
It Just Had To Be You

     "Sungji-ah! Baekhyun is waiting for you outside! You don't want to keep him waiting!" her mom yelled from dowstairs. "Ne Eomma! Just give me a minute!" she yelled back to her. It's been two days since Sungji's and Baekhyun's wedding and their parents thought that it would be a great idea for them to move in together. She and Baekhyun were initially against the idea, but they were too stubborn and didn't want to change their minds. You know how parents are. They basically purchased a house for them saying, "Just think of it as your wedding gift." Right now, she was giving her room a last minute check to see if there was anything she forgot to pack. Sungji took a quick scan of the closet to see it almost completely cleared out, but she figured what was still there weren't important enough for her to take. However, she did fail to notice the mint colored tin box peeking out from behind a few other things on her top shelf.

     When Sungji felt completely satisfied, she walked towards. Placing her hand on the doorknob, she took a glance around the room where she has spent the first twenty-one years of her life. A few seconds later, she turned back around and stepped out of her used-to-be room before closing the door behind her. She scurried down the stairs with her parents waiting at the foot of the first step.

Sungji's P.O.V.

     "So, are you ready? To move out?" my dad asked as he positioned his hands on his hips. "I guess so..." I sighed and I walked over to the front door, retrieving my belongings. "I can't belive my baby's moving out..." my mom said as she gave me a tight squeeze. I hugged her back. "Eomma, I'll be fine. It's not like we live hundreds of miles apart..." 

     "But still! Who's idea was it for you to move out anyway?" she asked as she looked at my dad accusingly. "Don't look at me! It was all YOUR idea," he replied defensively while putting emphasis on the word "your." I laughed at how my parents were childishly arguing in front of me. "Umm, I think I should get going. Didn't you say Baekhyun was waiting outside?" 

     "Oh, that's right, he is!" my mom said as she hurriedly opened the door and motioned for me to go outside. "Yeobo, carry Sungji's suitcases, will you?" my mom said to my dad before walking out with me. "Got it," he replied. 

     Baekhyun was casually leaning on the front of his car with his arms crossed on his chest. Seriously, if Baekhyun and I didn't know Baekhyun, there's a pretty good chace I would mistake him for a model.  Once Baekhyun saw us coming, he quickly went over to greet us.

     "Good evening, Mrs. Jung," he said as he did a traditional bow. "Baekhyun-ah, you're now my son-in-law. Call me "Eomma!" my mom said as she pulled him into her embrace. "Okay, Eomma," he chuckled as they released from the hug. 

     My dad, who seemed to be struggling with the suitcases and the few boxes, finally came out. When Baekhyun saw this, he quickly made his way to him to help him out. "Need a hand with that?" he asked as he began to take the box from under his arm which was also carrying a suitcase. "Yes, please! Thank you Baekhyun-ah."

     "Yeobo, why are you making Baekhyun carry all of those things?" my mom asked as she gave him a look. "Well, he offered help, and I politely accepted," he smartly replied back as he stuck his tongue out. My mom rolled her eyes, but I saw that she was trying to stifle back a smile. "It's okay, Eomma. I can take care of it." Baekhyun said as he placed everything into the car.

     "Okay, everything is all set," Baekhyun said after he closed the trunk shut. "Let's go?" he asked me to which I nodded. "Bye Eomma. Bye Appa!" I said as I kissed their cheeks then went inside the car and put doen my window. "Bye! Don't forget to visit us!" my mom yelled as she placed an arm around my dad's waist and one hand on his chest. "Drive safely!" my dad yelled as he began to wave. "Okay! Bye! Love you!" I said as I waved as the car slowly began driving away and my parent's figures slowly faded. 

     Once they were completely out of sight, I turned back to face the front. The car ride was silent. The uncomfortable kind of silence. It continues that way for a whole ten minutes before Baekhyun asked, "Do you want to turn on the radio?"

     "Yeah, but what channel?" I asked as I reached from my seat to press the power button. "Whatever's good, I guess..." he said without taking his eyes off the road. I began changing the channels to find one that appealed to both of our likings. We both have pretty much the same taste in music so it really shouldn't have been too hard to find one. 

     I switched between the channels three or four times before a certain song started to play. It was a song that Baekhyun and I always sang together when we did karaoke. I was humming to the song and he was tapping to the beat with his fingers on the steering wheel. Then he began to sing.

"There are places I remember.

All my life, though some have changed~

Some forever, not for better,

Some have gone, and some remain~

All these places have their moments...

With lovers and friends, I still can recall~

Some are dead and some are living.

In my life, I've loved them all~"

     Then he faced me, waiting for me to start my part. So I did.

"But of all these friends and lovers,

There is no one compares with you~

And these memories lose their meaning.

When I think of love as something new~

And though I know I'll never lose affection,

For people and things that went before~

I know I'll often stop and think about them.

In my lifeI love you more~"

     Then we looked at each other before singing the last line together.

"In my life, I love you more~" we finished with smiles plastered on our faces. The silence was now broken. We now kept singing to our favorite songs even though some weren't even playing on the radio. We sang our hearts out until Baekhyun finally announced, "We're home!' I looked at our new house in front of me. It was beautiful, yes, but I already found myself missing my old home. I'ts going to take me awhile before I actually acknowledge this place as "home." 

     "Go inside. I'll get the luggage," Baekhyun said as he opened the trunk. "You sure? I'm not sure if you're going to be able to carry all of those things," I remarked. He scoffed and replied, "Of course I can! Excuse me, but I've been going to the gym for three months already!" he said as he grabbed a heavy box from the trunk. "Really?" I asked, clearly not convinced with this.

