Greasy Santa

Christmas Eve
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Vernon's P.O.V.

My family went on vacation to the countryside to meet our relatives there for Christmas. My older brother, Aron, couldn't come with us due to his tight schedule at work so he told me to bring my friends so I won't get lonely the whole Christmas break.
I follow every word my hyung tells me, he's my role model, my hero, my teacher, and while my dad neglects and does nothing but office work, he was always the one who took care of me, and treated me as if I'm the most precious diamond in the word.
When I got out of our car, I saw a boy feeding stray cats not too far from where we parked our van. I'm very fond of animals,specially cats and dogs, ever since I was little so I tend to love people who are kind to them, specially people who feed them in their laps. I was about to approach him to ask if we could be friends but my mom called me for help.
"Vern Can you carry this to the kitchen?"
"Yea sure" I walked into the villa but came out after a few seconds just before I reach the kitchen's door.
"Uhmm mom, keys?" mom handed me the keys and I did exactly as what she said.
After we settled our things and groceries, we went to every relative's houses to pay our respect and went back home for dinner. Mom cooked my favorite meat ramen with cheese and this is the first time that I had a meal with my dad for as long as I can remember. It was sort of awkward but I felt really very happy at that moment and considered it the best Christmas gift that I ever received in my pre teen years. Although it would be so much better if Aron hyung was with us.
The next morning, Jun, and Hoshi rocked my bed just because they're itching to have a motorcycle race in the mountain.
"Ugh that's dangerous dude, some parts of this mountain is steep" I tried to convince them but these two are just too stubborn to listen.
"Seriously? Jisoo ah Jisoo ah Are you there?" Hoshi shouted at my ears which caused for an earthquake inside my head.
"Come on dude, stop being a party pooper, wash your smelly and let's get going" Jun sent my pillows and sheets flying with his wushu and dragged me to the bathroom.
Hoshi, Jun and I started the engines of our new MBW motorcycles and rushed off to the mountains.
Our race continued for about 40 minutes until a small rattle snake fell on Jun's shoulder that made him jump out of his motorcycle. Hoshi and I went out of our motor vehicles to try and stop Jun's enduro but Hoshi tripped while running and as I was about to reach the the running motorbike, I wasn't as crazy as Hoshi to just jump on top of it, so I just ran and waited for it to bump onto something that would make it stop or reduce speed.
My plan didn't work, I saw the enduro rushing down the hill with lighting speed towards 2 young fellow below. I ran towards the boys and tried to warn them but the noise of the vehicle was louder than my voice. Before the vehicle reached the bottom, the other boy managed to get away and I managed to pull his friend and save him. My elbow got a small scratch but it didn't hurt at all as soon as I realized that the boy I just saved was the first person that I laid eyes on when I came here yesterday.
"Thank you so much for saving Seungkwan ah" his friend bowed at me 90 degrees.
Seungkwan fainted for almost a minute but regained his consciousness when his friend slapped him continuously until his face turned red from the force applied.
"You hoe, I thought you d

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Chapter 1: Oo AMI... Your English :)
Chapter 8: I'm enjoying this hahaha
Chapter 6: HEY YOU! I love this hehehe. And I love you. I hope to read more of this. :)))) It's a great storyyyy