Sleepless In Seoul ♡ {HAITUS}

Chapter 8


It was chaotic.

People were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They were shouting at each other, with stress levels at an all time high. Little did I know how much work and effort was put into setting up at a music venue. Mind you, I did sit behind a desk and answer phone calls; so I thinks it’s safe to say that I didn’t know much about this side of the entertainment business. It had me wondering how Min Ki remained sane.

I stared intently at the back of Min Ki’s head, making sure to follow her; I definitely didn’t want to get lost in this frenzy. She turned around quickly and offered me a small smile.

“Thanks again for accompanying me and offering to help out today! The boys have a tight schedule and I know their manager would not be pleased if he knew about you spending the night at their dorm, regardless of the circumstances.” she said, her voice drifting over the background noises as we made our way towards SHINee’s performance stage.

“Oh, it’s not a problem. I didn’t have anything better to do on a Saturday anyways,” I shouted over the noise. It was true. So far, my days off consisted of going to the market, watching TV or surfing the net. Didn't my Saturdays screamed ‘excitement’? Not.

Min Ki abruptly stopped, and without paying attention I crashed into her, causing the both of us to fall. I sighed internally, this was the second time this morning that I fell. I heard Min Ki grunt as she slowly stood up.

“Aish, mah back!” she exclaimed.

“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” I apologized from the ground, people paid no attention to us, they walked around and continued on their way. Was chivalry dead? Just as I thought that a hand appeared in front of my face. I guess someone still believed in courtesy. Looking up, I saw Minho along with the rest of SHINee. They were dressed casually; jeans and graphic t-shirts. I assumed that they were here for rehearsal and then make up.

His hand engulfed mine and I immediately felt warmth. “Thanks,” I said after I regained my composure. “Why is it that every time I run into you, you’re either on the ground or making a complete and utter fool of yourself.” Minho teased as I brushed off my pants. I wasn’t going to justify that with a response, instead I offered a glare and stood beside Min Ki who was bickering with Key.

“Get over it! It was a spot on a couch!”

“Don’t tell me to get over it, you know I love sitting in that spot!”

“Well next time sew your stupid name onto the cushion and claim it as your own! God Key, you’re such a baby! It‘s a freaking spot on a couch, you don‘t own it-.”

“La la la la I’m not listening to you!” he interrupted and proceeded to plug his ears.

“Mature Key, real mature.” Min Ki said while rolling her eyes. He heard what she said and flashed her a brilliant smile; I thought I saw her blush but I wasn’t positive.

“If you’ve had your fun, we should head to our dressing room.” Onew announced. We mumbled our goodbyes and went our separate ways.


We arrived on set and were immediately given a list of tasks to complete within the hour. Min Ki was a stage hand and I was her little helper. We set up stage lights and carried musical equipment to different parts of the stage. At the end of the hour we sat in the prop warehouse behind the stage, exhausted. Min Ki was sitting in a larger then life ‘C’, her body naturally curving along with the letter. She blew the steam coming from the small coffee in her hands. This was my favorite place so far; it was quiet, apart from the noise that was heard coming from the stage and people were seldom in here unless it was for routine maintenance. Min Ki explained that there was a newer warehouse on the south end of the building so this one was hardly used.

“Comfortable?” she asked from her spot. I took a look at my surroundings.

“Yeah, I’d say I was,” I replied.

“Even with all those feathers?” I laughed, I was sitting in a pile of unused, old animal costumes. A chicken costume was providing me with warmth, even though feathers would get caught in my mouth every now and then. I had no idea what these were used for and who wore them but I wasn’t going to ask questions.

“I guess this the coffee date we were suppose to have but never got around to,” she pointed out, I nodded and blew on my coffee. After a few minutes she spoke.

“So what’s your deal?”

My deal?

“You know, why are you in Seoul? Are you by yourself or visiting?” she added smiling. “If we’re going to be friends I figured we get to know one another a little bit right?” Min Ki did have a point.

