Does It Matter
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“Are you not really going to wear this?”

“But it’s orange!” he almost snapped. I glared at him.

“Come on! I have the same one so you don’t have to worry too much,” I looked at him with my puppy eyes and I know it won’t work… but I’m just using it so I can execute my plan. I sat his lap and without saying word inserted my hand inside his shirt. Well I’m only going to strip his sweater off from him but teasing him a little, I think, will do the trick. “Please?” I whispered in his ear.

I looked at him expectantly but he looks like he’s not about to give in. Does he know what I’m doing? So I kissed him and even bit his lip. He froze so it’s my cue to caress his back. “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

I pouted. I’m busted. I have to remind myself that my husband doesn’t need words—just actions—to understand me (almost everyone, to be completely honest). I detached myself away from him and threw the orange sweater in his face. What if I tell him that it costs $795? Never mind. “Please? Just wear it?”


“Please?” I’m about to give up when he sighed and finally wore the orange sweater. “Matchy-matchy!” I kissed his cheek and reached for his hand. “Come on.”

Actually, we’re still both on leave from work (for our, well, honeymoon) but we’re no longer in London or Europe for that matter.



“I don’t understand a thing.” We’re actually in Seoul.

“And so do I!” I grinned. The blood running through my veins may be Korean but I’m not from here. I spent my childhood here but when we moved to Canada, I had to learn English so I forgot all my Korean. “But we’ll be fine.” I only know the basics… like introducing myself for example.

Our hotel is not that far from Han River so we decided to take a stroll there but “I’m hungry.” He pulled me towards him and rested his chin on my head. “Let’s eat first.”

“Do you want to head back in the hotel to eat?”

“Nah. There are lots of cafés around.”

“You want waffles again?” He nodded. “You’re always craving for waffles.”

We settled on this cute, little café I searched on google. According to the reviews, they really have nice beverages and pastries here.

“Should I order for you?” He didn’t even tell me what he wants—except for the waffles. He’ll eat anything, anyway. Kidding. He’s quite a picky eater.


“Do you want to rest?” I nodded. I haven’t adjusted to the time zone, that’s why. “Let’s take a cab. I’m not going to let you walk like that.”

“I want coffee.”

“No coffee for you.”


“No buts, baby.”

“How many times do I have to tell you that—”

“How many times did I follow you?”

“I hate you!” we hailed a cab but since none of us can actually speak proper Korean, we just said the name of the hotel.

Now we’re alone in the elevator. “I know you don’t.”


“You don’t hate me.”

“How sure are you?” I pinched his arm and he flinched.

We entered our room and I throw my bag on the nightstand and didn’t bother changing clothes. I’m freaking sleepy. “Are you sure you’re going to sleep like that?”

“Yeah. Just go away, I really need to sleep.”

“Can you at least change your bottoms? You look so uncomfortable.”

I rolled my eyes and stood up. I kicked off my jeans not caring whether he’s looking at me or not. “Can you please hand me over my pajama pants?” he just stared at me like I’m one of his patients. I sat on the edge of the bed. I’m really sleepy. He handed me over my favorite pajama pants and I quickly changed to it.

When I finally get laid on the bed properly, I tried peeking at him. He’s not wearing anything now except for his boxers. That’s how he usually sleeps. When we started living together, he’s still wearing clothes when we sleep but then that was only at first few weeks.

“It’s cold here, you know?”

“I know but it’s more comfortable this way.” He propped down beside me and we started cuddling. “Now close your eyes and take some good sleep. I can’t afford you having headache.”

I slept until 4PM and when I woke up, Mark’s still fast asleep. I’m facing his back so I got a clear view of his mole. He’s got a lot of moles.

I kissed his shoulder before embracing him tightly. I hope I don’t suffocate him to death. “Wake up, wake up, wake up.” We’re supposed to go to Hongdae.

He rolled over to face and he wrapped his arms around me. “Few more minutes, please?”

“No.” I shake his body, “Wake up already!”

“Don’t do that, you’re making me dizzy.”

“Fine. But just wake up already, okay?”

“Can we just stay here and go there tomorrow?”

“What? No way!” No freaking way. I heard that there’ll be a band who will go busking in Hongdae today and I don’t really want to miss it. Besides, shopping isn’t that bad. And food trip. Especially that. “Don’t you want to eat?”

“No. I’d rather stay here.”

“Then I’m going to leave you here!” I’m serious. “I’m really going to leave you here.”

“Fine.” I left him there looking so sleepy. Huh.

I headed straight to shower and I was just stripping my clothes off but someone started knocking. It’s probably him. “What?”

“Let me in.”

“I’m going to take a shower.”

“Open the door, Wendy.” I’m still wearing my undies. He should be thankful or he could be knocking on the door for who knows ho

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pamparampampam #1
Chapter 15: Hi. I love your stories. I hope you'll come back. Thank you for writing.
7380ssiw #2
Welcome back dear author!!! Thanks for the update. Hope you’re doing okay during this pandemic. Sending love~
dietmntndew #3
Chapter 14: I don't know if youre still checking aff but the recent event with Wendy wearing Mark's represent sweatpants brought me here lol. You write really well!! :D
cassiemarie #4
Chapter 14: Thank you so much for the update! I love it as always! Welcome back!!
Chapter 14: welcome back author nim. yes i know you won't abandon this story. sometimes you don't need such a grand proposal just a simple and nice proposal.
unicornmaknae #6
Chapter 13: ........update???? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
When are you gonna update authornim? :3
When are you gonna update authornim? :3
Chapter 13: Wow Peter Pan and Wendy huh~ I like that story! True and same lol I don't like Jane too hahahah but it's refreshing that they made her a bit different than Wendy. Wendy is a bit feminine and very sister-like or mother-like while Jane is a bit daring and rebellious. I've watched the real human version of Peter Pan and yeah the ending is just like in the novel. Wendy came back to London with all the Lost Boys and she grew up and got married. It's bittersweet. But the part where Peter would bring every daughter of Wendy's descent is new to me lol. I just knew that and indeed it's very heartbreaking and sad. It's like everything never stays for him except for his youth. Anything else gone leaving him behind. Poor Peter~

Yeah glad that Mark is not Perer lol ><