
It Just Had To Be You

"There? What do you think of this?"

Baekhyun asked as he adjusted the blazer to fit to his liking. He was looking at me through the mirror when he asked me. I tilted my head, exam

ning every inch of the outfit. 

"Mm...Alright I guess?" I said more with a questioning tone rather that stating it flatly.

"Alright? That's it? Can't you give me a more direct answer?"

"Good? Awesome? Is that direct enough for you?"

He chuckled before shaking his head in a disapproving manner. He turned around and gave me a funny face.

"You can just say if you don't like what I'm wearing."

My mouth fell open slightly at his words.

"It's not that I don't like it. It's just that I don't think it really, how should I say this? Suits you." He stared at me quizically.

"How so?"

"You're overdressing yourself. What your wearing right now," I moved my finger up and down at his outfit, "doesn't necessarily scream who Byun Baekhyun is."

He seemed to be amused by my explanation when he tucked his hand under his chin as if considering what I had just said.

"Who am I, then?"

I contemplated thouroughly before giving him the best answer I could think of.

"A funny guy who likes simple things." He smiled. 

"You know me better than myself. It still amazes me."

"Of course."

"So what now? My date with Taeyeon is in," he paused to check his watch, "two hours and I still don't have anything to wear."

"Just wear something you already have. There's no point in purchasing an entire outfit that your just going to wear for one night." 

"Good point. Okay, then let's get out of here. I hate shopping. I don't know why girls do this for fun. You literally spend hours in one mall trying on clothes which you don't even buy most if the time. 

"You're saying that as if it applies to all girls. Not me. I'd rather much spend my time in a quiet cafe, reading a novel. We can be simple too, you know."

"Yep, that's what I like about you."

"What's not to like about me?" I asked jokingly and nudged him on the elbow.

"I see that I'm rubbing off on you."

"I know, and I hate you for that."

He stuck his tongue out and I rolled my eyes.

"Go change. We don't have that much time left. You don't want to be late on you first date, do you?" I asked as I shoved him into the fitting room.

"Yes, mother."

"Byun Baekhyun!"

 "Ouch, woman!"

Baekhyun made a desperate grab for the comb from my hands while I slapped his hands away with equal frustration. 

"I told you to stay still!" 

"I told you to stop touching my hair!" 

I clucked my tongue as I continued to lather a small amount of gel on my hands. 

"Just wait. I'm almost done. You don't want to give Taeyeon a bad impression on your first date, do you?" 

My hands raked and bounced through his soft, tousled locks. He sighed in defeat and stopped his attempts in stopping me from styling his hair.

I smiled in victory as I placed the finishing touches. Once I was done, I swiftly turned him around to take a look at himself. He smirked as he handsomely raked his fingers through his hair.

 "Not bad, Ji. Not bad. I guess these are the perks of having a girl best friend."

"Yeah, you're pretty lucky to have me." I grimaced at the words that just came out of my mouth. 

"I really should start avoiding your presence. I already feel like I'm becoming a second you."

He chuckled ominously before pulling me into a highly unanticipated headlock.

"Yah! Get your filthy hands off of me! Byun Baekhyun!" I began to hit his arm repeatedly with my fists in attempt to make him let go. 

"No way! This is too fun!" He laughed as he ruffled my hair and tightened his hold on my neck. 

"Are you planning on killing me by blocking my only source of oxygen?" An idea lit up in my mind as I felt a tug at the corner of my lips. 

"You think this is funny, huh?" Before I could give him a chance to reply, I swiftly brought my head down and bit his bare arm. He winced in pain then pulled back.

"Did you just bite me?" He was wearing an angry expression but I was too observant to notice the playfulness in his tone.

"Maybe..." I said, satisfied as I placed a hand on my hip.

"Oh, you're going to regret doing that." 

"What are you going to do about it--" I squealed once my feet were no longer in contact with the floor.

His arms were wrapped securely around my waist as he began spinning around at a rapid speed. A fit of giggles escaped my lips as I rained my fists against his back.

"Baek! L-Let go!" I found it extremely difficult to speak partly because of the pain building up at my sides from laughing too much. But to my dismay, he only increased his speed.

"Hell no! You should've known what was to come after committing a felony against me~" he sang in a tauntingly as he tapped my .

"After this punishment, you better have learned your lesson--oof!" He wasn't able to finish his sentence when he lost his footing and fell onto the bed. I gasped when his chest crashed against mine, leaving me lying underneath him.

