You Smell Like Lemons

Velvet Throne

Seunghyun stretched his legs underneath the table and let his eyes wander around his club. Jiyong and Chaerin were at a table across from his, working in tandem as usual. Chaerin was whispering with Xin, a tattoo artist and one of her regulars. Jiyong was nuzzling the throat of a plush-lipped, easy-smiling singer named Daesung. Seunghyun figured it was only a matter of time before they had . Heechul was curled up with his Chinese businessman, Hangeng, and Jonghyun was in a serious conversation with a brunette soccer player named Minho.




A glass of champagne materialized in his hand, and Seunghyun smiled at the woman who handed it to him. Moeka Nozaki was a Japanese model, and one of his best clients. She often called Seunghyun her top investment- a terrible pun on Seunghyun's club name, Top. He had a feeling she expected something back for this investment, but she would be sorely disappointed. That's not what hosts were. It was all just a fantasy. Occasionally a client would get too attached and believe it was real, and that's when the hosts at Velvet Throne drew the line and ended the relationship. It was hard losing the income, but no one wanted to deal with tears and tantrums when everyone just wanted to relax. Fortunately, the occurrence was a rare one. Seunghyun had a feeling that if Moeka woke up from her fantasy it would be a disaster, so he had to keep her lulled for as long as he could.




“Your mind is a million miles away,” said the woman on his other side. Jessica Jung was a fashion designer, engaged, and had a level head on her shoulders. She knew everything was for fun- it was actually her fiancee who introduced her to Velvet Throne and Seunghyun. Moeka was jealous of Jessica's laid back nature (of all Seunghyun's clients, actually) but didn't dare say anything for fear of upsetting Seunghyun.


“Just keeping an eye on the happenings in my club,” Seunghyun replied, taking a swallow of the champagne.


“And what's the 'haps'?” Moeka asked and Seunghyun inwardly cringed.


“Looking good,” he winked, making his tablemate blush.


“Any ideas on when those two are going to ?” Jessica indicated Jiyong and Daesung, who had curled up into each other and were nestled cheek to cheek.


“Please don't say '',” Moeka admonished. “It's crude.”


Jessica rolled her eyes.




“I think it's only a matter of time now,” Seunghyun replied.


“I thought hosts weren't supposed to do that,” Moeka frowned.


“They aren't, but I think for those two it goes beyond lust. At least it does for Jiyong.”


“Has it happened before?” Jessica asked.


“Only once, at this club. Yunho and Jaejoong.”


“What happened?”


“They got married.”


“Awww!” Both girls cooed and Seunghyun chuckled.


“Yeah, they're good together. Yunho is a high priced attorney and I was worried Jaejoong would get his heart broken. But they just celebrated their second anniversary. Heechul says Jaejoong loves being a house husband.”


“Do you think that will happen with Jiyong and Daesung?” Moeka questioned.


“Not while Jiyong is a host. But he's already looking to get out.”


Moeka looked surprised. “You're not upset?”


Seunghyun shrugged. “Not really. I mean, business will hurt for a while, but my hosts deserve happiness. And Jiyong will have that with Daesung. If he can get into fashion school, he'll have to quit. So he's saving as much as he can.”


“Fashion school?” Jessica inquired.


“Yeah, over at Fashion Design College. Daesung and Minho over there are friends with Choi Ren and Kim Kibum and both have looked at his sketches.”


“Nice.” Jessica looked impressed.


“What did they say?” Moeka asked.


“His work is raw, but the talent is definitely there. They think FDC would jump at the talent to mentor someone like him. Ji will get accepted, quit here, move in with Daesung and design fabulous clothes while having tons of bendy .”




Jessica went home around midnight, and Seunghyun escorted Moeka to her cab around 3:00 am. She seemed reluctant, but Seunghyun had been dealing with her since 9:00 pm and he was sick of her. He usually didn't mind his clients, but Moeka never wanted to leave. Seunghyun wondered if she would follow him into the bathroom if she could.




Other clients staggered out into the night, Minho and Daesung leaving heartfelt goodbyes behind. Seunghyun smiled at Jonghyun and ruffled his hair. Jonghyun had had such a painful life growing up, and some clients could be rough because he appeared delicate. Seunghyun was glad Jonghyun found someone who cared about him, and Minho definitely wanted to protect and worship him.


“What are you smiling at?” Chaerin's voice broke through his thoughts.


“Jiyong and Daesung. Jonghyun and Minho. I'm glad my boys are finding love.”


Chaerin considered for a moment. “You're like a ed up matchmaker.”


Seunghyun pushed her away, making her laugh out loud.