“I lived in Seoul up until I was 10, then we relocated to Seattle. I just graduated from high school and thought it would be fun to live here for a year or so. My parents helped me set up, found me an apartment and I’ve lived here for…2 months. So far it’s been good.”

“Except for when you almost got mugged!” she pointed out. I almost forgot about that ridiculous story.

“Yeah, aside from that it’s been good.”

“Meet any cute guys?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows for emphasis. One, but I wasn’t about say his name out loud.

“I’ve seen a couple but no one I’d want to pursue.” Liar! my conscious screamed.
“Ok, so I lied.” I started. In a split second Min Ki managed to place her coffee cup on the floor, then jumped head first into the pile of old costumes next to me.

“What!? Who?” she exclaimed, popping out from underneath a penguin costume.

“Well, I’ve only seen him a handful of times, but they were just ‘hi and bye’ situations. I doubt he sees me as more than a friend though. I think what’s keeping me interested is the fact that he seems different. Like there’s so much I want to know and uncover about him…Gosh, I’m babbling! Sorry!” I turned to see Min Ki staring at me; a gleam in her eyes. I raised my eyebrows at her.

“What?…Did I say something wrong?” She let out a girlish squeal.
“Omo, someone’s falling in love! Who's the lucky guy!?”
“Love? No no, not at all, maybe a crush, but a tiny one at that. I know it won’t go anywhere.” I admitted to her and to myself. My heart twisted.

“Oh hush,” she said while smacking my back, I almost spilt my hot coffee.
“Yah!” I exclaimed. “Sorry,” she replied sheepishly, “What I mean is that, you don’t know how this guy is feeling! Hang out with him, see how you click!”

I gave a curt nod before taking a sip of my coffee. “You’re right.”

“Aren’t I always?! Well you better keep me updated with Mr. Mystery!”
“Only if you keep me updated with you and Key!” I stated.
“Key!? Pft, that diva? No, what. There’s nothing there!”
“Well gauging from your reaction, it doesn’t sound like nothing!” I teased.
“Omo! Look, who’s that over there?” I looked towards the warehouse door and saw nothing.

“Min Ki are you nuts, there’s no one there! Now back to you and Ke-” Suddenly a panda head connected with my face. Min Ki had attacked me, with a fake panda head!

“Why are you avoiding the topic huh? Is someone, dare I say it? Falling in love?!”

“No! Not at all, we’re friends and have been for a few years, so yeah. Nothing’s going to happen anyways. Not that I like him or anything.” There was a hint of sadness in her voice, almost undetectable.

“Min Ki?” I called out.


“Sometimes, the best advice to follow is your own. Like you said, if you do like Key, you don’t know how he’s feeling right? Maybe hangout with him and see how you click when you two aren’t arguing.” I offered. She smiled and lay her head on my shoulder.

“Thanks Annie, maybe you’re right.”

Min Ki felt her cell phone vibrate from her sweater pocket.

“Oh, text message!” she exclaimed as she pulled it out and read it over, a smile forming on her face. I asked her who it was from and she showed me the screen.

To: Min Ki
From: DivaKey
Sent at 4:35 PM

‘Yah! Min Ki, where are you? SHINEE’s performing at 5, if I don’t see you in the audience or on the side of the stage cheering us on you’re in huge trouble. 5PM + you and Annahyun in the audience/side stage=happy Key and happy SHINee. Got it? good. Bye!’

I had to admit that Key had a way with words. I threw Min Ki a smile. “Ou, Key’s happy when you watch him perform! Maybe he’s showing off just for you!”

“That’s not it! I promised SHINee that whenever I work at a music venue where their performing I would watch and cheer them on!” she explained.

We gathered our empty coffee cups and threw them in the trash before leaving the prop room. Min Ki and I had finished our little coffee date just time. We quickly found our spot on the side of stage, Min Ki insisted we stand there because, and I quote, “I’m not risking my neck in that audience! Those fans turn into crazies I tell you! Crazies!”