"Hey, are you okay--" He stopped mid sentence when he took notice of our close proximity. My breathing hitched and my heart felt as if it would leap out of my chest. I couldn't think straight, and I wasn't sure if it was because of the dizziness from spinning or from our intimate position. 

Silence enveloped the room. Time seemed to freeze. We were frozen in our spots, staring into each other's eyes. I wanted to tear my gaze away, but his brown orbs kept me from looking away. Our noses were just barely touching and for a second, I thought I saw his eyes flicker to my lips.

My eyes widened as he suddenly leaned in closer. Instinctively, I shut my eyes, waiting for what was to come. My heart flipped as his hot breath brushed against my cheek. 

"Sorry, princess. But you're not worthy of my body."

I snapped my eyes open and quickly pushed him off of me, throwing daggers at him. He was rolling over on the bed, having a big laugh over what just happened. Out of annoyance, I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at his face.

"Shut up, you ert."

I did, however, feel relieved that we somehow got out of that awkward situation. He was clutching his sides as his face was contorted into a mixture of pain and amusement. This guy never seems to run out of ideas to irk me.

"I don't mean to ruin your mood, but you only have ten minutes to get to Taeyeon's." 

At that, he was up on his feet, smoothing out his outfit to get rid of the wrinkles. He turned to me before flashing me that signature smile. He was clad in black skinny jeans and a white button up top, which dare I say, made him look really good.

"How do I look?"

"Eh. You could've looked better." He glared at me and I gave him a cheeky smile.

"Just kidding! You look dashing Mr. Byun." I meant it when I said it that, but just to mess with him, I added a drop of sarcasm in my tone.

"Tch. Whatever." He said with a roll of his eyes, but there was a playful glint in them.

"Now go! You don't want to be late!" I pushed him out the room and followed him through the door.

He hastily grabbed the keys from the counter and opened the front door. Once he was done lacing his shoes, he went out and bid a quick goodbye.

"Bye! Have fun and be careful!" I yelled with a wave of my hand.

He was a already a few steps away from the gate, before he abruptly turned around and came jogging back. I looked at him with confusion, as I was about to ask him if he forgot something, but my eyes widened when he placed a chaste kiss on my cheek. 

"Thanks, Ji. You're the best." I blushed and nodded with an embarrassed grin.

"Anything for you, Baek." 

 "Just kiss her, you idiot!" I yelled at the TV before stuffing my mouth with a handful of chips.

Since Baek is out, I thought it would be a good idea to spend today watching drama reruns as a way to treat myself. The guy has been gone for over five hours, and I was definitely not going to spend the rest of my evening waiting for him to return. He's probably not going to come back until a few more hours anyways.

"Oh my goodness! Just admit that you love her!"  I was basically screaming by now, and anyone who saw me might pass me as a lunatic. Uncomciously, my hand was clutching the remote tightly, anticipating what he was going to say next.

"I-I think I love you."

Once he said those words, I literally threw my face into a pillow and squealed until my heart hurt. No matter how many times I watched this series, I will never find myself getting tired of the same old thing. 

My fangirling session was cut short when it as interrupted by my unending ringtone. I glanced at the caller ID before picking it up. The word "Eomma" appeared on the lock screen. I answered it.

"Hi, mom!" 

"Sungji-ah!" Her voice boomed through the the other end of the line, making me back away some inches from the phone.

"I miss you so much!" I smiled. She sounds as if I live ten thousand miles away, but really, we're not even ten miles apart. 

"I miss you too. How's dad doing?" 

"He's doing just fine, sweetie. What about you and Baekhyun? Are you two adjusting well?" I sighed as I flipped myself around so that my head was hanging off of the couch.

"Yeah, I guess..."

"Are you sure, honey? It doesn't sound like it to me." She really did know how to read me like an open book.

"It's just that...we're not used to the married lifestyle especially with us being so young. And it's not going to be an easy task, you know, adjusting. Baekhyun and I--" I paused, thinking of how to word what I was about to say. 

"We don't even see each other in that way. Not how a couple should feel towards each other."

"Just give it some time Sungji and give Baekhyun a chance. Someday, as the days pass, you'll come to find that maybe...he is the man for you." I frowned slightly, suddenly being reminded that Baekhyun is dating another girl. I couldn't help but feel guilty hiding this secret from our parents, but I knew they would never understand.

