
It Just Had To Be You

Sung Ji's P O.V.

     I stepped out of the shower and began getting ready for tonight. My mom told me a few minutes ago that we were going to be having dinner with the Byuns' this evening and to dress "extra" nice. We have always been close with the Byuns' to the point where we already consider them as family. My parents as well as Mr. and Mrs. Byun have been close friends ever since their elementary days. Their son, Baekhyun, just so happens to be my bestfriend too. I pulled out a short, strapless white dress decorated with silver embellishments around the waist along with a pair of colored wedges with a strap around the ankles. I laid the outfit down on my bed and nodded in approval. I slipped into my dress, put my wedges on, and put on a light layer of makeup. I decided to go simple with my hair and to just curl the bottom. I stepped in front of the my full-body sized mirror and looked at my reflection, smiling proudly at my work. 

     "Sungji-ah! We're leaving in two minutes!" my dad yelled from downstairs. "Ne, appa!" I yelled back as I hurriedly grabbed my clutch and ran down the stairs.

     "Careful you might fall! You don't want to ruin your pretty face!" my mom warned. I chuckled and walked towards her. "Eomma, you never told me why we were having dinner with the Byuns' so suddenly...I don't recall any special occasions." She didn't say anything, but instead smiled a little too widely, and I knew something was up. "Come on, your appa is already waiting in the car. We don't want to be late. Not tonight," she said as she pushed me out the front door. I guess I'm just going to have to find out later...

     We went outside and entered the car. Throughout the whole ride, I noticed my parents exchanging smiles, but I also saw a hint of worry in their eyes. I was dying to know what they were hiding from me. But still, I shrugged it off, and turned my attention to the window. 

     We arrived ten minutes later and I anxiously walked out of the car. I walked beside my parents towards the entrance of the restaurant. As soon as we entered, I was immediately hugged by Baekhyun's mother. "Omo, Sungji-ah!" You look so beautiful!" she said as she gave me a tight squeeze. I blushed at her kind compliment. "Ah, kamsahamnida," I bowed politely in return. I noticed that she, too, had that same smile my parents had on their faces. Something is definitely going on... 

     I walked towards the table where Baekhyun was sitting alone, quietly. He was dressed semi-formal. He was clad in a white polo, black jeans, and his black and white vans. His hair was still kept the same though, which I liked. "Hi," I said as I took a seat next to him. "Hey," he turns to me with a smile. "So, I see you're not wearing my clothes anymore..." I laugh lightly. "Yeah, sorry. I know I was supposed to wear it the whole day, but my parents said for me to dress "my best," whatever that means..." "Are your parents acting sort of, I don't" I asked him going straight to the point. "Actually, yeah they have. I asked them about the sudden dinner plan, but they kept going avoiding the question. They also wouldn't wipe that smile off their faces, which is kind of creeping me out," he said, his voice sounding slightly suspicious. "Same with mine," I replied. "I could already tell that they're hiding something from us. I mean, look at them..." he said as he pointed in their direction with his chin. I turned around and saw our parents looking at us happily. As soon as they noticed us staring at them, they looked away. "Weird..." I muttered to myself. Our parents then sat down at the table, their smiles never leaving their faces.

     An hour later, we finished eating our meal. I wasn't really paying attention to what everyone else was saying. Each passing minute was like torture. I just wanted them to spill whatever they wanted to tell us. Still, I kept my composure and waited patiently even though I was dying on the inside. 

     "Should we tell them now?" I heard my father whisper. "Tell us what?" Baekhyun, who seemed to have overheard the question, asked. Our parents exchanged eager glances. There was a long pause before Baekhyun's mother decided to speak up. "Baekhyun, Sungji," she began with sparkling eyes. "We have something very exciting to tell you!" she continued, trying not to explode. Baekhyun and I glanced at each other suspiciously. He nervously took a sip of his water. My hands were fidgeting impatiently on my lap. "You two are getting married!" my mom announced happily. I heard Baekhyun choke on his water, but I was too stunned to help him. Everyone in the restaurant seemed to have heard and began applauding us.

     My mouth fell open at her words. "M-Mwo?" I asked wanting some clarification. Did I hear them correctly? Baekhyun and I are getting married? No, this is a joke, right? I mean yes, I love Baekhyun. But I only love him as a bestfriend and a brother. I could never imagine marrying him. 

     I turned to Baekhyun, and as I expected, he was just as surprised as I was. Water was still dripping from his mouth from forgetting to wipe it when he choked. I was about to laugh, but I couldn't laugh at a moment like this. His eyes were rounded in shock. I could tell that he wanted to ask them a lot of questions right now. "What?! Why?!" he asked firstly, trying not to bombard them with too many questions at once. 