Staying away from the ‘crazies’, we watched as screams erupted from the audience. SHINee had made it onto the stage and took their positions. Within seconds the stage lights and each member was hit with a spotlight. They all looked magnificent, I didn’t blame the fans in the audience for turning into mad women. The beat of ‘Ring Ding Dong’ began playing. Jonghyun began singing and my jaw dropped. I listened to their song but never had the opportunity to hear them live until this very moment. He sounded amazing.

As the song headed towards the chorus SHINee began dancing. Their movement was fluid yet sharp. My eyes moved to Key, he danced with excitement and sang with confidence. His personality was conveyed through his movement. Onew’s voice was astounding, for someone with such a funny and goofy personality he managed to sing with maturity. Minho’s and Key’s rap came up and they took center stage. Minho’s charisma flamed, and I saw a side of him that was different from the reserved, calm, young man that I was accustomed to. His dark eyes peered into the audience as he rapped, causing every girl in the room to swoon.

I took my eyes off of Minho just as the dance breakdown of the song came up; I anticipated Taemin’s performance. I watched him with a smile on my face; for someone so young to be able to move like that, move with precision and passion. I could tell that he truly loved being on stage and dancing with his fellow Hyung’s made him happy. SHINee was SHINee for a reason; these boys shone brightest when they stepped on stage and they deserved the recognition they were getting as artists. The song ended and SHINee was greeted with applause and cheers. “SHINee hwaiting!” I heard Min Ki scream along with the crowd. The boys exited the stage and were receiving congratulations from the staff that surrounded them. Min Ki linked arms with me and we began approaching them.

“Hey guys! That was a great performance!” she announced as we neared them. Onew, Taemin and Jonghyun were sipping water and Minho and Key were wiping off sweat with towels. “You guys were amazing.” I simply stated. SHINee turned towards us and smiled. A chorus of ‘thank you’s’ were heard from each member before they were rushed away for an interview by their manager. It was the first time I had seen him up close, he looked average but his expression looked strict. He coldly stared at Min Ki and I for a moment before grumbling and following SHINee.

“What’s with him?” I asked Min Ki curiously.
“I don’t like him, never have, never will.” was all she said.

I didn’t want to press the issue further so I told her that I’d be heading home. It was then that she offered me a ride. I gave her directions and she told me that she would text me later on. I said my goodbye and entered my apartment. It was just as I’d left it, it was only 7PM but I felt tired. I laid in my bed, not changing out of my clothes. My eyelids grew heavy, and within minutes I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up the day after SHINee’s performance and was surprised to find that I had slept from 7 in the evening until 7 this morning; a full 12 hours of sleep! Needless to say I felt rejuvenated; like I could take on the world.

It was Sunday so I did various chores to pass the time; sent a weekly email to my parents reminding them that I was still alive and reassured my Appa that hadn‘t committed the act of ‘boom boom pow’ with anyone. When 4 o’clock hit I began making dinner for myself. I pulled out the chicken that I bought at the market and began seasoning it then promptly put it in the oven to cook. Unexpectedly I heard a knock on my door. Wondering who it could be I quickly answered it.

“Annyong?” I announced as I opened the door, the faces on the other side surprised me. Minho, Key, and Onew greeted me with ‘hello’s’ before I let them in. “You must be wondering how we found your apartment.” Minho said as the three of them looked around. Thank God I spent the day cleaning it.

“Actually, yes. Care to explain?”

“Key harassed Min Ki, kept calling her cell until she told us.” Minho stated as he picked up a book on my coffee table, examining it quickly before setting it back in its original spot.

“Yah! We wanted to return the clothes you left at our dorm so I merely called a couple of times asking politely for your address.” Key retaliated before holding up a bag filled with my clothes.

“You called her 15 times, and texted her non stop til’ she got fed up and told you!” Onew revealed while he sniffed the air. I gave him a perplexed look.

“Onew, are you okay?” I asked timidly.

“Omo, is that?…” he took another deep breath through his nose.

“Annahyun, please don’t tell me that you’re cookin-” Key began until Onew interrupted.
“CHICKEN?! Are you cooking chicken!?”

