Fish makes everything better!

On Our Way to China!

Minghao woke up. It was morning and when he turned around he saw Jun next to him with dried tear stains on his cheek. Minghao felt bad for hurtting his love so he pulled him closer to himself. Jun woke up from it. He found his haed by Minghaos chest. He blushed a little and put his arm around Minghaos waist. Minghao smiled and kissed Juns head. "Good morning." Jun said. "Good morning." Minghao replied. They got up and were craving fish. Minghao then turned into a wolf and caught like 8 fishes! He turned back to normal and cooked them. Bob, Wolfie,and Namjoon woke up to the smell of fish. "Good morning!" Namjoon said. "Good morning." Jun and Minghao replied. They all ate fish.

Jun pulled Minghao out from the crowd and into a croner. "Jun? What do you need?" Minghao asked. Jun just looked at him at smashed his lips on to Minghaos. Minghao blinked several times. Juns kiss got rougher and rougher. Minghao whimpered. Jun then looked at Minghao and hugged him. Minghao smiled. "You know you can just say if you want a kiss or a hug because i'll give it you." Minghao said as he kissed Jun again. "Where are those two???" Namjoon asked himself. He walked over to their sleeping space and saw to guys making out. Namjoon covered his mouth with a red face and ran back to the animals. "J-Jun and M-Minghao are making out!" Namjoon said to the animals. Both animals looked at each other and choked on their fishes. 

Minghao rested his head on Juns shoulder. "I love you." Minghao said. "I love you too." Jun replied. They walked back and saw their folks on the ground. Minghao laughed and so did Jun. "We've kissed so many times yet they still faint." Jun said. Minghao laughed and kissed Juns cheek. Jun smiled and woke up those wierd people. They continued there journey to China. Soon they saw the Great Wall of China not to far. Everyone cheered exept for Minghao. "Jun. I don't want to go back any more." Minghao said with tears in his eyes. Jun hugged him. "It's ok. I know your parents didn't want you to join Seventeen and forbbided you to go in the house,but Minghao you and i will have a home together along with are wonderful friends." Jun said while wipping away Minghaos tears. "I want to marry you Minghao." Jun said. Everyones eyes widened. Minghao looked at Jun. "I want that alot Jun!" Minghao replied.

After a sweet moment they started to walk again. They finally made it! China was right there in front of them! After a long journey they made it! Minghao ran into the gates,but didn't hear the gang yelling wrong way stop! Minghao was cursed by another evil spirit making him think things. He was running twords a cliff. "MINGHAO!" Jun screamed. Minghaos eyes widened and he looked back. "HELP ME JUN!" Minghao shouted. Jun ran to him holding him back fighting the evil spirit. It went away. Minghao was safe. "Jun.." Minghao said with tears in his eyes as he hugged Jun. Jun hugged him tightly.

Minghao transformed into a wolf hidding his self from the evil spirits noticing where he is. Jun felt bad for Minghao. "Minghao are you ok with being a wolf?" Jun asked. "Not really,but if animals need it then i guess.." Minghao replied. Minghao turned back to normal and kissed Jun. "I'll be fine. Like you said we will get through this together." Minghao replied. Jun nodded and kissed Minghao once again.

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R3ader43V3R #1
miharucho #2
Oh my god why does this sound so random
Tingkaibel #3
update soon!
Chapter 3: OMG Minghao is a wolf. It's like snow white but without the darfs. I like the story it's really interesting. I wonder what will happen when they get to China.