Sleepless In Seoul ♡ {HAITUS}

Chapter 9


When life provides you with an opportunity like this, it’s almost impossible to pass up.

I looked at the clock on my nightstand as I sat with my legs crossed on my bed.

‘1:39 AM’. I sighed, in less than an hour I’d be meeting up with one of Koreas adored Idols; SHINee’s flaming charisma, Minho. To be honest he had surprised me when he left that message on my board, I still hadn’t erased it and I wasn’t going to. It was a little reminder that he wasn’t always reserved, that there was another side to him, completely untouched by the media and a personality that hadn‘t been discovered, and I found myself wanting to know who Choi Minho really was. I had a feeling that tonight would be the first step towards uncovering the truth behind this talented young man.

I stood up and walked towards my full length mirror, staring at my reflection I examined the outfit that I chose to wear to the café. A large white toque sat on my head, my long wavy hair poked out from the sides, the grey sweater I wore was slightly large and hung off my left shoulder but it provided comfort. My dark skinny jeans had a few rips at the knees, but that thankfully that style was in these days. I put on a few long necklaces and nodded at the finished outfit; stylish but comfortable. Without a second glance I walked into my foyer and grabbed my purse and house keys. I slipped on a pair of light pink ballerina flats and exited my apartment.

I began walking, the streets were bare and hardly any vehicles were out at this time. His message said that it was a 15 minute walk from my apartment which meant that the café wasn’t too far but I as I reached the main road I found myself lost. Left, or right? After debating with myself, I decided to call Minho. I punched his number into my cell phone and waited for him to pick up, on the fourth ring he answered.

“Minho?” I asked timidly.
“Yeah, it’s me. Listen I think I’m lost and I’m not sure whether to take a left or a right”
“Well, what street are you on?”
“I’m on the corner of…” I took a look at the street sign before answering “Hongok and Ppalgan road.”

“Take a right on Hongok and keep walking straight for another 10 minutes, you should see the café right beside a karaoke bar. Did you want me meet you half way so you don’t have to walk alone?”

“N-N-No it’s okay! I should be fine. I need you, ugh, I mean if I need you to help me directions I‘ll call, see you soon! Bye.” I hung up quickly before I made an even bigger fool of myself.

I found myself standing in front of Café Door Mun; it was a charming coffee shop with little fairy lights that hung above the entrance. As I pushed the door open I heard a bell jingle, signaling that a customer had entered the shop. I greeted the barista with a bow and said hello. I took a look at my surroundings, photographs were hung on the walls. A small fireplace was the main attraction of the shop, surrounding the fireplace were stylish but mismatched sofas and loveseats. Huge windows were situated on the left side of the room along with small tables that only sat two people. A couple sat by the fireplace munching on pastries and sipping coffee, chatting amongst themselves. Then I saw Minho, sitting by himself at a small table, his chin rested in palm of his hand as he watched cars pass by.

I made my way towards him and took a seat. He gave me a small smile and greeted me politely. “Annyoung, hope you weren‘t waiting long.” I said as I placed my purse beside my chair.

“No, not long” he replied before placing his hands in the table.

“You didn’t get anything to eat or drink?” I asked out of curiosity, I mean we were in a coffee shop.

“I wanted to wait until you got here” he admitted. I bit my lip and gave him a nod.

“Okay, should we order now?” He said yes and we proceeded to stand up and head towards the bar to order. We placed our drinks on the table and waited for them to cool down.

“So…” I said trying to make conversation.
“So…” He responded. I bit my lower lip again (a nervous habit of mine) things were getting awkward fast. “How did you find this place?” I asked.

“I stumbled across it a few months ago when my insomnia first started. I’ve been coming here a few nights a week when I’m not playing basketball or at the park.”
“I guess you discover a lot of things when you wander around at night.”

He smiled and stared into his coffee. “It’s true, sometimes it’s like I’m in a completely different reality. No paparazzi, and most of our fans are asleep by now. Its a lot of time to think and reflect.”

“About what?” he raised an eyebrow at my question. “what do you think about?” I clarified.

“Lots of things, but their mostly trivial. But what about you? Are you new to the world of insomnia?” he finally had questions of his own.

