
Lotus Kiss

Youngjae and Daehyun spent the night together and on Sunday the Lotus Kiss team was back to work on their dress. Youngjae helped them as well with small things like making the fabric flowers that will go around the neckline. He was having fun.


Himchan suddenly answered his phone.

“Really?! I understand... Ok! I’ll ask him!"

He seemed excited.

"Youngjae, I have a job offer for you!”

“What is it?!”

“You know, my older sister is a designer too, she has a brand that will release its first male clothing line for the first time next season… It happens they are going to shoot for a magazine tomorrow but one of the models is sick. Since I told her about you, she asked if you could fill in as an emergency.”


Youngaje was totally surprised.

“That’s amazing!”

Said Daehyun.

“Himchan’s sister’ brand appears a lot in teen magazines, you’ll be a teenage sensation!”

“But I have no experience…”

Youngjae was worried.

“It’s ok, she’ll explain you exactly what you’ll have to do, I’m sure you’ll be great!”

Himchan assured him.

“Won’t you be there?”

“We have classes tomorrow. But I’ll give you the directions of the photoshoot location.”

Youngjae thought about it. He had nothing to lose.


He agreed not knowing what awaited him.


The next day Youngjae arrived at the photoshoot set. It was inside an old remodeled building and everything looked so fashionable.

Himchan’s sister was there waiting for him.

“I’m so glad you came! You look as pretty as Himchan told me! I’m so happy!”

She hugged Youngjae and sent him to hair and makeup.

Youngjae was a bit overwhelmed with everything, especially with all the wardrobe changes and the fact that he didn’t look like himself. He looked… cool. There were other male models there so he was able to talk to them and ask for advice. He thought he was shorter than them, but luckily they were seating down for most of the group shots so he hoped it wasn’t too noticeable. The production team seemed very close too, they gave him lost of directions and he did the best he could. It all went by so fast.

“Good job everyone!”

Said the photographer when they were finally finished at the end of the day.

Youngjae bowed to the team and his colleagues. Then his phone rang. It was Daehyun.

“So, is it over? How did it go?”

“It just ended, and it was amazing! Besides, everyone is so nice!”

“Did you receive good critiques?”

“Well, I hadn’t had much feedback…”

“That’s good too, if you were doing something bad, they would say.”

“I guess…”

“I have to go now; Himchan is calling me about the dress. See you later. I love you.”

“I… I love you too.”

Youngjae hang up the phone blushing.

“You look flustered, is everything ok?”

Asked Himchan’s sister.

“Oh, yes, everything’s perfect.”

“I wanted to thank you for coming again, and to give you this.”

She gave Youngjae a card from a model agency.

“A friend of mine is starting an agency and she’s looking for young models like you. I already called her. If you want you can meet with her next week.”

“Uh… Yes! I mean, I think so…”

Youngjae was happy but everything was happening so fast.

“You’re so cute!”

She pinched his cheecks. It hurt but Youngjae tried to laugh it off.


Youngjae spent the rest of the week without going to school and just helping at the studio but there was little for him to do and he was afraid he would get in the way, so on Friday he decided to go out. Without noticing he followed the way to the coffee shop he and Yongguk used to go sometimes... and he was there.


Yongguk called him. Youngjae hadn’t seen him so he was taken by surprise.

“What has been done of you?”

“Well actually I…”

Youngjae didn’t know what to say.

“I went to your house yesterday.”

“You did?!”

“Your mother just said you weren’t home so I left but I was worried.”

“I’m sorry…”

So Youngjae had to tell the truth to Yongguk assuring him that everything was fine. However Yongguk wasn’t as shocked as everyone else.

“Did you decide to take modeling serious?”

He asked.

“I don’t know yet, but I’d like to try at least.”

“You know, you can always pursue a modeling career and still go to college.”

These words resonated on Youngjae’s head for hours.

Since he had a goal now, would his parents understand? Should he go back home? What would happen to him and Daehyun then?


When he got back to the studio it was getting dark and everyone had gone home, except for Daehyun.

“Where were you?”

He asked Youngjae.

“I saw Yongguk today…”

“So you were with him?”

Daehyun asked feeling a little jealous again.

“We just talked for a while…”

“Since you’re here I’ll be going home now.”


Youngjae didn’t want to be alone tonight.

“Will you kiss me before you?”

Daehyun immediately ran to Youngjae and hugged him.

Then they looked into each other’s and kissed passionately.

Youngjae started to cry.

“What is it Jae?”

“I think I’ll have to go back home.”

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Chapter 3: Oh... OH ;) jonglo
gyutrash #2
Chapter 15: Omg ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠ

My babies ;;;;;;;

Finally. FINALLY!!!!!!!

I'm so glad they have this end because they deserve it!

Thanks you so so much for this fic, it was great and funny, thank you :)
Chapter 14: Omg, but Daehyun coming back to take Youngjae ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

This is so good, I just, let them be together ㅠㅠㅠ

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ :)
Chapter 13: Omg I this is better, just him coming back(?

I don't think I can read about Youngjae being sad for Dae I just can't ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ I really like this fic~ :)
Chapter 12: Omg baby's ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜ

This is sad and I don't like it because whyyy
When they are good and together.......

I need to read more and more pls

Thanks you so much for the chapter~ :)
Chapter 10: I cant wait to know what will happen!
Chapter 9: Omg bby ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ I hope he is ok..

Thanks for the update~~ :)
Chapter 7: Awww daejaeeeeeeeeeeee ❤️u❤️

Thank you ❤️
Update soon please ❤️
Paradise kiss! Omg i loved the manga/anime <3 thank you! Cant wait for more ^^