They finally closed up shop with the sun came up. Jiyong and Heechul shared a cab since they lived in the same neighborhood. Jonghyun hopped on the back of Chaerin's motorcycle, both offering sleepy waves. Seunghyun lit a cigarette and walked towards his apartment. It was a bit of a hike for so early in the morning, but he liked to clear his mind. He often had a hard time sleeping because his mind would not shut off.



Suddenly, he collided with someone- their legs tangled and they both went down. A bag was dropped and a curse was uttered.


“I'm so sorry,” Seunghyun said, helping the other person to their feet. “Are you hurt?”


“I'm fine,” a surprisingly husky voice grumbled from the delicate frame. The person lifted their face and Seunghyun's heart stuttered. Bright brown eyes gazed up at him, eyebrow arched; apple cheeks that were rosy- rosy ing cheeks; and soft plush lips. He was tall and lean and willowy. His skin was so clear and smooth Jiyong would kill for it. Seunghyun wanted to ask his secret, but-


“You smell like lemons,” he blurted out instead. Smooth.


The kid chuckled, his whole face lighting up. “I was making lemon marmalade, but we ran out of eggs for other bakes so I was sent on a run.” He peered into his bag and frowned.




“Yeah, but it's okay.”


“Come on,” Seunghyun said, grabbing his hand and turning back in the direction he came from.




They found the grocery store and Seunghyun bought three cartons of eggs.


“Thanks, uh...”




“Thanks, Seunghyun. I'm Taemin.”


“What are you doing out this early? Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?”


Taemin chuckled. “I'm nineteen. I graduated high school last year. I work in my parents' bakery, and that's why I'm up. Our egg shipment doesn't come in until this afternoon. What about you?”


“I'm just getting off work. I run a host club.”




Seunghyun quirked an eyebrow. “What's that little noise for?”


Taemin shrugged. “Hosts lie to people. They pretend affection.”


“Yeah, but the clients know that. They pay us for company. Some people are too shy to meet others on their own.”




Taemin was silent on the way to the bakery. It was a small hole-in-the-wall with a yellow and white striped awning. “Why don't you come in? Have some breakfast.”


“Oh, no. I'm good thanks.”


Taemin pouted and Seunghyun caved.


“That's not fair,” he grumbled, following Taemin inside. The walls were white paneled, and the plain pine planks on the floor shone. A couple of white tables and chairs were scattered around a soft pink counter, where dozens of treats clustered behind glass. It was warm and inviting and Seunghyun felt at home.




Taemin sat him at one of the tables, then delivered the eggs to the back. He laughed at something someone said, emerging with a face that looked lit up from within.


Seunghyun's chest fluttered desperately. “Just a black coffee, please.”


Taemin snorted. “How do you expect to sleep?” he asked, puling a few things from the case. Seunghyun craned his neck to see what Taemin was up to, but the young man had turned his back and was pouring something out of a red teapot.


“Lemon tart, chocolate raspberry eclair, Earl Grey tea,” Taemin exclaimed proudly, setting Seunghyun's table.


“You're not going to join me?” Seunghyun pouted.


Taemin raised an eyebrow. “You're a big boy. I think you can handle it.”


Seunghyun chuckled, which quickly turned into a moan as he tasted the tart. He devoured his breakfast, sure that he was embarrassing himself with the rapturous faces he was making.




“Finished?” Taemin asked, clearing his plate.


“It was divine,” Seunghyun sighed.


Taemin blushed. “I made them,” he said softly.




Taemin blushed even more. “I'm an apprentice.”


Seunghyun smiled warmly. “You're my new best friend.”




Seunghyun walked home a little while later- a free breakfast and a small box of samples later. He fell into the deepest, most restful sleep he'd had in ages.

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Chapter 6: I'm somehow liking this pairing. Please update soon
Chapter 6: I found myself using some rather colorful language this chapter. That cow. LOL
Chapter 5: Girlfriend has got it BAD. She's gonna end up really dead if she keeps on this path she's on. Stalking people...sheesh.
yuki_no_ #4
Chapter 4: I hope creepy obsessive girl doesn't go psycho killer on them...
Chapter 4: I'm happy that they are happy... but the lady at the diner was creepy...
MzLoveable90 #6
Chapter 4: Please write moreeeeee
Chapter 3: Moeka is creepy, but everyone else is darling.
The-Nev #8
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwww. Happy times ahead for Minho and Jonghyun~ This was cute and fluffy. Except for, you know, the creeping creeperness of Moeka. That wasn't so great. -eyes her- She needs to go away.
saae #9
Chapter 2: You updated, yippieee~
OMG both TaeTop are sweet!!!
i can already tell that Moeka will somehow be a trouble in the future, but hopefully not too muchbof a trouble. Can't wait for more interaction between the 2 boys.
Thanks for updating~
Chapter 2: So cute. I love this pairing.