
It Just Had To Be You

     I was awoken by a continous stream of soft snores coming from beside me. My head pivoted to the side, my eyes instantly meeting Baekhyun's sleeping face. I giggled softly at his adorable puppy-like expression. I reached for my phone that was sitting at the bedside table and grabbed it. I opened up my camera and shifted my body so I was completely facing Baekhyun. I laughed a little too loudly when I looked at the picture I took. His mouth was parted and his nose was scrunched it the funniest way. 

He must have hear me snickering when he stirred in his sleep and reposistioned himself so that his arms and legs were sprawled out on the bed. I laughed internally as I grabbed his arm as an attempt to wake him.

"Baek~ Wake up!" I said softly as I shook his arm a little. This had little effect on him, so when I released his arm, it fell back limp on his side. I glanced at the clock wresting on the bedside table. It was already 7:46 and we had to be in school in less than an hour. 

"Baekhyun!" I said louder as I continued to shake his whole body vigorously. "Hurry up! We have to depart soon! Come on!" 

"Five more minutes," he mumbled as he held up his hand lazily. 

"No!" I said sternly as I forcefully pulled his arm and made him sit up one the bed. As I stood there before him waiting for him to get up to get ready, he just sat there silently with his eyes half open.

"This guy, really..." I mumbled and pushed his back to stand up on his two feet. "Yah! Byun Baekhyun! You have your own legs, why don't you try using them once in a while, huh?" It was a struggle, but I finally did it. I bent over, tired, yet satisfied as I watched him whine his way into the restroom.

Is this how it's going to be ever morning? Because waking Baekhyun up is one heck of a task...

We walked to school together, like we normally would. Before we left the house, however, we discussed how we were going to play this out. We agreed to keep the news of our marriage on the down low and to remove our engagement rings during the school day so that no questions would be asked. The last think we would want was to have people giving us their undivided attention and their unwanted judging stares. To avoid further suspicion, we also agreed to walk home seperately, me going ahead, while Baekhyun soon followed. 

We arrived at school and saw the halls quite crowded. We looked to our right and saw our friends making their way over to us. "Well look who it is!" Sehun began loudly and the noise seemed to die down to listen to whatever he had to say. I made sure to give him a pleading look, hoping he would get the message in them, but that didn't seem to be the case when he continued speak, only louder this time. "Baekhyun and Sungji! The newlywe-" Fortunately, Junmyeon oppa caught on and hurriedly covered his mouth before Sehun could say anything more. 

Sehun's voice came out muffled under Junmyeon's hand. "Hyung, let go!" I managed to make out of what he said. After the brief struggle, he removed his hand over his dongsaeng's mouth. Sehun turned to glare at Junmyeon to which the latter only shrugged. 

"I swear, Sehun, if you ever mention anything to anyone, you're going to die," Baekhyun said with a warning look in his eyes. 

"Yeah, you need to be more cautious, Sehun," I told him and he looked at me with innocent eyes. 

"Ah, wae~" he whined cutely as he stomped his foot on the ground. He crossed his arms and wore his signature pout. This guy really confuses me. He may look like a masculine and indifferent guy, but he actually carries a loveable demeanor. It's one of his charms. 

"No, no, no. Don't think that your cute little antic is going to work on me this time..." Sehun tilted his head to the side questioningly.

"Okay, okay, fine...I do admit you look adorable right now, but I'm serious!" 

"But everyone would go crazy once they find out about yout two!" 

"That's excactly why we don't want anyone to find out! Do you know how fast rumors spread?" I retorted as I stood ony my tip toes and ruffled his hair. 

"Fine, I promise not to tell anyone..." he said lowly and went back to his normal self, without the cute.

"Same goes for all of you guys," I said as I glanced at each and everyone of them to which they all nodded willingly. "Good!" I exclaimed as a bright smile shown upon my face. 

"We better head to class. It's going to start in a few minutes," Baekhun interjected as he noticed some students going inside their classrooms.

"Yeah, we should. By the way, Junmeyon hyung. When was the last time you washed your hand?" Sehun asked as he wiped his mouth with his blazer sleeve in disgust. We all laughed as Sehun high fived Jongin who was standing beside him.


"You go home first and then I'll follow a bit after, okay?" Baekhyun told me as soon as classes were dismissed. I nodded and said a quick 'goodbye' before I gathered my things and left. I made my way out of the school gates and began on my walk home.

So far, today has went soothly in my opinion. No questions were asked, there were no judging looks from anyone, nor any rumors. I guess we would never face these problems since meticulously got rid of pretty much every hint of our current status.

The rest of the walk was pretty much silent, until I turned left onto our street. I heard footsteps close behind me, so I froze. As soon as I stopped, however, the sound of footsteps automatically disappeared. I hesitantly turned around, but saw nothing there. I shrugged it off and continued on my stroll. Once again, I heard footsteps trailing behind me, and I just knew that there was a presence behind me. 

Instead of turning back, I increased my speed, but I still heard the footsteps getting louder. Fear began to swallow me as I knew I was being watched. My heart rate increased with every step I took. Just then, I saw our house just up ahead and I almost cried out of happiness. I was going to make a run for it. But before I could do so, I noticed that the footsteps had died down. I had the guts to turn around, and to my relief found myself alone. But then, as if by magic, someone jumped in front of me and yelled, "Boo!"

I screamed before I fell to my knees, at the same time while shielding my head with my arms. I can't believe this is happening. Is he going to rob me? Or worse...? Am I going to die?

My chain of thought was broken when I heard a very familar chuckle. I unblocked my arms above my head and scowled up at the culprit before me. I stood up immediately as angrily walked over to the figure who was already on his knees, laughing like there was no tomorrow. 

