The Fashion Show

Lotus Kiss

Everyone met at the studio that day and from there the Lotus Kiss team went to Willow Arts Academy to get ready for the festival.

The dress was too heavy so they got late preparing everything to go. When they got there it was time for the rehearsal.

“Are you nervous?”

Daehyun asked Youngjae before letting him go to the auditorium.


Youngjae smiled.

He wasn’t nervous but he was very anxious with the fact that he was the only boy there.

The other models were all so pretty, Youngjae felt he didn’t belong there and the rehearsal didn’t go very well.

“How did it go Youngjae-hyung?”

Asked Junhong when Youngjae joined them afterwards. They were still working on some details like the necklace and the tiara.

“I’m sorry; it will be my fault if we don’t win the grand prize.”

Youngjae said embarrassed with himself.

“What are you saying? You just have to go there and walk.”

Jongup tried to make things simple.

“Yeah, the competition is all about the dress you don’t have to worry.”

Said Himchan.

Youngjae wasn’t sure, but he didn’t want to make excuses and disappoint them.

“I’ll go practice right now!”

He decided walking away.

“Meet us in the make-up room in the auditorium at 3.”

Said Daehyun smiling.

That smile gave Youngjae hope. He was going to do it!

One hour later they met again to do Youngjae’s hair.

Himchan had brought a long black wig and they styled it in a half up do with curls.

By now Youngjae was used to having people do his hair and makeup but they have never tried to make him look like a girl before.

Daehyun finished by applying some big false lashes and lots of mascara. Youngjae’s eyes looked beautiful.

The other people in the room couldn’t help but look at him. It was an amazing transformation.

Then there was time to change. There was actually a changing room next door but it was girls-only so they had to find a bathroom and all of them helped Youngjae get in the dress.

It was a blue with a long skirt layered like a lotus flower. The bodice was embroidered with pearls and the sleeves were open on the shoulders. It was a dreamy dress.

When they finished all of them stood silent for a minute just looking at Youngjae. Their creation had finally come to life.

Moments later Himchan, Jongup and Junhong went to the auditorium to see the fashion show, while Daehyun stood backstage with Youngjae.

They were holding hands until it was time for Youngjae to walk the runway.

They hold hands tighter and tighter as the moment approached and then… it was the moment of truth.

Youngjae let go of Daehyun’s hand and walked with his head held high. He walked the runway with a smile. The audience was in awe with his beauty, but no one noticed he was a boy. Youngjae continued to walk slowly until the front where he posed for the photographs. Daehyun was watching everything from the wings.

“Come on Jae, you can do it.”

Youngjae turned around and walked back. He saw Himchan, Jongup, and Junhong holding back their tears while he passed by. Then he saw his parents... He didn’t know they were coming, but he was happy. All the hard work the team put on during the last month had paid off.

When he finished Daehyun was there waiting for him.

Youngjae ran to his boyfriend and they hugged.

“Thank you.”

Said Daehyun in tears.


That night at the studio:

“I can’t believe we didn’t win! Everyone seemed to love your dress I don’t understand.”

Youngjae was still not able to accept it.

“They were in love with you, not our dress.”

Daehyun laughed.

“Well, second place isn’t so bad.”

Said Himchan opening a bottle of champagne.

“Why are we celebrating?”

Asked Youngjae upset.

“There’s nothing we can do about it.”

Jongup shrugged.

“Right! And we worked hard so we deserve a party.”

Said Junhong.

“Good job everyone!”

Said Daehyun and all of them raise their glasses.


Youngjae joined them, but on that moment he looked at Daehyun… and he seemed strange.

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Chapter 3: Oh... OH ;) jonglo
gyutrash #2
Chapter 15: Omg ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠ

My babies ;;;;;;;

Finally. FINALLY!!!!!!!

I'm so glad they have this end because they deserve it!

Thanks you so so much for this fic, it was great and funny, thank you :)
Chapter 14: Omg, but Daehyun coming back to take Youngjae ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

This is so good, I just, let them be together ㅠㅠㅠ

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ :)
Chapter 13: Omg I this is better, just him coming back(?

I don't think I can read about Youngjae being sad for Dae I just can't ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ I really like this fic~ :)
Chapter 12: Omg baby's ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜ

This is sad and I don't like it because whyyy
When they are good and together.......

I need to read more and more pls

Thanks you so much for the chapter~ :)
Chapter 10: I cant wait to know what will happen!
Chapter 9: Omg bby ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ I hope he is ok..

Thanks for the update~~ :)
Chapter 7: Awww daejaeeeeeeeeeeee ❤️u❤️

Thank you ❤️
Update soon please ❤️
Paradise kiss! Omg i loved the manga/anime <3 thank you! Cant wait for more ^^