Evil is always everywhere

On Our Way to China!

 When everyone woke up they saw Minghao in his wolf form. "I thought this only happened on a full moon." Minghao said to the wolf. "About that... well you see you turn into a wolf off and on until you can control it when you don't and want to be a wolf." Wolfie explained. Juns eyes widened. "Could he turn...well evil?" Namjoon asked. "Yes,but only if he feels betrayed or hurt. OH also if things get out of hand." Wolfie said. "WAIT HOW CAN WE HEAR YOU?!" Jun screamed. "Only when i need to explain something to you then i can talk if it's important about Minghao." Wolfie explained and started barking again. "At least i can talk as a wolf." Minghao said. "Minghao are you ok with all this?" Wolfie barked. "A little." Minghao sighed. Jun walked over to his lover and his his head. Minghao turned around and wagged his tail. Namjoon blushed because of so much cuteness.

Minghao then turned back to normal. Minghao smiled and hugged Jun. "Man i don't like this preventing me from hugging and kissing you." Minghao said while hugging Jun. Jun blushed. "I know. I want to hug and kiss you every second." Jun said. Namjoon almost fainted,but he couldn't because he was holding Bob. "Minghao look at me." Jun said. Minghao looked and Jun. Jun then smashed his lips with Minghaos. The animals and Namjoon fan girled in their minds. They kiss lasted forever until Bob smacked Jun with his tail. Minghao was about to bend down to hold Bob,but Jun grabbed him and continued their kiss. Jun pulled away and Minghao looked at him. They hugged. 

Wolfie attacked a rabbit for the gang to eat. Everyone was excited exept for Minghao,in fact he was hurt. Minghaos eyes turned red. Jun noticed and walked over to him. "M-Minghao?" Jun asked a bit scared. Minghao jumped on top of him and growled. He turned into a wolf and bit Juns arm. Jun screamed in pain. They all ran over to him. Minghao then attacked Namjoon,but Jun pulled him back with all his force even though he's getting hurt. "JUN!" Namjoon yelled. Minghao then turned back to normal. He saw what he did to Jun and ran away in tears. Wolfie chased after Minghao. "MINGAHO! MINGHAO! MINGHAO!" Wolfie barked. He heard soft whimpers behind a buliding and walked twords it. "Minghao.." Wolfie said. "Leave my alone! I'm not tamed! I just hurt my own boyfriend!" Minghao yelled. Wolfie sighed and snuggled close to him. "You will control it soon ok." Wolfie said. Minghao noded with tears in his eyes. 

"JUN!" Minghao yelled. Jun turned around and Minghao hugged him. Minghao started to cry. Jun his soft fluffy hair. "I-I am so sorry for hurtting you." Minghao said hugging him tightly. "Minghao.. it's fine." Jun said. Minghao looked up and kissed Jun. Namjoon sheded a tear thinking that it was scene like in a k-drama. Jun kissed Minghao back and a few tears came down his face aswell. "I love you." Jun said. "Me too." Minghao replied. "Not to ruin the moment,but China is 3 days away!" Namjoon said happily. Minghao and Jun smiled. 

"China is near!" Namjoon said while holding the one and only BOB! Wolfie barked. Minghao turned into a wolf and was shocked. "I-I CAN CONTROL MY POWER LOOK!" Minghao shouted excitedly.  He turned to human and then to wolf. He reapeted his transformation. "Wait i don't think i can control my anger and sadness yet..." Minghao said upsettingly.  "You will get it soon." Jun said while bringing the other in for a hug. "Jun you are the best boyfirend!" Minghao said while placing a kiss on Juns cheek. Wolfie barked. Minghao turned into a wolf and ran ahead. Jun smiled. "I can't wait to make you mine forever." Jun said in his mind. Namjoon started to talk to Bob and he acctually understood Namjoon. It was like talking a human. "BOB IS THE BEST PET EVER!!!" Namjoon yelled. Everyone laughed. 

It was night time and Minghao walked to a pond he saw. He looked at his reflection in the water and smiled. The moon was full and all he thought was beautiful. When he looked at his face again he saw an evil form of him. He screamed in pain and backed away. "Minghao!" Jun yelled. "Are you ok?!" Jun asked while holding Minghao. "N-No.. I saw an evil version of me!" Minghao said as he cried in Juns arms. Minghao gasped. Jun looked at him. Minghaos eyes turned red. Minghao screamed. The evil spirit took over his body. Jun hugged Minghao tighter. Juns love acctually stopped the evil spirit from hurtting him and Minghao. Minghao fell asleep and had tears running down his face. Jun kissed Minghao and cried.

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R3ader43V3R #1
miharucho #2
Oh my god why does this sound so random
Tingkaibel #3
update soon!
Chapter 3: OMG Minghao is a wolf. It's like snow white but without the darfs. I like the story it's really interesting. I wonder what will happen when they get to China.