow what I say and obey my commands. If I told you to wash the clothes, you do it properly!” Dahyun rolled her eyes and continue her inspection, this time she’s checking the clothes he finished ironing in the hanging rack. “Look, you missed the sleeves.”

“Sorry, I thought it’s a sleeveless.” He joked.

Dahyun’s eyes twitched in annoyance. “You also don’t know how to iron? Are you really this stupid?” Feeling no remorse, she began her lecture again at a faster pace.

Taehyung tries to listen carefully to every single word she has say or else Dahyun will turn him into a frog but his eyes landed perfectly on her lips instead. When he accidently kissed her, two things instantaneously cropped up his mind that very moment. One, she has swollen and soft lips. Second, it felt shockingly sweet.

"What are you looking at?" Dahyun hissed when she had caught him staring intensely at her.


"The next time I catch you not paying attention to what I'm saying, I will turn your ears into an elf ears."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Taehyung watched her walked away. He smiled. She was one cute, y witch. Most likely, she was single and never had a boyfriend in her entire witch life. Who would like to have a grumpy witch girlfriend like her anyway. Dahyun will grow old and never get married that's for sure.




He quickly entered Dahyun's room when he saw her went into the bathroom.  Well, he knows that it was against the rule to invade into her secret room but his curiosity is killing him. Dahyun spent all day in her room, coming downstair only for her noon meal and after that he won't see her again for another 20 hours. What the hell is she doing there anyway? Doesn't she go to work? He wondered what her source of living was and where does the money that Dahyun gave him every day for groceries come from?

She's indeed a mysterious woman, that's why Taehyung took advantage in this kind of situation. He just needed to find out what she was hiding and of course the voodoo doll she used to curse him. Maybe, removing at least one or two pins will lessen the power of the curse or the witchcraft notebook that he saw two years ago. There's probably a healing spell in it.

Taehyung spun and surveyed the room. He was actually expecting to see a skull, statue or any scary images but then he's totally wrong. It's just like a normal room. There's an open laptop on the study table and walls were lined with bookshelves filled with sturdy old leather-bound volumes.

Taehyung lunged to the shelves, quickly scanning the titles until a book caught his attention. The book with the black cover, the Book of Spells.  "This is it," he whispered to himself, edging the cloth-bound book off the shelf and into his hands. He walks out the room immediately back toward the servant quarter.

Taehyung opens the book and begins flipping through the pages until he reached the end, hoping to find any healing spell but in his dismay, there's nothing related to his curse at all. He also noticed that all the spells written in the book were all good spells which is really odd since Dahyun is a black witch, she must only practice bad witchcraft.

But what if Dahyun is actually a good witch? Taehyung shook his head sharply as if to rid of intruding thoughts. The fact that Dahyun gave him an inhumane curse and made him a servant were enough to labeled her as a black witch.

Taehyung nearly jumped out of his skin with the sudden appearance of Dahyun. He quickly hid the book behind his back which made her feel suspicious of him.

"What's that? why are you hiding it from me?"

"Umm... it's a... playboy magazine." He smiled widely.

Dahyun shook her head slowly with an expression of a total disgust on her face. "You're such a . Anyway, cook me dinner. This ought to be good."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Taehyung finally breathe when Dahyun left the room. He almost got caught, good thing he's good in making excuses. He hid the notebook under his bed for the meantime until he get another chance to sneak inside her room again and return the notebook before she finds out that it's missing.

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Chapter 9: Wooooow I just found this, and this is awesome!!
When will you update it? It is so great, author-nim.
Chapter 9: please please please update sooooooon ! I love this so much
Kim_Ya_Dha #3
Chapter 9: I love this; continue soon I'm wondering how this will turn out
Chapter 9: I love these kind of characters! I've been imagining GFRIEND's Eunha as Dahyun. The image of her beauty couldn't leave my mind alone.
mariatiarap #5
Chapter 8: Theyre so cute. Haha I laughed while reading this. It's such a comedy story! Haha
ladygdragon #6
Chapter 7: I love it and i need more author-nim...
I Love dahyun and taehyung characters, they are funny af xd
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 7: Wkwkwk why taehyung so funny... dahyun really a witch how she can using taehyung like that wkwkwkwk... its become more interesting...
Chapter 6: Wkwkwkwkw why taehyung so innocence even he was a playboy befire wkwkwk... this story was interesting...
fifinellaa #10
Chapter 5: waaah, finally an update :D
btw, nice chapter ^^. Still looking forward for next chapter :D