
It Just Had To Be You

Sungji's P.O.V.

     "Today's the big day..." I said to myself as I sat in my dressing room, looking at my reflection as I wait for the ceremony to begin. Two weeks really do fly fast. Not too long ago I purchased my dress for my wedding day and that day is already here. "Oh my gosh, I'm actually getting married." My heart was beating at an irregular pace. I was not at all prepared for this. My hands began to sweat and I began to feel dizzy. I was scared. And I know Baekhyun feels the same way. 

     I honestly don't have any idea why I'm freaking out. I mean, it's Baekhyun I'm marrying, not a stranger. He's someone that I've come to love and care about ever since I was young. Plus, we've already talked about this whole situation. So there's really no reason for me to be nervous. Right?

Baekhyun's P.O.V.

     "I'm screwed..." I said as I began breathing heavily. "Hey, calm down..." Chanyeol said as he put his hand on my shoulder. I glared at him. "Calm down? How am I supposed to frickin calm down on my wedding day?!" I yelled as I paced back and forth as I bit my nails out of nervous habit. "Come on man...It's Sungji we're talking about. You guys will be fine..." Chen chimed in nonchalantly. There were a few "yeahs" and "he's right" coming from the other eleven guys in the room. 

     "I have to get out of here...I said as I picked up my ironed blazer that was draped over the table. As I attempted to run out the door, a few guys held me back while Kai and Kris blocked the door. "Let me go!" I said as I struggled in their hold. "Stop being an idiot and calm the hell down," Kyungsoo, who was seated at the corner who was on his phone said. "No! I feel like I can't breathe!" My heart rate felt like it was increasing every passing second and I felt hot. "What's your problem?" Suho asked as he held me back. "I CAN'T MARRY HER!"

     "Dude! Snap out of it!" Minseok, who was sitting silently, finally exploded. "You need to calm down...There's nothing to be afraid of. Sungji is an amazing girl. And you guys have been bestfriends since like what? Forever?" Luhan pointed out. "That's exactly my point!" I said as I took in a deep breath. "What is?" Lay spoke up and asked. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. "What you said. Yes she was and still is my bestfriend. But, I feel like this marriage is going to screw everything up for us," I began as I took a seat in front of the vanity. I paused, then said in a quiet tone, "I don't want her to not be there in my life."

     The room fell silent at my words. Sniffling could be hear at the corner of the room. We all turned to that part of the room and saw Tao quickly wiping away his tears. "Sometimes, I feel like your too sensitive for your own good..." Kris, who was still in front of the door teases to lighten up the mood. "Hyung~" he complained. We laughed at the kung fu panda who was busy whining at us. "Okay, okay...We got off topic there," Kai said as he shook his head. 

"Well anyways, hyung..." Sehun began. "Sungji isn't like that. Knowing you two, you'd both fight for your friendship. You might even be willing to die for each other! And no matter how hard it gets, you guys would never leave each other's sides. You know that..." I let his words sink into my head. "Yeah, I guess you're right. You all are...God, I have to stop being a coward and man up, I said as i ruffled my own hair. "Yeah, no kidding..." Kyungsoo said teasingly. 

     "Baekhyun-ah." It was my mom. "The wedding is about to start. You have to be at the altar a few minutes earlier to ready yourself when it actually begins. Pali! Or your appa will get mad at you!" she said as she left the room. I nodded then turned to my eleven bestfriends and best men. Yes, since I couldn't decide on who my bestman would be I chose all of them. No one would mind, right? "Okay," I said as I took a deep breath and fized myelf in the mirror a bit. "I'm ready." 

     "You got this Baekhyun! They all said as the gave me a thumbs up and a nod of approval. We all exited the room, and made our way to the church. The guys had to wait in the back to walk in when the music starts playing while I made my way up to the altar to wait for the bride. I prayed to God this goes well.

Sungji's P.O.V.

     There was a knock on the door. "Sungji, dear. The ceremony is about to start. We need you to wait being the doors so you can make you grand entrance," My mom said as she gave me a smile. I nodded, but didn't say a word. I was really scared, and before I knew it, tears began to blur my vision. "Oh, dear..." As soon as a tear fell onto my cheek, she ran into my room and hugged me.

