Sleepless In Seoul ♡ {HAITUS}



Chapter 7


My eyes burned.

But not for what you’d think. I was helping the boys clean up after breakfast. Taemin passed me the dirty plates while I washed them thoroughly with soapy water and handed them to Key; who then dried them off and passed them to Minho. He was the tallest one, therefore he could reach the highest shelves when putting away the dishes. The reason my eyes stung like hell was because Key thought it would be funny to casually toss a heavy bowl into the sudsy water while I was rinsing off chopsticks. This not only caused a huge mess, but it sent soapy water into my unsuspecting eyes.

Being the girl I was, I screamed as soon as I felt the burning sensation.

“Hyung! You babo! Why would you do something like that?” I heard Taemin scold as I blindly felt around for a towel to wipe off the soap. I heard Key snicker; he was probably laughing at my lame attempt to find paper towel or even a dish cloth. I felt like an idiot, hunched over the kitchen counter, one hand feeling around and the other wiping at my face.

“Key..why did you scream? Did you see another, supposed ‘mouse’ in the kitchen?” Jonghyun accused.

“I swear to God, there was a mouse. Why doesn’t anyone believe me? And it wasn't me, it was this problem child!” Key shouted in an exasperated tone. I assumed 'problem child' meant me.

“Because, you’re a sissy with an overactive imagination.” Onew interjected. I think Jonghyun and Onew both ran into the kitchen after they heard a scream. They managed to evade dish washing duty; instead volunteering to keep the couch nice and warm while we cleaned.

“Don’t worry Noona, we’ll find you a wash cloth!” Taemin said. I could hear the slight panic in his voice, and the sounds of cupboards opening and closing. I continued my search, Taemin was taking too long.

I suddenly felt a cloth like substance.

“Ha! Found a towel!” I exclaimed as I began wiping my face. My sight returned! I blinked a few times and looked up. Minho’s face engulfed my vision.

“Whoa, why are you so close to me?” I asked. I heard Taemin giggle.

“You are so silly Noona! You used Hyung's shirt to wipe your eyes,” he explained.

I looked up at Minho who was staring at me. For some reason he was blushing. I looked down and saw that I had his shirt pulled up, revealing his tan skin and toned stomach. Oh sweet baby Jesus.

“Umm, yeah, so about that. Gosh I am so sorry.” I fumbled for words as I let go of his shirt. Minho cleared his throat and brushed off his now wet and soapy t-shirt. It slightly clung to his abs and I couldn’t help but notice.

“Don’t worry about it, how are your eyes?” he asked quietly.

“I’ll live, no biggie.” I managed to say in an equally quiet voice. The other four watched our awkward exchange.

“Well!” Key announced clapping his hands together. “That was awkward,” he stated, voicing my thoughts. I cleared my throat and took a step back, the next thing I knew I was on the ground.

I was the only one who had slipped on the water that spilt onto the floor. Stupid Key and his stupid bowl. I looked up and saw five faces. They all looked at one another for a moment before bursting into laughter.

“Omo, did you see her face?! ”

“I know! It was all ‘ah I just fell.’ ”

“Did you hear the thud?! Like a rhino was dropped into our kitchen.”

“Look! she looks so lost! hahahaha!”

“That’s going to leave a bruise for sure!”

You know the type of laughter that you just can't contain when you apparnetly see something hilarious happen to someone else? yeah, that was SHINee. Bursting with joy at the fact that I was a complete mess. Great.

God, could this morning get any worse? I gave them all a death glare before picking myself up. Key stared me up and down before pointing at my pants

“The stain! Look at the stain! It looks like she pissed her pants! Oh this is hilarious~” I looked down and Key was right. I smacked my forehead. This morning just got a lot worse for me.

Let’s re-cap shall we?

A) My forehead's bruised again from smacking it on a bunk bed

B) My hair is a mess. It looks like a bird's nest(pretty sure there are still some leaves in it).

C) My clothes are dirty from fainting onto the ground.