     "What? You think I'm lying?" he challenged. "Yeah, pretty much..." I said as I tilted my head to the side with a knowing smile on my face. "Fine. I'll just prove it to you then," he said as he stacked a bunch of large sized boxes on top of each other. He squatted down to grasp hold of the bottom box and attempted to carry it. I noticed that he was already struggling by the sweat building up on his forehead.

     "Need a hand?" I teased as I stifled back a laugh. "A-Ani!" he said with determination in his voice. He continued to struggle for another minutes until he gave in and fell on his . "So, how many times have you been going to the gym for the past three months?"

     "F-Five times a week," he replied, still out of breath. I looked at him again, with an expression of disbelief on written on my face."Really, Baekhyun? We both know that's not the truth..." 

     "Ugh! Fine! I work out once a month..." he muttered under his breath, but I still managed to hear it. I burst out laughing until I started feeling some pain on my side. He shot me a death glare. "Sorry..." I said as I regained my composure and cleared my throat. "Aww~don't feel bad Baek! I bet girls are drooling over your non existent abs!" I comforted as I picked up a box and made my way inside our home. "Tch...Whatever..." he said as he followed me into the house.

     "Wah~ This is huge!" I said as I took my very first step into our new place. It was way bigger than I expected. It was probably double the size of my already-pretty-big-old house. Immediately, I dropped the box and wandered around this unfamiliar area. I entered the living room, then the kitchen, and the rest of the main level. So far, every room was fully furnished. I made my way to the stairs, excitedly climbing up to claim my bedroom.

     I spotted a door that was at the end of the upper hallway, assuming that it was the master. When I opened the door, my thoughts were proven correct. The room was beautifully decorated with furniture that fit my style exactly. It wasn't too girly, but it wasn't to boyish either. So I was guessing that a couple obviously used this room. I really had no need to check out the remaining number of bedrooms since I already knew which one would be mine. I metally laughed to myself at how Baekhyun wouldn't have a choice but to pick a bedroom of a smaller size. 

     Footsteps were heard from behind me, and I knew that there was only one person they could belong to. "I call this one!" I said as I took a seat on the bed.  "Yah! That's not fair! I didn't even get to look!" he complained as he pouted and crossed is arms. "Plus, you bearly helped me with unloading all of the things!" 

     "I thought you said you didn't need my help?" I asked to which he rolled his eyes. "Girls..." he scoffed as he set off looking for a room to claim as his own. He was only gone for about a minute until he came back.

     "Hey, I looked around the other rooms...And it looks like this is the only one with a bed..." he said as he ruffled his hair in annoyance. "Really?" I asked clearly shocked. "Why is this the only room furnished?" I asked him until we looked at each other knowingly. "Eommas," we both said as we looked at each other and shook our heads. 

     "Sometimes I wonder why they do these types of things..." Baekhyun said as he leaned against the door frame. "I don't know...parents will always be parents..." I said as I shook my head. "So, it lookes like we're going to have to share a room...for awhile..." he said as he rubbed his nape bashfully. "G-Guess so..." I replied as I felt my cheeks heating up at the thought. Yeah, we're close and yeah we're best friends, but it's not like we ever slept in the same bed before. I know some best friends do those types of things, but we just never did it.

     "Well, anyways...I guess we just need to unpack and get ready for bed. It's kind of late," I suggested as I stood up from the bed and walked out. Baekhyun nodded in response and trailed behind me. 

~an hour later~

     After Baekhyun and I finished unpacking, we got ready to go to bed. We we're both extremely tired from the long day, and all we wanted to do was sleep. I was the first to get ready, so right now I was going through my phone with my specs on. Baekhyun was currently showering, so I thought that I should wait for him until I finally get my night's rest.

     As I was texting a friend of mine from student council, I heard the water stop running, indicating that he was done. He came out with his pajamas: a plain white t-shirt and a pair of knee length black shorts. His hair was damp and it fell messily across his eyes. I didn't realize I was staring at him for a long time until he said, "Not sleeping yet?" I snapped out of my daze and looked as him again. "Huh? Oh no, I was just waiting for you." 

     His mouth formed an "oh" shape as he continued rubbing his head with his towel. He went back inside the bathroom to put his towel back and turned off the lights before getting into bed. He made sure to leave some comfortable distance between us which I appreciated. I set my phone down onto the bedside table and lied flat on my back. We both stared at the ceiling for awhile in uncomfortable silence. 

"Night," he finally said. 

"Night," I replied as I flipped onto my side, facing away from Baekhyun. I already knew that I was going to be suffering from a lack of sleep when I wake up for school the next day.

Narrator's P.O.V.

     Baekhyun and Sungji were both still awake, not getting a blink of sleep. They were both not used to a presence beside them whenever they slept. It was a really weird feeling for the both of them. And they both know that it's something they're going to have to get used to as a married couple. "God, this is awkward..." they both muttered quietly as they finally let their eyes give in.



I'm back again with a new chapter! I really do apologize if you guys expected more. I've had this on draft for awhile, and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for so long, so I decided to post this. I'm not really satisfied with this chapter to be honest, but I hope that it's good enough for you guys! Once again, for the billionth time, thank you so much for all of your love and support! You guys are what keeps me motivated to write! So please, comment because I really want to hear some feedback from all of you! I promise to be back with better chapters in the future! Until the next chapter!~ ^^

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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 4: Can't wait ^^
Chapter 1: Update soon please~ ♡