     "What's the matter sweetie?" she said as she placed an arm around me and massaged my arm with her hand. The answer dawned on me the more I thought about it. "I just don't want this marriage to mess everything up, you know?" I said as I sob quietly. "Shh Sungji-ah...If I know one thing, you and Baekhyun will get through it. I've seen you both at your best and at your worst and I know that you two are fully capable of being in this marriage. You've been bestfriends ever since you were in diapers," she said which made me laugh the slightest bit. "What you and Baekhyun have is practically unbreakable. Belive me when I say this.

     Her words really touched me and I did believe everything she said. "Thank you Eomma," I said as I hugged her arm that was still around me. She chuckled and smiled back at me. "Remeber that I'll always be here whenever you need me. Just because your married doesn't mean that your not our baby anymore." I nodded. "No more crying, okay? You don't want to ruin your makeup or look disgusting in front of your groom," she teased. "Eomma~" I whine and she laughs at my childish response. 

     "I'm just kidding, you're beautiful as always. Now come on! We don't want to keep the guests waiting!" she said as she handed me the white rose bouquet. We both ran to the back of the church where my dad was waiting for me. Baekhyun's and my friends were here as well and they greeted me with smiles and a kiss on the cheek. Everyone looked so dashing and beautiful in their suits and bridesmaid dresses. We all formed a line in which I was obviously last with my dad. My mom signaled for the piano player to begin playing and quickly made her way to the front to take her seat. In just a few seconds the music began playing and the doors to the church opened. One by one, everyone made their way inside the church and went to their assigned seats. 

     It was finally my turn and all eyes were on me. Everyone had happy looks on their faces and some even had tears in their eyes. "You ready?" my dad asked me. I nodded and gave him a small smile. He held out his arm for me to take and we began walking to the altar. I looked down for the first part, until we were about halfway through the chuch. I looked directly ahead of me to see Baekhyun staring at me with sparkling eyes, his mouth agape. I stifled back a smile at how silly he looked at the moment.

     When we finally reached the altar, my dad kissed me and handed me to Baekhyun who was still staring at me. I gave him a small smile, which he returned. He leaned in a little and said, "You look beautiful," which made me blush. 

     "Dearly beloved," the priest began. "We are gathered here today to join together Jung Sung Ji and Byun Baekhyun in holy matrimony..." he said. The whole time I wan't really paying attention to what he was saying. I was mostly thinking about my furture and Baekhyun's future and what it holds for us. 

     "Baekhyun, please recite after me. I Baekhyun..." "I Baekhyun..." "take thee Sungji..." "take Sungji to be my wedded wife..." "take Sungji to be my wedded wife..." "to have and to hold from this day onward..." "to have and to hold from this day onward..."  'for better for worse..." "for better and for worse..." "for richer for poorer..." "for richer and for poorer..." "in sickness and in health..." "in sickness and in health..." "to love and to cherish..." "to love and to cherish..." "till death us do part,,," "till death do us apart," he finished with his eyes never leaving mine.

     "Sungji, please recite after me. I Sungji..." "I Sungji..." "take thee Baekhyun..." "take Baekhyun to be my wedded wife..." "take Baekhyun to be my wedded wife..." "to have and to hold from this day onward..." "to have and to hold from this day onward..."  'for better for worse..." "for better and for worse..." "for richer for poorer..." "for richer and for poorer..." "in sickness and in health..." "in sickness and in health..." "to love and to cherish..." "to love and to cherish..." "till death us do part,,," "till death do us apart," I finished as I bit my bottom lip.

     As soon as I finished, the ring bearer stepped up and handed us the rings. We both took the opposites rings and recited what was in the book being held by the priest before us. Baekhyun went first. "I, Baekhyun, take you Sungji, to be my wife. To share all that I am and all that I have, for all time to come. And I promise to do all in my power to keep my love as deep as it is today." He stopped as he took my hand and gradually slipped the ring onto my finger. "I place this ring upon your hand as a sing of my love and fidelity." 

"I, Sungji, take you Baekhyun, to be my husband. To share all that I am and all that I have, for all time to come. And I promise to do all in my power to keep my love as deep as it is today. I place this ring upon your hand as a sign of my love and fidelity," Once the ring was finally on his finger, I looked up and gave him a nervous smile. 

     "Now, please join hands," the priest instructed. I snappd out of my train of thoughts and brought my hands before me and placed them above Baekhyun's warm ones. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Baekhyun, will you take this woman's hand in marriage as your lawfully wedded wife? To love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, stay loyal her, so long as you both shall live?" 

