I'll Be Waiting


I'll Be Waiting



Life was great. You lived in Busan with your mother, who was overly caring, and your father, who couldn't care less.

Then he came.

The waiting game commenced.

Or is it already game over?

"Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering" -Paulo Coelho



"Mwo?! You really wanna read?"

Annyeong! I'm HaeppyBubble and this is my third shot at writing a novel. I sincerely hope everyone will enjoy this story thoroughly because I really like making the reader feeled involved, as though they are actually the OC (thus why the OC doesn't actually have a name kkk~). Please support until the end, I'm planning to get this fanfic over 20 chapters so you'll have to bare with me!

Thank you xx




Review #1 (thanks to nytslyer03 @☺♫ Saranghae Review Shop ♫☺)


Title (4/5)

The title wasn’t really that catchy—not the way I see it at least. It’s too… mushy, for me. (not that I’m any better). Anyway, you could’ve had a better story title aside from I’ll Be Waiting”. Deduction of 1 point for that.
Poster & Background & Trailer (7/10)
Ok, I see Eunhyuk in between pictures of a city. What’s the connection? The picture must tell something. I’m trying to figure out the connection but I find it pretty (being a fan of pictures, I find this exquisite), thus, the deduction of 3 points.
 Description & Foreword (7/10)
If I was to browse some good stories, I would skip yours. Why? Descriptions are the one you see under your story. You describe your story. Author’s note is to be placed in the foreword. Describe your story, give the plot but don’t give too much information. Foreshadow the whole story and you’ll be surprised how people would line up and wait for you to update before you even begin writing (not that I’m bragging but it happened to me).
Foreword is good. You can actually put anything you like here but always remember about the neatness and layout. Readers won’t go past chapter one if they see a really messy foreword (page). I like your foreword actually.
Deduction of 3 points for the description, none for foreword.
Plot (7/10)
Your plot is really nice though I’m not really sure what it is. I read this yes, but I don’t know where this one is going. Deduction of 3 points for being confusing.
When making a story, I’ve been told that you should already see the ending of it then come up with events along the way. Have you thought about how to end this? If not, I suggest you think it over.
Originality (10/10)
I don’t really come across OC fics often so this one is new to me. Well, this is pretty new to me, though your OC is the typical Mary Sue with parental problems. Since this is not Character Development, I wouldn’t ponder much on that. No deduction on this one.
Flow (4/5)
Is it just me or was this slow paced? It’s dragging. Deduction of 1 point.
Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling/Vocabulary (30/30)
I’m not a grammar nazi and I’m not keen spotting grammatical mistakes. I didn’t really find anything wrong, so I guess you won’t have any deduction.
As mentioned earlier, I’m not keen when it comes to spotting grammatical errors. If people find some errors here, I apologize.
Writing Style (1/10)
Work on your paragraph spacing. When starting a new conversation, start a new paragraph. It’s hard and it’s tiring to read a whole paragraph full of conversation. For example this one which I got from Chapter 1 (edited of course):
"Honey, go take your father’s dinner to him” my mother instructed making me frown.
                “Why do I have to do it?!” I retorted. No one, and I mean no one, should approach my father when he’s agitated.
“Oh this daughter! You aren’t even going to listen to your own mother now?!” she scowled under her breath.
                “Ah fine! I’ll sacrifice myself this time.” I sighed—finally giving in. My mother nudged my head softly.
                “Yah! Do you think your father is the devil?” she hissed.
It’s easier to read right? It’s not cramped and it looked so much neater. Other than that, you don’t have to narrate everything she does or anybody else in particular.
I don’t usually read a cramped story. Even if the description is good, if I saw that the way the author arranged the paragraphs, I immediately close the window. Maybe this is the reason why you have little subscribers? Try adjusting your writing style to make it easier for your readers.
Oh and please refrain from using Korean words if you can. This is an English fic not Korean. I know you wanted your readers to know that the setting is in Korea but that isn’t the way to do it. Describe the setting that would make your readers think it’s in Korea. Use foods that they normally eat (you did that). Or, state the place where it happened. I can’t stop you from using “Oppa” because there is no English equivalent for that (there is but it’s awkward). “Umma” has an English equivalent which is “Mother” or “Mom” so use that instead.
When I got to chapter two I was surprised to too see it cramped. Work on your Chapter 1. Edit it and it’s a must!
Try and do something about your conversations. It’s dull and too much talking. At least describe what they were doing but be wary about the way you do it. You wouldn’t like to sound like a robot now do you?
Overall Enjoyment (4/10)
I honestly didn’t read your chapter 1. The paragraph was too cramped and it’s tiring to read. This is one of the reasons why you don’t really have many subscribers. Do something about it right now, and follow my instructions above.
I enjoy a fic based on the way they write and their plot (no matter how cliché it is as long as it’s good I read it, seriously). Though your plot got me hooked (a little) it still isn’t much for me to ultimately enjoy this fic.

This was supposed to have a score of one but I decided to go past chapter 1 and read chapter 2. Good thing I did or else I’d make the worst review ever. Your score now is 4.

Total Score: 74/100%


Review #2 (thanks to ChelseyTeHe @ Superlative Top Shop)

Title: 4/5

I like the title! It makes me wonder what the person's waiting for, and who the person is. Though it is sort of cliché, so points off for that.

