Chapter 16: Gift or nah?

Sequel: LOVE DUMB.
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“Jaeyeon eonnie, eottokhae?” I whined and pouted as we walked out of the fifth shop in the mall. “Sujeong… Any idea?” I looked at my best friend.

It was Hanbin’s birthday tonight and I have yet to get him a present, the café was so busy that I didn’t have extra spare time to go to the mall and picked up the best gift for Hanbin.

What a girlfriend -.-

“Just bake a cake for him, you’re good at it.” Sujeong said.

“I am always baking a cake for him....I want something special for him now.” I pointed out.

It was true that I have been baking lots of sweet treats for him; Macaroons, cakes, éclair…..anything you name it. Therefore, I wanted something special for him.

“Clothes are just too common, cooking is not special to him anymore….. OH! I KNOW WHAT!” Jaeyeon face lit up as an idea popped into his mind.

“What? What?” I and Sujeong excitedly asked as we both face Jaeyeon with our wide eyes staring at her.

“Follow me.” Jaeyeon smiled sheepishly and gestured us to follow her.

Oh well… I could sense something fishy going on, please don’t be something funny. 

It would be really embarrassing for me especially when I still always get flustered around Hanbin when I did small little things to show him my love.

Jaeyeon brought us to a convenient store and stopped at one of the corners filled with bright packages “Ta-dah!”  She said excitedly as she revealed the idea that came up into her mind.

Without further delayed, my face went red as well as Sujeong with our eyes popped out with what was in front of us.

“J-Jaeyeon Sunbae!” Sujeong quickly covered her eyes with her hands and whined.

That innocent Sujeong.

“Isn’t that C-con- whatever, you know what I’m trying to say, why did you bring us to see such things?!” I frowned at Jaeyeon who was already laughing her off at the two of us.

“? HA-HA. Oh well, I think that would be a perfect gift for a couple.” Jaeyeon shrugged. “Wah… Our Sua has grown up! She knows what a is.”

“Of course! It isn’t like I am still a minor… Don’t tell me you did it with oppa already?!” I pointed my finger at Jaeyeon as I looked at her with shocking eyes.

Immediately her eyes shot up as she waved her hands and shaking her head, “No! Even if we did it, it’s none of your business!”

“I can see your face blushing!” I teased.

“Oh god…. Sunbae, you really did it?! Daebak.” Sujeong put down her hand from covering her eyes and started clapping her hands as she looked at Jaeyeon with a surprised face.

“I told you guys no!” Jaeyeon rolled her eyes and folded her arms. “He wanted but I said no.” she finally revealed.

Well, consider Bobby’s hormones, I was a little surprised that he could still manage to control.

“Sunbae, teach me!” Sujeong suddenly begged Jaeyeon which makes the other two of us confused. “I got a feeling that Junhoe was trying to hint me a few times already, but I always changed the topic. Teach me, just in case he asked me directly one day.”

“Sujeong-ah, you already did a good job by changing the topic!” Jaeyeon patted her shoulder and gave her two thumbs up, “Just looked into his eyes and firmly said no, break his leg if he tries to be funny with you.”

“Oh! How about kick his balls so that he will learn his lesson by not acting funny to you again?” I suggested.

The three of us laughed crazily in the convenient store gaining attention especially when we were standing right in front of the condoms shelf.

“Sua, you’re the best senpai.” Sujeong

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Chapter 17: Waaa fluff fluff so cutee hehehe
HanAnna00 #2
I'm ready to read this for second time..ohh I love this
Chapter 17: The story is so beautiful I'm literally crying at the end XD I loved it... Both the sequel and the prequel <3
Chapter 17: This story need an epilogue! Their friends and bobby need to know she's already remembered! ^~^
Chapter 17: This was really cute, couple goals lol
Waaah this was really cute! Lol
I enjoyed reading this story too!
I wouldnt mind reading a story if it was Junhoe and Sujeong! I ship them too! Lol
Chapter 1: Chanwoo's last name is Jung not Lee... lol
ktroct #8
its end now :( i hope you will write hanbin x OC story again. thankyou for this beautiful story. i rrly enjoy it. keep writting. fighting !
Chapter 17: Can u make story about sujeong and junhoe? I kinda ship them !!! ;D ❤❤❤❤