Some Advice

Lotus Kiss

Moments later, Himchan and Junhong where still speechless looking at Youngjae’s picture.

“Let me see!”

Jongup asked, and then he said what everyone else was thinking.

“That’s a boy.”

“Daehyun, are you ok?”

Hicmhan asked starting to get worried about his friend.

“We can’t put a boy on a girls’ fashion show. That’s insane!”

“We won’t!”

Daehyun had something in mind.

“Imagine Youngjae with beautiful long hair and makeup, he’s perfect for our image!”

“Did he agree to do that?”

Asked Jonhong doubting.


Daehyun lied.

“If you say so…”

The others were in shock, but they didn’t know what else to say.


The next day Daehyun went to Great Oak School to find Youngjae. He had to convince him to be their model no matter what now.

Daehyun saw him coming out alone reading a book.

“Did you lose something, Youngjae?”

“You?! How…?”

Youngjae was surprised to see Daehyun again.

“I’ve found your student ID, if you want it back follow me.”

Daehyun intended to drag Youngjae to the studio and convince him there, but...

“I’m not going with you.”

Youngjae said suspicious, throwing Daehyun’s plan downhill.

“Ok, I have your book here.”

Daehyun admitted showing it to him.

“But I need a favor in return.”

“What do you want?”

“You see, me and my team, we need a model for our graduation fashion show.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

Suddenly Daehyun got to his knees and implored.

“I want you to be our model!”

“Get up, people are looking.”

Youngjae said embarrassed by Daehyun.


He insisted.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. I have to study, I don’t have time for your games.”

“It is not a game.”

Daehyun said very serious.


Daehyun passed Youngjae a piece of paper.

“That’s our studio’s address. You can come by later. We’re always there after school.”

“I told you I’m not going.”

“You’ll have to, if you want your ID back.”

With this, Daehyun immediately ran away.


Youngjae was sitting alone at the school’s library. It was getting late, but he still had so much to study. He had studied his entire life to get in good schools and to get the opportunity of getting in a good college. Or at least he thought that was his goal… he wasn’t sure anymore. To be honest he was tired of studying and he wanted to do other things… But he knew his parents would never agree to that.

Suddenly a piece of paper fell on the floor. Youngjae picked it up. It was Daehyun’s studio address. Of course he wasn’t considering going there… but he needed his ID book back.

“Hello Youngjae, you're still here?”

A boy showed up in front of him.

He was the school’s number one student and also the class president. Youngjae admired him a lot.

“Hi Yongguk!”

“What’s that?”

He asked looking at the piece of paper.

“Oh nothing, someone asked me to do them a favor, but it’s crazy…”

“Crazy good or crazy bad?”

“What do you mean?”

“Sometimes we need to do crazy things. Life is not only studying you know.”

Youngguk stated.

Youngjae could feel his face get red. How could Yongguk know exactly what he was thinking?

“Would you do it?”

Youngjae decided to ask him since he was basically his role model.

“Maybe, what is it about?”

So Youngjae told everything to Yongguk hoping for advice.

“Shouldn’t they be looking for a girl?”

Youngguk asked confused.

“I don’t know…”

“Well if they asked, is because they saw something in you.”

“But I’m not a model, I’m just… me.”

“And being you is enough! Let’s go!”

Yongguk grabbed Youngjae by the wrist. He seemed mad with Youngjae’s low self esteem.

“Where are we going?”

“We’re going to that studio!”

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Chapter 3: Oh... OH ;) jonglo
gyutrash #2
Chapter 15: Omg ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠ

My babies ;;;;;;;

Finally. FINALLY!!!!!!!

I'm so glad they have this end because they deserve it!

Thanks you so so much for this fic, it was great and funny, thank you :)
Chapter 14: Omg, but Daehyun coming back to take Youngjae ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

This is so good, I just, let them be together ㅠㅠㅠ

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ :)
Chapter 13: Omg I this is better, just him coming back(?

I don't think I can read about Youngjae being sad for Dae I just can't ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ I really like this fic~ :)
Chapter 12: Omg baby's ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜ

This is sad and I don't like it because whyyy
When they are good and together.......

I need to read more and more pls

Thanks you so much for the chapter~ :)
Chapter 10: I cant wait to know what will happen!
Chapter 9: Omg bby ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ I hope he is ok..

Thanks for the update~~ :)
Chapter 7: Awww daejaeeeeeeeeeeee ❤️u❤️

Thank you ❤️
Update soon please ❤️
Paradise kiss! Omg i loved the manga/anime <3 thank you! Cant wait for more ^^