Chapter 3

You're My Dinosaur

Yerin dressed in her white long sleeved sweater dress. It was classy-casual, perfect for a concert because no one wanted to look like a bum, while also not looking like an overdressed princess or something of the sort. Eunbyul said it would be cold, which is why Yerin decided to wear a long sleeved dress and wear a thin but warm cardigan on top.

Eunbyul rang the doorbell. Yerin opened the door to see Eunbyul dressed fancier than her, in a slim, black dress.

"Why so fancy? It's only a concert," Yerin laughed.

"Hey, you're fancy too. I'm wearing this because I'll be meeting my future husbands," Eunbyul said.

"Your future husbandS? HusbandS?" Yerin giggled.

"Fine, I guess I'll only have one husband then," Eunbyul responded.

"Who knows if they'll notice you? The stage is pretty bright, and a front row ticket doesn't always mean they'll notice you. They'll probably be blinded by the light, anyway," Yerin reasoned.

"Hey, be positive! I'm sure they'll notice me and fall in love with me," Eunbyul joked. "Especially Mingyu with his dreamy eyes."


Dino's makeup artists had put the final touches on him. Dino was less nervous than he was yesterday, but he still couldn't think straight.

"We'll all do great today," S.Coups said cheerfully.

"I sure hope so," Dino muttered.

"Huh? Whatcha say?" S.Coups asked, thinking Dino said something else.

"Nothing," Dino replied. He would just have to calm himself down.


Eunbyul bought Yerin food, as promised. She bought Yerin a tall ice cream cone and some ddeokbokki. Yerin enjoyed them, until a man walking by bumped into her, which caused her ddeokbokki to come in contact with her dress and spill. He didn't even bother to say sorry, or even to look back.

"Oh no! What a rude man. Let's get you cleaned up," Eunbyul said, taking her to the bathroom. They were unable to remove it, and there was a large reddish-orange stain on her white knit dress.

"I chose a bad day to wear white and a knit," Yerin sighed.

"I'm sure this day will be better. Just wait."


They went to where they would be at during the whole concert. Because they were in the front, there were no seats, and people only stood there. The concert started, and Seventeen came out from backstage as everyone screamed loudly.

"WHOOOO MINGYUUU!!!" Eunbyul shouted louder than Yerin had ever heard her before. Everyone was making loud noises and cheering their favorite member on.




Yerin had no idea who any of the members were, except Mingyu, because Eunbyul would constantly talk about him and show her pictures. People around her pushed her aside to get to the front.

*What the heck?* Yerin pushed back, because she thought they were being rude and should wait at the spot they were originally in. She was eventually pushed towards the back of the front row, but she could still see Seventeen on stage.


Dino had nothing to worry about. He was performing fine. Everyone seemed to be cheering him and his groupmates on. He would occasionally hear his name from the crowd followed by an "I love you" or "Hwaiting." He looked into the crowd, and everyone in the front row seemed to be dancing, singing, and jumping in delight. All except one girl. She had her arms crossed over her chest, which appeared to have a reddish stain on it. She seemed to be glaring at him. *Wow, that is one very visible stain.*, he thought. *I wonder if she is in a bad mood. Her glare follows me around the stage.* He snapped out of his thoughts and got back to focusing on dancing.

Mansae mansae mansae yeah, mansae mansae mansae yeah

The music blasted loudly. They were about halfway through the song. At the part of the choreography where the boys jump and kick, was where it all happened. Dino's shoe flung off his foot. Everyone in the crowd including Seventeen stopped for a minute to watch the shoe. Dino was mortified. The crowd was dead silent. It had knocked a girl to the floor. She grunted when it hit her forehead, and she laid on the ground for a minute or two while the crowd around her backed away.

"Yerin! Are you okay?!" Eunbyul said.

Yerin only made a groan and opened her eyes slightly but wouldn't get up. Eunbyul started to slap her face.

"C'mon, get up. The crowd has their attention on you." Eunbyul muttered. She helped Yerin get up. Yerin had one arm covering her chest in an attempt to cover up the stain on her dress and the other on her forehead. People watched her closely.

Dino was unable to get off the stage. He couldn't really say much, as he had no idea what to say. It seemed to be that if he were to say anything, everyone would say something bad about him. He watched with sympathetic eyes as Eunbyul took Yerin away from the concert place.

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