"I do." Baekhyun said as he tightened the grip on our hands. "Sungji, will you take this man's hand in marriage as your lawfully wedded husband? To love him, comfort him, homor him, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, stay loyal to her, as long as you both shall live?" This is it. 

I looked at him with sincere and anxious eyes. He nodded for me to continue with a smile. I took in a deep breath and said, "I do."

     "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," he announced with a smile. With trembling hands, Baekhyun lifted my veil to reveal my face completely. He leaned in slowly and gave me a small, quick peck. Even though it was short, it still made my heart palpitate ten times faster than its regular pace. Everyone stood up from their seats and started clapping and cheering. Whistles resounded throughout the entire church. Baekhyun and I glanced at each other for a few seconds, but it wasn't long before we started laughing. He held out his arm and I gladly took it. We walked down the steps and greeted our parents. Our dads congratulated us with nods of approvals while our moms cried and hugged the both of us saying, "I can't belive our children are married!" 

     All of Baekhyun's friends joined us at the front and gathered around us for group hug. Because of his friends squeezing us in between them, Baekhyun and I eneded up being pressed close to each other to the point where our lips where almost touching. When the guys finally let go, I lost my balance and was about to fall when a pair of arms supported me from around the waist. I looked to to see who caught me, but that was a mistake on my part. Once I turned around, Baekhyun's lips ended up touching my own. "Ooooohh!" everyone was cheering when they saw us "kissing." We were both staring at each other with wide eyes before we let go and looked anywhere but each other. 

     "S-Sorry..." I stuttered as I quickly walked away as I lifted my dress a little to help me walk better. As soon as I was alone, at the back near the fountain, I sat down and tried catching my breath. "God, that was so embarassing!" I said to myself as I covered my face with my hands.

Baekhyun's P.O.V.

     I excused myself from my friends and walked out of the church in hopes of finding Sungji. "Where did she go?" I asked myself as I stopped to glance around. I followed the sounds of heels leading to the back of the church where I saw a girl sitting by the fountain. "Wow..." I muttered to myself as I looked at how the sunlight hit Sungji perfectly at the right angle. She looked...beautiful. I shook my head clearing my mind of that unusual thought. I began walking towards her but stopped when I heard her speak.

     "God, that was so embarassing!" she said as she buried her face into her hands. I laughed at my bestfriend's cuteness. She must've been talking about the accidental "kiss." Even though it wasn't a real one, it still managed to make my breathing uneven. 

     I cleared my throat to get her attention. She turned around and her eyes widened when she met me eyes. "H-Hey...What are you doing here?" she asked as she tilted her head in confusion. "Why? I can't go looking for my wife?" I asked mockingly before I realized what I just said. Did I really just say that? I wanted to facepalm myself at the moment, but I still kept that teasing expression on my face. I looked to see her reaction and their was a tinge of pink that appeared on her cheeks. Usually, I'd make fun of her and pinch her cheeks whenever this happened, but I feel like now that we're married, it would just be awkward. 

     We sat side by side in silence before I spoke up. "Sungji-ah," I began. "Mm.." she hummed to indicate that she was listening. "Let's not be awkward around each other. Let's just act how we used to before. You know. The teasing and bantering." 

     She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we should. Being married doesn't make a difference. I mean, we're still best friends..." I nodded back and nudged her shoulder playfully which earned a chuckle from her.

     "We should get back. We don't want anyone to think that we've gone missing. They probably already set up a search party for us," I said as she laughed. "Yeah...we should," she replied. I extended out my hand for her to take, which she gladly accpeted. We walked back to the church, hand in hand, as husband and wife, but more importantly, as best friends.


Hey guys! This is probably the fastest I've ever updated any of my stories! lol! Well anyways, this is the chapter...They finally got married! Sorry if this chapter was too cheesy for you or something...haha! But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it! Thank you for taking your time on reading this. I really appreciate it! Also, please comment! I really want to hear some of your feedback! You can also add me as a friend if you want... (I sound like a desperate person trying to keep it low key lmao!) Thanks for reading! *and yes I mentioned Kris, Luhan, and Tao. I just couldn't leave them out ya know?




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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 4: Can't wait ^^
Chapter 1: Update soon please~ ♡