“Um, yes?” I answered.

Key smacked his forehead in a diva like manner. “Ugh, now he’ll never leave.” I raised my eyebrows as I watched Onew twirl happily in the middle of my living room. I’m positive that I heard him singing the jingle for the Mexicana Chicken commercial.
“You see, our little dubu here has an unhealthy chicken ,” Key explained. “He loves it, so whenever he sees, or in this case, smells it he has to eat some or else things get...” he paused for dramatic effect and then continued “…ugly.”

My mouth formed an ‘O’ and gave him a nod to signal that I understood.

“Well, I made more then enough. Do you guys want to stay for dinner?” I offered. When Onew heard the words ‘stay for dinner’ he stopped twirling and looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

“Really?” I smiled and nodded my head once more. He let out a loud ‘YES!’ and began crumping, bringing out his inner gangster. Minho laughed whereas Key sat on my couch, shaking his head in disappointment.

“Just dinner though! Jonghyun and Taemin will wonder where we are if we don’t get home before 7.” Key spoke again. He told me that Jonghyun and Taemin were still at the studio re-recording a few songs for the new album. They didn’t want to wait so they decided to stop by my place on the way home. I told them that dinner would be ready momentarily and that they should make themselves at home. They offered to help but I told them that cooking a meal for them was the least I could do for their hospitality yesterday. So instead they watched TV.

My phone vibrated on the kitchen counter where I set it down. I went over and saw a text message from Min Ki.

To: Annie
From: Min Ki
Sent at 5:23 PM

‘Please don‘t hate me! I kinda, sorta told SHINee where you live. But in my defense Key wouldn’t stop harassing me until I told him. I’m only txting you to warn you, they’ll probably randomly show up at your door unannounced! I hope you don’t walk around your apartment in your underwear, because it’d be awkward if you answered the door like that XD’

I couldn’t help but smile. I sent her a reply informing her that they were at my apartment right now and that I was feeding Onew chicken. She replied with an ‘LOL, poor you'.

When I finished cooking, I set the table and called them over. Onew had third helpings and asked if I could pack some leftovers. They thanked me for the meal and began heading out.

“Can I use your washroom?” Minho asked just as they were about to leave. Key sighed, “It’s almost 7! Onew and I will start walking, we’ll wait for you outside the apartment.” he said before giving me a final wave goodbye, Onew thanked me one more time before stepping to the hallway and closing the door.

I pointed Minho to the bathroom and began cleaning up the kitchen. A few minutes later I heard the washroom door open, and I turned around to see Minho in the foyer putting on his shoes. He gave me a curt nod.

“Thanks for dinner, it was really good.” He said as he stood up, his left hand rubbed the back of his neck as we stood there in silence. “Well, they're waiting so I’ll be leaving, but you should check out your bathroom after I leave, bye!” he gave a formal 90 degree bow before swiftly exiting my apartment. Why would I need to check out my bathroom? Sweet baby Jesus, did he clog my toilet?!

I went to the bathroom and timidly sniffed the air, it smelt fine. I opened the door all the way and found that everything was in order until I spotted the message board that I hung behind the door. I used it frequently; jotting down reminders and keeping track of things I needed to buy. I hung it here instead of the kitchen where it should be because it’s the first place I went to in the mornings.

Something was written on the board, and it wasn’t in my hand writing. I read it out loud, translating the Hangul.

‘Annahyun, what a strange place to keep a message board! But then again, you are a strange girl…just kidding! If you can’t sleep tonight meet me at Café Door Mun around 2am. It’s a 15 minute walk from your apartment. If you can’t find it, just text me - Minho’

At the end of the message he left a number. I smiled unable to control my happiness, so this is what he meant when he told me to check my bathroom.

Whoo hoo! another chapter! :D
this one's pretty long! but I hope you guy
like it, thanks for sticking with the fic.

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awwwww. i missed reading this! :(( this was back in the winglin days! :DD
Cute :) Can't wait for the next chapter!
I love this story ! Hope you can update soon ! tralala~