Seungkwan and the Seven Humans
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Chan cleaned the stage and started arranging the props to be used for the play with supersonic speed. Mere 118 years old, Chan was the maknae of the coven. Being the maknae gave him certain 'privileges' as his hyungs liked to call, which were nothing but banal errands and tasks they would've never done. This prop arrangement was one of them. But this time he wasn't complaining. Anything to make this play a success.

This was his first Centennial Magical Creatures Meetup. An event where imperative topics are discussed by the heads of clans in the morning and a fun festival is held at night. He was amazed to see the various stalls: the Centaurs race, the charming pixie craft shop, the Red Witch's fortune stall where the crystal ball showed no whereabouts of his mate, the questionable antique fairy stall, the fishy dunk-a-troll stall in which no matter how hard Mingyu tried the troll didn't fall.

And then there was there's. The SEVENTEEN coven's performance stage.

In every meetup they had musical performances throughout the day and a grandiose play presented at the meetup's huge theater stage.Their plays over the centuries had gained the reputation to be the pinnacle of the meetup. 

For all the wrong reasons, he bitterly thought.

Bad direction, cringe-worthy dialogues and over-the-top acting were the prerequisites of a SEVENTEEN play.

He heard from Hoshi hyung that last time they had performed The Nutcracker. There was a last minute confusion and somehow there were two Nutcrackers instead of one. That ended in chaos and the audience lapping it all up thinking it to be 'Comedy of Errors'. But at least I found my mate in the audience, Hoshi hyung had said. True, after that meetup Seokmin hyung, an immortal half centaur- half human and his best friend Minghao hyung, a vampire from China joined their coven.

He heard from Seungcheol hyung that last-to-last time they had performed Don Quixote. That ended up with them setting the stage on fire. And also they missed a few lines.

In the heat of the moment, they thought it would be perfect to improvise. The fire grew out of hand and soon everyone had to vacate the place. But the audience were so into it that they never noticed the zenith of the play to be an ad-lib. But the production crew did. It was only after Jeonghan hyung's intervention that they weren't banned from further meetups. It was after that play that they got a crazy fan base. That was also how Seungkwan hyung and Vernon hyung, star struck by their performance, joined their coven.

They literally created the 'it's so bad it's good' genre.

But not this time

This time their coven had grown. Seungcheol hyung, Jeonghan hyung, Wonwoo hyung had found their human mates. This time they were well-prepared. This time they had a fire extinguisher handy.

He was hell bent on making this time's play a hit. In the best way possible. 

After making final, meticulous adjustments to the arrangement, Chan stood back and admired his work.

He saw Hoshi, all dressed up in a formal suit and tie, coming towards him.

"All done?"

"Yes" he answered, proud of his work.

"Good job, Chanie." Hoshi grinned, eyes disappearing and his fangs visible.

The present set scene was the evil queen's bedroom. It was a refined bedroom with massive paintings hanging on the wall and a beautiful, sophisticated mirror hung on one corner.

"It's beautiful." Hoshi said. "Our play is going to be a huge hit. It'll be better than all the previous ones. We're going to make it big!" he gushed excitedly.

Unable to control his sudden burst of energy, Hoshi started pacing the stage, throwing punches and high kicks, all while screaming a series of 'alright!', 'we got this', 'finally' and 'yes!'.

Even Chan couldn't hide his excitement seeing his hyung. Finally they'll execute a perfect  play. There won't be any screw-ups this time. There won't-



Chan turned around so fast he would've cracked his neck if he was a human. He stared at Hoshi in an aphasic horror. Eyes rounded, mouth hanging open with no words coming out, Chan would've laughed at him but right now Chan was pretty sure he resembled the other.

He broke the mirror. 

He broke the mirror, the magic mirror, the 'mirror, mirror on the wall' mirror which was actually 'magic mirror on the wall' his brain correcting him even in this situation. 


A strangled cry escaped from Chan.

"Oh shiiiiit" Hoshi cried. "Um, It's okay. It's okay, all we have to do is find another one." he said hastily.

