

"He was cursed?" Taehyung knotted his forehead while looking straight at Jimin. They were talking about Ho Seok, one of their friends who was absent for almost two weeks.


"Yes dude! I know it's hard to believe but that's exactly the reason of his absence. He got lots of unknown red spot all over his body!" Jimin spoke out loud, made the passers-by looked at them oddly. "Even the doctor they visited doesn’t know where the red spot came from and just gave them useless ointment which never works. So they tried to consult with a teller and according to her there's a witchcraft thing-"


"That's totally absurd," Taehyung cut him off. "Where on earth did you get that idea? Maybe he just ate expired food or anything that makes him like that. You know Ho Seok, he's such a glutton."


"His family told me, eh. And from what I've heard, witches are real."


He snorted. "That's what you get from watching super natural movies. Grow up! You're not a kid anymore for believing in some weird stuff." Taehyung said as he took a sip of his coffee. They were sitting in one of the bench inside the University ground. "Instead of focusing on those things, why don't we just do chicks-hunting, eh."


"I like that," Jimin winked at him with playful smiles on his face and then looked around as he's started already his ‘chicks-hunt’.


"So... you also don't believe that Dahyun is a witch?"




Jimin pointed his lips to the girl who's walking towards their direction. It was Dahyun, the girl who wears black dress all the time with her super long black hair and the palest girl he had ever met, she could portray as a ghost in a horror movie. Dahyun has this expressionless face with some kind of dark aura surrounding her that makes the students of this University feel so uneasy whenever she's around. She was so aloof and antisocial. Maybe those are the reasons why she was tagged as a witch.


"I don't think so." He shrugged while staring at the girl walking closer and closer to them. "She's too pretty to be a witch."


"Yeah, no doubt to that but seriously why the hell wearing black dress every day? Also look at those fierce eyes she has, as if she wants to turn all the people here into a frog."


"Hmmm.. She maybe an autistic, but not a witch." Taehyung didn't even bother to lower his voice and was over-heard by Dahyun who's already in front of them.


She stops in her track and stared at him with an eye of tiger. He knew she was aware she had become popular in the campus since the issue about her being a witch came up. Instead to be scared like what others usually feel whenever they bump into her, Taehyung just gave her his brightest smile and a friendly wave. "Hi, schoolmate! Looking good in black, huh?"


Jimin nudged him, giving him a sign to stop. But he doesn't care; he wants to prove to his friend that this girl is too far from a witch. Well if her eyes have a laser beam, he must be dead right now.


He was known as a funny guy in the campus that's why people are not so afraid to him even though he is already mad. That is why Taehyung suddenly felt the urge to become her friend and to have a formidable image just like hers.


Without a word, Dahyun broke her glares to him and continue walking.


"Bye schoolmate! See you around." Taehyung stared at her until she completely gone. "She has a nice , dude"


"You're a dead meat now Taehyung!" Jimin looks terrified as he clutched his hair with his two hands. "Ready yourself man. You are now cursed. I already imagine what kind of voodoo doll she will use to torture you."


He chuckled. "It must be as handsome as me, right?"


"Seriously, you could be in trouble. I suggest you to visit someone who can fight or stop black magic before it’s too late."


"Didn't I tell you that she's not a witch? Witches are not real. Wanna bet?"


"And how will you do that, eh?" Jimin asked, crossing his arms over his chest.


He shrugs. "Easy, I will do anything to be close to her. Like this." He said, putting his two index fingers together.


"Like courting her?"


He knotted his forehead. "Court her? Hmm..... she's not my type but since she's pretty then why not give her the privilege to become my girlfriend too? You know how many diehard fan girls I have and just waiting for me to become available?" Taehyung shows his killer wink that made Jimin looks disgusted.

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Chapter 9: Wooooow I just found this, and this is awesome!!
When will you update it? It is so great, author-nim.
Chapter 9: please please please update sooooooon ! I love this so much
Kim_Ya_Dha #3
Chapter 9: I love this; continue soon I'm wondering how this will turn out
Chapter 9: I love these kind of characters! I've been imagining GFRIEND's Eunha as Dahyun. The image of her beauty couldn't leave my mind alone.
mariatiarap #5
Chapter 8: Theyre so cute. Haha I laughed while reading this. It's such a comedy story! Haha
ladygdragon #6
Chapter 7: I love it and i need more author-nim...
I Love dahyun and taehyung characters, they are funny af xd
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 7: Wkwkwk why taehyung so funny... dahyun really a witch how she can using taehyung like that wkwkwkwk... its become more interesting...
Chapter 6: Wkwkwkwkw why taehyung so innocence even he was a playboy befire wkwkwk... this story was interesting...
fifinellaa #10
Chapter 5: waaah, finally an update :D
btw, nice chapter ^^. Still looking forward for next chapter :D