Appearance: 3/5

I really love the poster! It's so pretty! But what did the city have to do with anything? Like really, it's like just some pretty decoration to fill up place, and it doesn’t have the author name like it should, so I took off four points because of that.

Foreword and Description: 13/15

Asdfghjkl!!!! Loved the description!!! It made me anticipate exactly what waiting game you were talking about, and who the guy was, though it was obviously Eunhyuk. I also loved the quote you put in, it matches everything perfectly. Oh and foreword's can be a prologue, or acknowledgements, so I give that foreword my approval, but you really should’ve put an introduction to the story instead, but I guess it’s okay…

Originality/Plot: 25/25

I’ve never read a story where one of the protagonist’s father’s employees and the protagonist fall for each other, so I’d say this is quite original. There may be some stories like this, but not that I know of, so yup.

Flow: 1.5/5

The transition between scenes is too fast, not much is happening. All it is just dialogue, therefore the scene is rushed. This goes back to writing style, but really, there’s not much happening but dialogue, so you should be more descriptive in your writing and lengthen scenes.

Writing Mechanics (spelling, grammar, etc.): 14/20

I liked your wide variety of vocabulary. It annoys me when writers use short little kid words such as happy or sad, instead of words like ecstatic or poignant, though you did have few grammatical errors. Well some of them weren't really grammatical errors, but they didn't really sound right. I won’t do all of them, but here’s some I found in chapter one.

Incorrect: "I gasped and quickly slammed close my laptop before dumping my open textbooks on top. I leant back in the chair and into a stretch. "Okay! Then make sure you transfer the new songs into my uPod thing" she said, sitting down in the dining chair opposite."  

Correct: "I gasped and quickly slammed my laptop closed before dumping my open textbooks on top of the laptop. OR Gasping, I quickly slammed my laptop closed, then dumping my open textbooks on top of it. I leaned back in the chair into a stretch. “Okay! Make sure you transfer the new songs into my iPod thing,” she said, sitting down in the dining chair opposite of me."

Writing Style: 2/15

You really should've indented in the beginning of each paragraph, and you have way too much dialogue. Also, you made a new paragraph for every probably every two sentences, when you’re only supposed to when the subject changes, or when someone talks. If you look at the chapters at first glance, it looks more like a script with all those lines unlike an actual story. You also forgot the comma after someone finishes talking, and sometimes you use unnecessary commas. Here’s an example of what I mean. I’d show you all of them, but I’d just be showing you every single thing your characters have spoken. Sometimes, you also forget to make a new line for each dialogue. Oh, and you kind of use too many Korean words, and I would refrain from doing that. You can use it sometimes, but I’m seeing it here and there and….yeah.

[Chapter 1] Incorrect: “Yeobo ah~ please eat more, this kimchi is good for you” she encouraged gently, yet cautiously, like she was feeding a lion. "You sound like you've had that experience before, songsaenim" I said. "Mm...yes, both my children are currently studying overseas. My eldest son is studying law in England and my daughter is studying medicine" he answered.

Correct: “Yeobo ah~ please eat more, this kimchi is good for you,” she encouraged gently yet cautiously, like she was feeding a lion. "You sound like you've had that experience before, songsaenim" I said. "Mm...yes, both my children are currently studying overseas. My eldest son is studying law in England and my daughter is studying medicine" he answered.

The font is normal and I like that. I just HATE it when people make their fonts cursive or something, it irritates me. No matter how awesome the story is if the font is freakin' illegible I will certainly not read the story. Also, you never described the setting or anything. It’s just been dialogue all the way. You must be more descriptive.

Characters: 2/10

You barely described how the characters were feeling during moments with all that dialogue in the way. Seriously, there is just too much dialogue that you can’t really express the emotions of your characters so well, you can only display the words they speak, a little of what they’re doing, and a little of what they’re thinking and feeling.

Overall: 64/100

To me, I guess it’s okay…didn’t really enjoy so much… Sorry for the not passing score, I just added up all your points and that’s what you got.

[121216] Oops I forgot this Story Feed thing existed. Chapter 12 just updated!


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Chapter 15: author-nim!! seriously!! please update soon or i'll die of anxiety.. :'((
KoalasRULE25 #2
Chapter 14: Yah! When are you gonna update
I almost forgot about this fabric
T.T please update, I miss this fanfic
Chapter 15: unni i liked it very much ^_^ Keep the fluff concept going.... and.. update soon xDD
KoalasRULE25 #4
Chapter 15: Oh jeez Eunhyukie sleeping in my room and dad didn't know
I dont think i could contain myself
especially if he was all wet and shirtless *drifts off*
ELF1155 #5
Chapter 15: Omg you're back ! I got SO excited when I signed in and saw I had new story updates xD You're doing a great job, keep it up ! ^^ I look forward to your updates :)
Chapter 15: MWAHAHAHA
This is hilarious
i love love love it
keyforu #7
eunhyuk daebak! ^^
BlackMusic #8
Chapter 14: I love your plot!I really do,hahaha!Update soon!
ELF1155 #9
Chapter 14: This is really good ! I'm so enjoying it ! And LOL omg xD All that smacking... Rofl hope you update soon ! ^^ <3
you're bringing back my feels