     "Well, we thought that marrying you guys would help our businesses grow stronger. And you two already seem to like each other so..." Baekhyun's father answered. "But, that's not fair!" Baekhyun stood from his chair. "You guys never asked for our conscent! Didn't it cross your minds that we could possibly like someone else? Why are you taking control of lives that aren't even yours? Why are you planning our future for us? Why?!" he asked loudly. "That's enough, Baekhyun!" his father interjected and pounded on the table which caused me to jump in my seat. "The marriage has already been arranged and it's too late to cancel it. Why are you being so selfish?" his father asked trying to remain calm. "M-Me? What about you? You're the one thinking about your precous business!" His father didn't reply and sat their quietly, along with the rest of the parents. Baekhyun grabbed his jacket that was on his chair and began walking out from the building. I quickly ran after him. 

     "Baekhyun! I called after him. He didn't stop walking. I don't even know where he's headed since he doesn't have a car. "Baekhyun!" I removed my shoes and picked up my pace. I didn't care that I was running barefoot at this time, I just had to catch up with him. "Baekhyun..." I panted as I took hold of his arm, stabilizing myself. "I-I'm sorry..." he said as he turned to me. "Don't apologize. I understand why you reacted that way." I said as I made my way to a park nearby. I took a seat on the swing and Baekhyun sat on the one next to mine. "You don't understand," he said which made me look at him. He looked at me and lightly kicked the sand. "After school today, I finally went up to Taeyeon and asked her out," he paused and looked at his shoes. "She said yes," he finished. "And it looks like I'm going to have to cancel it." I looked at him with soft eyes, not knowing what to say. "I guess I can't blame our parents entirely...If I just asked her out earlier and told my parents about it, this wouldn't have happened. I guess I was too late..."he laughed to himself bitterly.

     I sighed sadly, feeling bad for him. I couldn't stand seeing him sad and depressed. He's always been loud and childish, but today, he's the total opposite. It hurts me to see him like this. "Baek," I began and he looked up with his full attention. "Remember what I said earlier today?" I began and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I don't want to get in the way of your love life. I don't want to be the reason for your sadness. I just want us both to be happy. So I'm sticking to what I said. Go for it. Go on your date with Taeyeon. I won't hold you back even if I'm going to be your wife soon..." Baekhyun was silent for awhile, until he knelt down in front of me. "Thank you Sunji-ah...I don't know what I did to have you as my bestfriend," he held my hands tightly. I blushed and nudged him on his shoulder playfully. He smiled cutely at me and pinched my cheeks. "Yah!" I yelled and whacked his arm, to which he only laughed.

     He walked behind me and started pushing me on the swing. I felt the cool breeze hitting my face. My hair was flowing freely each time I went forward. Suddenly, I felt myself getting higher off the ground. "Ahh! Baekhyun-ah!" I yelled as I covered my face. I was deadly afraid of heights. My palms already get sweaty when I'm just five feet off the ground! "Baekhyun!" my feet were dangling in the air. "Awww! Kyeopta! My bestfriend is a scaredy cat!" Baekhyun teased and pushed me higher. As soon as my feet were able to touch the ground, I dug them into the sand, making the swing come to a stop. As soon as I got up, he ran away from me. "Yah! You're so dead!" "What are you going to do about it?" he taunted and ran farther away from me. "Come back here!" I yelled and picked up my pace. I caught up to him and tackled him from behind. We both landed on the grass in fits of laughter. I bet our laughter was heard from halfway across the world; that's how loud we were. We continued laughing like maniacs until our sides began to hurt. "I didn't know you were that strong..." he muttered and positioned himself so he was facing the sky. "Well I didn't know you were weak..." I giggled. It was silent for a moment until he suddenly spoke up.

     He turned to face me. "Sungji..." "Mmm..." I hummed in response and turned to look at him. God, he looked beautiful at that moment. The moonlight illuminated his face perfectly, which only made him look too good to be true. He was now on his side, head resting on his hand. "Can you promise me something?" he asked, suddenly becoming serious. I nodded. "Anything." "Promise me that this marriage will never affect our friendship." His eyes were pleading as he waited for my answer. "I-I promise." He smiled in satisfaction and went back to his original position, his head resting on his arm. We both turned our attention back to the sky that was currently covered with stars. "It's beautiful isn't it?" he asked, still looking at the sky. I turned to him, " is..." I said as I smiled to myself. 


A/N : Hey guys! I finally updated! I'm so sorry it took so long. *bows multiple times* I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll be updating soon! Thanks for taking your time on reading this, it means a lot to me <3

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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 4: Can't wait ^^
Chapter 1: Update soon please~ ♡