Chapter 9

You're My Dinosaur

Yerin had made Eunbyul get into a bad mood. Eunbyul was rarely ever in a bad mood. She was the kind of girl who seemed to always be happy, and that exactly was the case. She didn't hide her sadness, mainly because she usually was never sad. She didn't ever encounter any family or school problems. She just so happened to be born a lucky girl.

Eunbyul remembered the days when Yerin had made her laugh and cry (in joy of course). It wasn't even that long ago. It was like... like Yerin had changed. She had suddenly became a lot more stressed out, and it seemed like any small action could set her off.

What was going on with Yerin?


Yerin had gone home for the day. She said hello to her mom and younger brother. She crawled into bed and opened her laptop, ignoring the fact that she still had to study. She started to watch some videos of BTS to make her feel better.

It had passed hours until her dad finally came home. Yerin checked the clock on her nightstand. It was 11:42 P.M. She made sure to stay quiet, because she knew her dad would scold her if he had found out that she had stayed up this late. She still didn't study. She didn't even eat dinner.

She heard her dad go into the bedroom he shared with her mom. She heard talking, because the walls in her house were pretty thin. First, it as arguing.

"Why are you home so late? You didn't even bother to call," her mom said.

"Why do you keep on minding my business? Leave me alone," her dad snarled. His words were slurred, which normally shouldn't be. That meant he was drunk.

Yerin couldn't hear her parents after that. All she heard was muffled arguing, until she heard a crash against the wall. She ran to her parents room in shock. Her mom was on the floor, after being slammed against the wall.

"Why aren't you asleep?!" Yerin's dad shouted when he saw his daughter in the doorway."

Yesung appeared behind Yerin and saw his mom, who had lost consciousness. Her head was bleeding a little. His eyes became as wide as saucers. "What happened?!" He ran to his mom and tried to wake her up.

Yerin's dad, who had been drunk, started beating Yesung. Yesung couldn't help it and started crying in pain, anger, and sadness. What did he do to his dad?

"Appa! Stop!!" Yerin shrieked, and ran to cover her younger brother. Her dad tried to beat Yesung some more, but Yerin was in the way, taking all the blows.

Yerin's dad had never been like this before. He had only spanked Yerin and Yesung as children to discipline them, but nothing more. As time had gone by, Yerin's dad had become more drunk, and his kindness started to disappear.

Yerin and Yesung could do nothing but cry.

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QueenKookie #1