Yes or No?

Lotus Kiss

“Ah! I’m sorry!

Youngjae shouted and closed back the door.

“Youngjae-hyung, it’s ok, come in!”

Junhong opened the door again.

“What’s going on in here?”

Asked Himchan who had just arrived from the fabrics’ store.

“Were you making out again?”

He guessed.

Jongup and Junhong smiled shamelessly.

“Junhong go put on a shirt, we have visitors.”

Said Himchan referring to Youngjae of course.

“I can’t believe this just happened. Why are they like this? I really don’t belong with this crowd.”

Youngjae thought to himself.

“Are you… a couple?”

He asked reluctantly.

“We’re best friends.”

Said Jongup.

“With benefits.”

Added Junhong making Youngjae blush.


Someone called him and he knew exactly who that was.

“I can’t wait to show you the new sketches I made last night!”

Said Daehyun showing all of them his sketchbook.

Youngjae also took a peek.

They were beautiful illustration of gowns. He was impressed.

"Woah, this one looks great!"

Said Himchan pointing to a long blue dress with a skirt shapped like a lotus flower.

"I made it for Youngjae... if he wants to..."

Daehyun smiled at Youngjae and he blushed again.

“Actually I wanted to tell you that…"

“I’m not going to be your model!”

He thought, but actually he said:

“I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

“You’ll have to decide, we need to start fittings as soon as possible.”

Informed Himchan and then he walked away to a spare room where they kept their fabric samples, followed by Jongup and Junhong, leaving Daehyun and Youngjae alone.

“Do you like books?”

Daehyun asked all of a sudden trying to engage in some type of conversation as was his custom.


“I asked if you like books, you seem the type to read a lot.”

“I used to like them, but I’m not sure anymore.”

Youngjae answered honestly without thinking twice.

“What do you mean?”

“Uh… nothing.”

“You can talk to me.”

Daehyun assured him smiling and Youngjae couldn’t help but to smile back even though he had no idea what was going on.

“Books remind me of studying and I don’t even know what college to apply yet.”

He admitted and then continued.

“It seems that all I ever did was study and suddenly it doesn’t make sense anymore… like graduating from a good college and getting a job… sometimes I think, what’s the point?”

When he finished he noticed Daehyun hadn’t take his eyes off of him and Youngjae got flustered.

“I understand… You just have to do what you feel is the best right now. At least that’s what I think...”

Said Daehyun.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to complain about my life, it’s just…”

“It’s ok, you can be open with me.”

Youngjae swallowed dry. Was Daehyun really expecting him to model for them? Somehow he couldn’t say no, but he couldn’t say yes either. What should he do?

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Chapter 3: Oh... OH ;) jonglo
gyutrash #2
Chapter 15: Omg ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠ

My babies ;;;;;;;

Finally. FINALLY!!!!!!!

I'm so glad they have this end because they deserve it!

Thanks you so so much for this fic, it was great and funny, thank you :)
Chapter 14: Omg, but Daehyun coming back to take Youngjae ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

This is so good, I just, let them be together ㅠㅠㅠ

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ :)
Chapter 13: Omg I this is better, just him coming back(?

I don't think I can read about Youngjae being sad for Dae I just can't ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ I really like this fic~ :)
Chapter 12: Omg baby's ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜ

This is sad and I don't like it because whyyy
When they are good and together.......

I need to read more and more pls

Thanks you so much for the chapter~ :)
Chapter 10: I cant wait to know what will happen!
Chapter 9: Omg bby ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ I hope he is ok..

Thanks for the update~~ :)
Chapter 7: Awww daejaeeeeeeeeeeee ❤️u❤️

Thank you ❤️
Update soon please ❤️
Paradise kiss! Omg i loved the manga/anime <3 thank you! Cant wait for more ^^