D) My pants are soaked, making me look like a 19 year old who just pissed herself.

I sighed. I mentally cursed God for making this a crappy morning for me.

“Well, now that you’ve all had a good laugh at my expense, I guess I should go home.” I began to leave but Taemin spoke.

“You can’t leave the apartment like that! At least take a shower!”

“Yeah, maybe Key has something that will fit you, with his girlish figure and all.” Jonghyun added half joking, half serious. Key smacked Jonghyun.

“For the last time, I do NOT have a girly figure. I’m a late bloomer okay?!” Key retorted.

“Honestly, though, you must be tired and desperately want a shower.” Onew stated while staring at me.

“Well, I can always shower at home, right? It’s not far.” I said to them.

“What would happen if the paparazzi catches you walking out of the building looking like that?! A hot mess! You know how many scandals would start? Just shower here, and as for clothes, I've got it covered okay?” Key said while pushing me towards their bathroom.

“Taemin, towel!” Key commanded. Suddenly a towel was flung onto my face, blinding me momentarily.

“Don’t come out until you’re clean and looking like a human!” Key threatened.

I pulled the towel off and looked around; their bathroom was surprisingly clean and organized. Doing as I was told, I started the shower and hopped in. After 15 minutes I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my petite frame. I cautiously opened the door and peaked out into the hallway. I heard the television from the living room. They were probably watching cartoons together. I tip toed towards their bedroom, hopefully Key had laid out some clothes on the bed for me to wear.

“Yeah, don’t worry manager; we’ll be there on time. Yeah, we know, the car will pick us up in an hour.”

“Aish, Manager’s so impatient! Never shuts up about this and that and that and this.” Key complained once he was off the phone.

I finally made it the bedroom only to find someone sitting on the single bed.

“Yah! What are you doing?” I asked them. “Laying out some clothes, duh!” I recognized that voice. Min Ki turned around and smiled at me. When did she get here?

“I got here about 5 minutes ago.” she answered. It was like she could read my mind.

“Key Hyung called, said he was in dire need of female clothing. I didn’t ask why, I just came, I live in the neighboring apartment.” She pointed to the outfit on the bed. It was a pair of white skinny jeans, a colourful graphic tee and a long sleeved zip-up sweater.

“Thanks Min-Ki, my pants were wet and my shirt was covered in dirt-"

“Sssh, there’s no need to thank me. I’m happy to help out a friend. So get changed quickly and meet me in the living room. SHINee performs on Inkigayo this afternoon and we’re the lucky ones who get to watch them from the side of the stage!” she exclaimed before shutting the door and leaving me to change.

I examined myself in the mirror, the pants were a little long but the clothes fit nicely. I ran a hand through my long damp hair before exiting the bedroom.

“Yah! Min-Ki, that was my spot! Move over or else.” I heard Key threaten as I appeared in the living room.

“Well, I don’t see your name on it.” Min Ki stood up quickly. “See? There’s no ‘Key’ or ‘Kibum’ written anywhere on this spot, so ha! Besides it was your fault for getting up.”

“Getting up? I stood up for one second to stretch and you chucked me onto the floor and stole my spot!” Key whined.

“Quit being a baby and just sit on the floor.” Jonghyun exclaimed, becoming frustrated with the useless bickering.

“Are they like that all the time?” I whispered to the person closest to me.

“Yup, like an old married couple.” a voice answered, it was Onew.

“It’s cute don’t you think?” Taemin added. He was seated in front of Onew on the floor.

“You think everything’s cute Taemin.” Minho interjected from beside him.

“Do not!”

Just then a Baskin Robbins ice cream commercial came on, featuring a cute little boy picking out a favourite flavour.

“Aw! Look guys! That little boy is so cute!” I watched as everyone else rolled their eyes at Taemin.


Still following along :P

Good! This one was more of a filler so I do apologize!

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awwwww. i missed reading this! :(( this was back in the winglin days! :DD
Cute :) Can't wait for the next chapter!
I love this story ! Hope you can update soon ! tralala~