China is the way

On Our Way to China!


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE HAVE TO GO BACK?" Jun screamed. "WE HAVE AS MUCH RIGHTS TO BE HERE!" Minghao yelled. "YOU BOTH ARE GOING BACK TO CHINA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The big man screamed.

                                                                                              1 HOUR EARLIER..



It was a normal morining in the seventeen dorm. "Morning Jun!" Minghao said. "Morning." Jun said. They comunicated in chineese. Soon Mingyu got up to start cooking. Mingyus phone ran and answered,but put it on speaker. "Hello?" The person asked. "Oh hey Luhan." Mingyu replied. "I'm sending two people back to China along with Rap Monster even though he is not Chineese." Luhan said. "Oh cool who are they btw you are cruel." Mingyu replied while cooking eggs. "You'll figure out later." Luhan said and hangged up. "I wonder what was that about." Mingyu said. Hoshi and D.K started to watch attack on the titan. Jeonghan and Seoungcheol the oldest got up and started to do their schedual. Everyone got up after they heard breakfast was done. Soon they heard a knock at the door. A big man appeared with Jun and Minghaos papers and personal information.

                                                                        BACK TO 1 HOUR LATER.................. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE HAVE TO GO BACK?" Jun screamed. "WE HAVE AS MUCH RIGHTS TO BE HERE!" Minghao yelled. "YOU BOTH ARE GOING BACK TO CHINA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The big man screamed. Rap Monster was hand cuffed and then Jun and Minghao were too. Seventeen kept yelling for them for stay. Soon Luhan came. "Luhan?" Mingyu said shocked. "I told you that you already know who it is." Luhan said. "WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK TO CHINA?!" Jeonghan yelled. "Because i'm Luhan!" Luhan shouted. "Take them out." Luhan commanded. The man took Rap Monster, Jun, and Minghao into a black van. "YAH! Where are you taking us?!" Minghao shouted. "SHUT UP!" Luhan screamed. Minghao got scared so he cuddled up to Jun and Rap Monster. "I'M NOT EVEN CHINEESE!" Rap Monster yelled. "BUT I DON'T LIKE YOU." Luhan said with aditude. Rap Monster held Jun and Minghao. "Rap Monster are you going to protect us?" Minghao asked cutely. "I will don't worry." Soon they got thrown out the car. Jun panicked when he and Rap Monster couldn't find Minghao. "MINGHAO!" Jun yelled. "J-JUN!" Minghao yelled. Jun saw Minghao stuck in a tree. Jun gasped. It was a really tall tree. Rap Monster told Minghao to jump,but he was to scared. "I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Minghao screamed. "JUST JUM

P!" Rap Monster yelled. Minghao jumped screaming. Rap Monster didn't catch him..... Minghao landed in Juns arms. Minghao blushed. Jun felt a bit of pain in his arms since it was a rough landing. "J-Jun!" Minghao said while hugging him tightly. Rap Monster smiled. "You two will make a great couple." Rap Monster said. Jun and Minghao looked at each other and blushed. When Jun put Minghao down he yelled. "What's wrong Minghao?!" Rap Monster said. "My foot i think i hurt it while jumping down." Minghao said in pain. Rap Monster put Minghao on his back while Jun feels jelous. "Where are we?" Jun asks. "I have no idea." Rap Monster replies. Soon all they see is guards running twords them. "Never mind that RUN!!!!!" Rap Monster yelled. 

                                                                     5 HOURS LATER    

Minghao laughed while Jun and Rap Monster were phanting after running. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!" Jun said. "Because when Rap Monster said run I was thinking of BTS run!" Minghao said while laughing. Rap Monste chuckled. "Your so cute Minghao." Rap Monster said. Jun got even more jelous now. "Monster i think my foots better now." Minghao said. Rap Monster put down Minghao who was blushing at what he said. Minghaos foot was not healed properly so he fell on top of Jun. Minghao was in shock when he felt his lips touch Juns. Rap Monsters face turned red. Jun and Minghao were blushing. Minghao just remembered he needed to pull away. Minghao sat up quickly with a red face. Jun stood up and when he saw Minghaos red face all he could think was CUTE! Jun coughed. Rap Monster put Minghao back on his back.  After a long silence Rap Monster remembered they were lost and in was already night. "Uh guys we are still lost." Rap Monster said. Jun gasped. Minghao was already sleeping. "We need somewhere to sleep. Tommorow i guess we will be hitch hikers." Jun said. Rap Monster noded. Minghao woke up ywaning cutely. Rap Monster and Jun bushed at Minghaos cuteness. "W-What's going on?" Minghao asked. "Oh were just lost and it's night were going to be hitch hikers tommorow." Jun explained. "Oh that's not a problem for me. Due to my cuteness alot of people ask me if i want a ride." Minghao said. "Well we can use that." Rap Monster said. "UGH WHERE ARE WE GOING TO SLEEP?!" Jun yelled. "On the floor?" Rap Monster said. They had no choice now. Minghao slept in the middle of Rap Monster and Jun. 

                                                              THE NEXT MORNING  

Jun felt something heavy on his chest. He looked down and saw Minghao snuggled up to his chest. He blushed. Rap Monster and saw the two his face turned red. "Jun what are you doing with Minghaos body?!" He yelled lightly. "I-I...." Jun stuttered. Rap Monster punched his face and quickly grabbed Minghaos body away from the ert. Minghao woke up. He saw Jun knocked out on the floor. "OMG HE'S UNCONSIOUS!" Minghao screamed. "I'll do mouth to mouth operation!" Minghao announced. "NO! I mean i'll do it." Rap Monster said. He leaned in all grossed out and kissed Jun. Jun woke up and pushed Rap Monster off him. "OK I'M AWAKE!" Jun shouted. Rap Monster sat in corner and kept saying his life is over. "Why did you guys stop me from cuddling with Jun?" Minghao said cutely. Jun blushed. "You can come back and cuddle with me since it's 3:00 AM!" Jun shouted at Rap Monster. Minghao cuddle back in Juns arms. Rap Monster got jelous and put his arm around Minghaos waist. Jun kicked his arm off. Minghao got up and slept in corner becaue of Jun and Rap Monster. Jun walked over to him and cuddled with him. Minghao accepted it and Rap Monster just fell asleep. They all fell asleep. Jun woke up at the right time this time. Jun smiled at Minghao,but noticed he was cuddled with Rap Monster. Rap Monster smirked at Jun. Minghao woke up and fell on top of Jun again smashing their lips together. Rap Monster wanted to scream out of jelousy. Minghao got up blushed. Jun blushed and then smirked at Rap Monster. Minghao got up and got a ride. "Where you heading the woman asked. "On are way to China!" They all said

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R3ader43V3R #1
miharucho #2
Oh my god why does this sound so random
Tingkaibel #3
update soon!
Chapter 3: OMG Minghao is a wolf. It's like snow white but without the darfs. I like the story it's really interesting. I wonder what will happen when they get to China.