“My name is Park Annahyun and I’ve been suffering from insomnia for a period of 4 weeks and 5 days.” I joked, mimicking the Alcoholics Anonymous speech. “I guess you could say that I’m new. Does that make you veteran? Do you know all the cool things to do at night?”

He laughed and nodded in agreement. “You’re lucky your in Seoul, there’s always something to do.”

“Has there ever been something you’ve wanted to do but never could because you had no time or there were restrictions?” I had no idea where that question came from but I hoped he would give me an answer. Minho took a sip of his drink, contemplating an answer.

“Yeah, actually there are a few things. Maybe one day I’ll write down a list!” he said joking. That wasn’t a bad idea.

“Are you being serious?” My eyes widened in surprise, did I say that out loud?
“Well, why not, you said so yourself, at night it’s like a different reality. There’s no one telling you what you can or cant do. Seems like the perfect opportunity to do whatever you please.” Minho remained silent for a moment before speaking. “Will you do it if I do it?” he asked me.

“Do what?”
“Make a list.” I thought about it and it seemed harmless.

“How about we each write down 10 things we want to do, and if you want, we can help one another fulfill them?” I suggested. Surprisingly he agreed. “I have nothing better to do at night so why not” he stated pulling out two napkins, I gave him a perplexed look.

“What are the napkins for?”
“To write down our wishes, unless you carry around lined paper?” he said in a sarcastic tone. I glared at him before grabbing a napkin for myself.

“Do you have pens in your purse so should I asked the barista for some?” I reached into my purse and managed to find a couple of pens. After I gave him one, we began our lists.

I snuck a look at him every now and then, his eyes were focused on the napkin and his hands were writing vigorously. Nearly 30 minutes passed and I took a look at my list, proud of what I had written.

“Done?” he asked me as he returned my pen. I gave him a nod.
“So, lets hear it”
“What?!” I screeched, I didn’t think he’d want to read my list.
“How do expect me to help you with your wishes if I don’t know what they are” he asked incredulously. I took a deep breath and muttered a ‘fine’ before I gave him my list. Then he began reading it out loud.

“Omo, climb a tree? You’ve never climbed a tree!?” he said in between laughs.
“I wasn’t an active child okay?! Besides I’m scared of heights, tree branches aren’t sturdy either!” I retaliated, he apologized and continued my list.

As he read # 10 out loud, his voice became softer. Then he asked me a question that I didn‘t expect. “Have you ever been in love Annahyun?” It caught me of guard and I struggled for a response.

“I-I-I don’t think I’ve been in love. Of course I’ve had crushes like every girl, but I can’t say that I’ve experienced true love, which is why I want to find out what it is. What about you?” He put down my list and picked up his coffee, after a few sips he answered.

“With my career it’s almost impossible to fall in love, but I’ve thought about the idea of love, and I've thought about the kind of love I would want.”

“Really? And what kind of love would that be?” I said, pressing the issue further. For some reason my heart began to beat faster as I waited for an answer.

I’d like the kind of love that lasts forever, it doesn’t matter if its plain, it doesn’t matter if its ugly. It just has to be there.” I stared at Minho in awe, he was sincere and you could tell that me meant every single word. A few minutes had passed, I could tell things were becoming awkward again. Snapping out of my trance like state I asked him for his list.

Minho ruffled his hair and shyly passed me his napkin. I cleared my throat and began reading it out loud just as he had done.


“A hot dog eating contest? You gave me crap for wanting to climb a tree but you want to win a hot dog eating contest?!” I shook my head in disappointment and continued reading.

“Minho, where’s your tenth wish?” He gave me a smile, then in a dramatic voice said
“It’s a secret. Maybe one day, if your lucky enough I’ll tell you what it is.”

“Not fair, if you only have to complete 9 wishes then I get to cross off one of mine!” I said like a 5 year old. “What are you complaining about? You only have to help me complete 9 wishes! I have to help you with 10! I think it’s more than fair.” Damn, he was right.

“Okay, well then I take back what I said 3 seconds ago.” He smiled and then looked at his cell phone. “It’s almost 3:30AM, do you think that’s enough time to complete a wish on your list” he asked me while he took another sip of coffee.