When my mom didn't hear any response from me, she began speaking again.

"I know you're denying what I just told you. But everything has their own way of turning out. Sometimes they'll go in your favor, other times they won't. But just promise me that you'll try to make it work."

"Both of you." She added, referring to Baekhyun.

"I promise." 


"Thanks, mom. I'm really glad you called. I'm starting to wish you and dad were here."

"Well I'm happy to hear that, dear. Because we're actually about to pay you and Baekhyun a visit."

"Oh..." I hummed dumbly. Realization soon dawned on me and my eyes widened. Wait, did she just say...?

"Right now?!" I unintentionally screamed and I could imagine my mom jolting out of shock on the other end right now.

"Yes. Why? Is something wrong? Do you not want us ov--" I quickly cut her off. The last thing I would want is for them to think they're not welcome at our place. That's not how they raised me to be.

"No, no! I just don't have anything prepared, that's all." I made up an excuse and tried my best to hide the guilt in my voice. She chuckled at my quick response.

"It's okay. We won't stay for long. We just want to make sure you kids are getting along well under the same roof. We'll be there in forty minutes. Bye, sweetie!"

"What am I going to do?" I asked myself as I paced around the room, all the while dialing Baekhyun's number.

"Please pick up. Please pick up." I kept muttering this, but cursed when it went straight to voicemail. I let my mouth run off once I heard the beep.

"Hey, Baek! I'm sorry if I might be interrupting your date with Taeyeon, but I kind of need you home at the moment. My parents are going to be here in...thirty five minutes to check up on us. So please hurry back!"

After I left the message, I quickly sprinted up the stairs and went into my room to shower and change into something decent. God, I hope he comes in time.

 "Where is this guy?" I groaned out loud and ruffled my hear in frustration. 

I've already sent him six text messages and left him three voicemails, but he just won't pick up! He's so dead when he comes home tonight...

I glanced at the clock. It's been twenty minutes and my parents could be in the driveway by now. He better come because if not, everyone will catch up to his, our little secret, and that would mean the end for us.

My thoughts were interrupted when the door bell rang. I bolted down the stairs, praying that it was Baekhyun. My hoped were completely demolished when my parents appeared behind the door.

"Mom! Dad!" I feigned surprise.

"Sungji!" They exclaimed simultaneously before gathering me into a hug.

"Where's Baekhyun?" my dad asked as he stepped into our home.

"Baekhyun?" He quirked an eyebrow and gave me aquestioning look.

"Yes. Your husband by law?"

"Oh, uh...He-He's not--"

I was stopped mid sentence when I felt a pair of hands press down on my shoulders.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Jung!"

I turned around and was shocked to see the Baekhyun grinning from ear to ear at my parents.

"Oh, Baekhyun. Why so formal? Call us mom and dad!" My mom exclaimed as my parents pulled him in for a hug as well. I giggled at his awkward expression.

"Okay...Mom and Dad. Let's eat? I didn't have time to cook, so I settled one ordering take out, if that's fine with you." 

The smell of fresh food entered my nose and sure enough, my eyes lit up at how filled the table was. How did he even manage to do this?

"Yeah, I'm starving!" My parents went ahead into the kitchen to fill their own plates. When they weren't looking, I took this as a chance to talk to Baekhyun. I grabbed his elbow and pulled him towards the living room.

"How did you--"

"I came in through the back door."

"Where did you get the food--"

"Taeyeon and I just finished at the restaurant when you called, so I just ordered some takeout then."

I crossed my arms before shaking my head, smiling. 

"You really do have some tricks up your sleeves, don't you Byun Baekhyun?"

"Hey, you saved my . I saved yours." He winked at me before patting my , indicating that we should go back to my parents.

"Let's eat?" he asked as he took my hand in his. I smiled and we walked towards the kitchen to grab their plates.

My mom took notice of our intertwined hands and smiled. Discreetly, she whispered to her husband, "They make a cute couple, don't you think, honey?"

Her dad turned to watch Sungji childishly nudge Baekhyun's arm when he was trying to put some food on his plate. He chuckled before turning back to his wife who was situated beside him.

"Yeah, they really do."


Can you guys believe it's been over a few months since I've last updated?! I'm still so surprised that some of you guys actually stayed with me. I can't express how thankful I am for that. You guys are really the best! Until next time! 



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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 4: Can't wait ^^
Chapter 1: Update soon please~ ♡