
Lotus Kiss

Two days later Youngjae couldn’t concentrate on class once again. He didn’t know what to do so he never came back to the studio again, but he was still thinking about… well everything but studying.

“You look distant lately.”

Yongguk told him when class ended.

“Is everything alright?”

“I… haven’t decided yet about Lotus Kiss.”

“I told you, you should do it!”

“You also told me I should make my own decisions.”

“I did… ”

Yongguk smiled.

“Hey, do you want to go grab a bite to eat before Cram School?”


Youngjae followed Yongguk. They were happily talking to each other on their way to a coffee shop when suddenly Daehyun passed by them.

“Isn’t that one of the guys from Willowdemy?

Asked Yongguk.


Youngjae called him but he ignored.

“Daehyun was always so talkative, why didn’t he say anything?”

Thought Youngjae.

“It was probably not him.”

He brushed it away.

But later at Cram School he spent the entire time thinking about him and feeling guilty. This couldn’t carry on. He had to make a decision.


That night Youngjae was already lying on his bed when his phone started to ring. It almost scared him to death. Who could it be at this late hour?


“Youngjae, I need to talk to you!”

“Who’s this?”

“Come on, it’s Daehyun.”

“Oh... hi... how did you get my number?”

“Your student ID book…  now, are you free tomorrow after school?

“I think so…”

“Ok, then let’s meet at the studio, is that ok?”


That said Daehyun hang up.

He really wanted Youngjae to be their model, but he also wanted him to take this serious or else it wouldn’t work out.


Next day after school, Youngjae was at Lotus Kiss’ door. He was looking at it anxiously for a while now. What would he say to Daehyun? He still wasn’t sure… when suddenly someone opened the door.

“So you finally came.”

Said Daehyun sarcastically.

“Well… you asked me to come didn’t you?”

“Do you only do things other people tell you to do?”

Daehyun asked feeling angry with Youngjae.


“I thought you were the one…”

Youngjae was confused.

“Really? Then… why did you ignore me yesterday on the street?”

It was Youngjae’s turn to be angry now.

“Oh, that… well… I was jealous ok? You and Yongguk seem so close; I want to be close with you too!”

Daehyun admitted all of a sudden.

“I need you…”

He added.

“But I don’t want you to use this just as an excuse to run away from your exams.”

Youngjae blushed with Daehyun’s words. That was exactly his doubt. Was he able to dedicate himself to this project or did he want to do it just to prove a point?

“I want to become a better person, a person with goals and interests, I want to do this!”

He decided.

Daehyun’s frown changed into a smile.

“So we can count on you from now on?”

“Yes, I’ll be your model.”

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Chapter 3: Oh... OH ;) jonglo
gyutrash #2
Chapter 15: Omg ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠ

My babies ;;;;;;;

Finally. FINALLY!!!!!!!

I'm so glad they have this end because they deserve it!

Thanks you so so much for this fic, it was great and funny, thank you :)
Chapter 14: Omg, but Daehyun coming back to take Youngjae ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

This is so good, I just, let them be together ㅠㅠㅠ

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ :)
Chapter 13: Omg I this is better, just him coming back(?

I don't think I can read about Youngjae being sad for Dae I just can't ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ I really like this fic~ :)
Chapter 12: Omg baby's ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜ

This is sad and I don't like it because whyyy
When they are good and together.......

I need to read more and more pls

Thanks you so much for the chapter~ :)
Chapter 10: I cant wait to know what will happen!
Chapter 9: Omg bby ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ I hope he is ok..

Thanks for the update~~ :)
Chapter 7: Awww daejaeeeeeeeeeeee ❤️u❤️

Thank you ❤️
Update soon please ❤️
Paradise kiss! Omg i loved the manga/anime <3 thank you! Cant wait for more ^^