“Well what did you have in mind?” I asked as we both stood up.
“You’ll see, just follow me and don’t ask any stupid questions”


I followed him out of the shop, and we began walking up hill, I had no idea where we were going but I knew that I was safe with Minho. We walked for a total of 10 minutes until he called for a cab. By this point I was confused, where the hell were we going?

“Where to?” the driver asked as we entered the back seat of the cab, Minho took a moment to lean forward say the destination the in drivers ear, clearly he didn‘t want me to know where we were headed, I crossed my arms and let out a sigh. By the time we arrived at the destination it was almost 4:30AM. Minho paid for the cab and we quickly thanked him and got out. I took a look at my surrounding, this place wasn’t familiar at all.

We began walking up a concrete path that was lit up with lamp posts, the place was deserted, not a soul in sight. Minho lead the way and I refrained from asking where we were. Then we reached a sign that read ‘Hongneung Arboretum’ I raised my eyebrows at him as we entered the large dome like structure. Suddenly trees were everywhere, I couldn’t turn 50 degrees without facing a tree, I stared at Minho with wide eyes.

He hopped over the railing that separated the concrete path from the vast amount of topiary. Minho stood between the trees and motioned for me to follow. I jumped over the railing and took my spot beside him.

“Pick one.” he said simply, motioning at the trees.
“Seriously?” I asked as I took a look around. “You do know that I can’t climb trees, which is why I put it on my list.”

“Just pick a tree and I’ll help you up.” I mumbled a ‘fine’ as we walked around. I found a sturdy oak tree, I knocked on its trunk before announcing to Minho that this was the tree I wanted to climb, he gave me a nod before clasping his hands together to give me a boost. I tried to steady myself as I set my foot into his hands. He grunted as he hoisted me up. I managed to grab onto a branch, and tried hooking my leg and pull myself up but it wasn’t working. I went stiff as I felt Minho’s hands on my back, pushing me onto the branch. I let out an ‘oomph’ as I wrapped my arms and legs around the long portion of the tree; too scared to move an inch. I shut my eyes and suddenly felt the branch dip.

“Umma, Umma, Umma!” I screeched like a baby. I heard Minho chuckle softly. I slowly opened one eye just see where he was, and to my surprise he sat less then 3 ft. from where I was.

“You don’t have to cling as if your life depended on it.” he said referring to the branch as he let his legs dangle.

“My life does depend on this branch! sorry Mr. I-can-climb-trees-like-a-monkey, I can‘t help that I‘m scared.” I said as I shut my eyes once more.

“Just sit up properly and open your eyes, I promise you that the view is worth it.”

I felt his arm snake around my waist, he was pulling me into an upright position and for a moment the world had stopped. At this point, it felt very similar to the time I had looked into his eyes for the first time. My heart began to beat faster and I hoped to God that he didn't notice my racing pulse. As soon as he spoke, the moment passed and my heart began beating normally.

“See, not so bad right?” but I refused to open my eyes. “I promise I won’t let you fall okay?” Minho added. I trusted his words and finally took a look around; I was amazed with what I saw. With the height we were sitting I was able to see tree tops for miles and miles. Because of the Hongneung Arboretum's glass, dome-like structure, I could see the stars above twinkling. There was so much life, and all of it was taking place simultaneously. I smiled at my thought and sighed out-loud.

I looked beside me and caught Minho with eyes closed and his head tilted towards the sky. I wish I had a camera to capture him in this moment and time, because with his eyes closed he had seemed so at ease. A light breeze had passed through the trees, rustling Minho's hair; a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips before he opened his eyes and turned to me.

“Worth climbing all the way up here for?” he asked. I smiled at him as I cautiously pulled out my list and a pen from my purse.

“Definitely.” I said as I crossed off # 4.


Here's Chapter 9!

I hope you guys enjoy it :) It's one of my fav's so far!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read

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awwwww. i missed reading this! :(( this was back in the winglin days! :DD
Cute :) Can't wait for the next chapter!
I love this story ! Hope you can update soon ! tralala~