"Don't." Smack. "Ever." Smack. "Do." Smack. "That." Smack. "Again!" Smack. After the last smack, I walked away from him, totally ticked off from what just happened. 

"Aw, come on~ Don't be like this~" He said in a sickening way that made me want to vomit. I ignored him and entered the code into the key pad, closing the gates before he could even get inside. 

"Sungji-ahI don't know the code!" 

"Yah! Jung Sungji!" 

I purposefully ignored his constant calls and made my way inside the house. I closed the door behind me and went to the window to see what he was up to. I thought punishing by locking him outside was the best way to get revenge. He is well aware that I am the vulnerable type and that I get frightened easily, but he still does it anyways! And he wonders why I have trust isues...

"Are you just going to leave me out here?" he yelled before he started to shuffle in his place. "It's getting kind of cold! You don't want me to die, do you?"

I sat by the window sill and opened it. "You deserve it!" I yelled back and stook my tongue out playfully at him. 

"But it's cold~" he whined and showed me his cute puppy dog face. I looked away in attempt to not give in to his aegyo. "Do. Not. Look. At. Him." I continued chanting in my head until I heard him sigh. The type of sigh that makes you feel guilty. Yep, that one. I groaned in frustration as I went out of the house and opened the gates. 

He flashed me a victorious smile and went inside. As he did so, he remarked, "I knew you would let me in. I'm just too adorable. It's both a blessing and a curse," he finished in a mocking tone.

"I have no ideo what you're talking about...I did this out of the kindness of my heart," I feigned ignorance and sauntered my way back inside the house. 

"Sure you can say that, but I know that you're a er for aegyo."

"I might fall for it, but Sehun is the real expert when it comes to being cute," I countered back and began to walk up the stairs.

"You take that back!" he complained, but I just chuckled at his childish ways and went upstairs.

"There he goes."

"Do you think she'll reject him?"

"They would make a cute couple, I guess..."

"I wonder how their kids will look like..."

"Will you all be quiet? I can't focus when all you're doing is whispering loudly in my ear!" Kyungsoo oppa said as he glared at the rest of the guys who kept making side comments.

"Whatever you say, cool guy..." Chanyeol said sarcastically to which Kyungsoo replied, "Be quiet, Yoda." And so, the bickering began.

"Shut up! He's already at her table!" With what Yixing oppa said, we turned our attention seven tables away from us.

Right now, we were in the middle of watching Baekhyun go over to Taeyeon sunbae's table to reconfirm the date they planned a few weeks back. He was evidently nervous, becuase when he sat down next to her, there was a huge gap as big as the grand canyon between them. Without knowing him, you might think of him as the smooth, laid back type of guy. But when he's anxious...God help him. He becomes the most awkward person on the planet. No, that's an understatement. He becomes the most awkward person in the universe!

He began conversing with her, which obviously we couldn't hear since we were somewhat far away from here, plus the cafeteria was usually this noisy. 

"What are they saying?" Minseok oppa thought aloud.

"I can't hear them!" Jongdae whined.

"Damn, can this cafeteria get any louder?" Jongin spoke up with a pissed off tone.

By now, everyone was already leaning against the table in the direction of their table. 

"Guys, let's just wait for Baek to come back to tell us. You look like idiots right now." I shook my head and laughed lightly.  

"Yeah, there's no point in trying to eavesdrop on them when we can hear the whole thing from Baekhyun himself," Junmyeom piped in.

"Fine..." they all said as they composed themselves properly. 

Chanyeol, who was trying to pull a joke sat up staright with his chest sticking outand his hands folded neatly on the table. I chuckled at his playful ways and nudged him with my elbow. 

Just then, Baekhyun came back and we looked at him expectantly. He was wearing a brighter smile than what he left with.

"So? What did she say" Luhan oppa asked when Baekhyun wasn't saying anything. 

"Saturday at three," he finally said and sat down. And just like that we started screaming. The guys were pulling him back and forth in excitement. I was afraid they he was going to have to go to the nurse' office after this. 

"Nice job, man!" 

"Our ByunBaek got a date!" 

Baekhyun casually shrugged, pretending not be at all enthusiastic. But his eyes showed the oppisite. They glowed with a certain element that made it known to everyone that he was officially the happiest man on earth. 

"Of course! It was a piece of cake for me. You know how I am with girls..." Was that supposed to be a rhetorical question?

"Yeah, awkward and uncoordinated?" Jongin remarked and all of us burst out laughing. Baekhyun glared at his friend who sat across from him.

"Yah! I'm not like tha-" 

"Don't even try denying it Byun Baekhyun..." I said, joining in on the matter.

"Did you see the gap between you two? It was more vast than the pacific ocean!" The whole table was already laughing, I even felt the table shaking. The entire situation took a swift turn. Not long ago, we were celebrating and congratulating him, but now we were teasing him. 

"Wait, so, uhh..." Tao began. We all stopped what we were doing and looked at him. "Is anyone going to eat that brownie over there?" he inquired innocently as he focused his gaze on the pastry. All this time we weret talking about Baekhyun and his date, his thoughts were immersed on getting his hands on that brownie. It's a wonder the usual loud him has been so quiet.

I shook my head and passed it to him and with one bite, the brownie vanished.

"Huang Zi Tao," I started. "You are one...special guy," I finished and everyone, once again, burst into fits of laughter.

"You guys are so mean!" 


Updated! I apologize for those of you who I kept waiting for me to finally update my stories. I've been on a mini hiatus, and it's my fault for not updating my profile. I went on an updating spree two day ago and three out of four of them are now up to date! Thank you guys so much for putting up with my late updates and sticking with me. It really means a lot! Please comment! I promise to read all of them <3




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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 4: Can't wait ^^
Chapter 1: Update soon please~ ♡