"Another one?! All stalls are closed now. And we're performing in ten minutes!" he said growing hysterical by the second. If it was possible, Chan would've cried by now.

"Then we'll find something else." Chan shook his head. Doomed, we're doomed.

Hoshi looked around himself, searching for a replacement. He spotted an object and smiled deviously. "That can work." he pointed it to Chan.
Dumbfounded by the entire situation, Chan just mutely stared the object, then Hoshi and then the object again. Is he serious?! 

"Yes" Hoshi nodded "Yes, that'll work perfectly."  


Meanwhile elsewhere.

Jeonghan sat in front of the mirror and stared at Jisoo who was leaning against the wall behind him. He pouted slightly while running fingers trying to straighten his already perfect hair.

"But what if they think it's real? What if the audience believe my character is my real personality?" Concern was clear in his eyes. He was going to play the formidable character of the evil Queen. Someone whose personality was a stark contrast to his own.

 Jisoo's lips quirked. "You do realize those people have known you for a long time right? They know you very well. Besides you aren't like the Queen at all."

His mind immediately played the countless memories of him finding Jeonghan fixedly staring his reflection. He swore he could hear the 'why you always lyin' vine but he pushed that thought aside, glad that Jeonghan couldn't read minds like Wonwoo.

"Yeah but only for a few thousand years. That's not enough."

Jisoo rolled his eyes. "We literally met last summer and I know you by the back of my hand."

Before Jisoo could blink, Jeonghan was up and had him caged in his arms, against the wall. "That's because we're mates. We were meant to know each other well."

He leaned in, breathing deeply against Jisoo's neck. He drew his fangs out and slowly moved them against his neck, faintly scratching it. Careful not to hurt him but enough to affect his mate. And Jisoo's shudders only encouraged him more.

"You have no idea what you do to me, Jisoo" he said his voice lower and huskier than before, "Your scent, it's like a drug to me, my personal brand of heroin." He slowly moved his fingers over his shoulders down to his chest. He felt Jisoo's heartbeat quicken under his touches and the slow thrumming sound of his blood flowing in his veins calling him to savor it.

"Huh. Wrong movie, babe. It's Snow White you should be focusing on." Jisoo's whispered heavily, clearly affected by his mate's actions and close proximity.
"I am. Especially towards a dwarf named Ba-"

He never got to complete his sentence.

 The door was flung open with a crash. Jeonghan's grip on Jisoo's arm tightened and his nose flared as he glared at the wide-eyed pink haired intruder.

Jisoo sighed mentally. Here we go again. 

Yoon Jeonghan is an ethereal beauty. His grace and poise conjoined with elegance results in an angelic comeliness which even vampires found it d

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Exo_Hunhan_Fangirl #1
Chapter 7: SO NICE!
Exo_Hunhan_Fangirl #2
Chapter 4: I just couldnt stop laughing! Hahahaha! Om ing god........... but isnt Jeonghan suppose to be the mother? Why daddy?
julee22 #3

So this just happened
EpicLolipop #4
Omg i have actual tears in my eyes i didnt expect anything of this but i was mentally dieing of laughter
julee22 #5
Igivenosugas #6
Chapter 6: HAHAHAHAHA, OH I THINK I LOST MY VOICE! Sorry Seungcheol, but Woozi's the KIng of Agyeo!
Igivenosugas #7
Chapter 3: HAHAHAHAHA, Oh My God!! WONWOO?! PFFFT *faints*
raebmonster #8
Chapter 7: This story entertained me so much X'D omg it was so funny :'DDD
Chapter 7: one word for this fic: awesome!
one word for you: genius!
really... I never thought I'd find a fic like this. this is so funny! and you can use your words very well. wow, wow... I love you very very much!!! *throw my heart at you lol*
please make another seventeen fic (with a lot of jicheol) like this ne??
I'm craved for comedy!seventeen au :3
thanks for writing this awesome fic, you genius author-nim! :D
wildrose88 #10
Chapter 7: Cuteeeeeeee cuteeeee cuteeeee oh my godddd this is golddddd i love you