Sleepless In Seoul ♡ {HAITUS}

Chapter 2


The clock read half past four.

I had been staring at my phone for exactly six minutes, debating with myself. To call and book an appointment or not? I stared at the card in my hand. Worst scenario is that he doesn’t remember who I am and refuses to see me. If that’s the case then I can continue job hunting and pretend like nothing happened. Then again, I can’t really pass up an opportunity like this.

Okay I’ll do it, I’ll call. I had finally made up my mind. With gusto I picked up my cordless phone and punched in the numbers that were displayed on the business card. I kept a firm grip on the phone while I waited for someone to pick up. After a few seconds a warm voice answered.

“Good Afternoon, Star Museum Entertainment Company. This is Lee Jae Min; receptionist speaking. How may I assist you today?” said the voice on the other end.

I bit my lip, a nervous habit of mine. “Um,” I began not so elegantly. “Hi there! my name is Park Annahyun. Mr. Kim Young Min gave me his card this afternoon after I returned his wallet to him. I was told to give this number a call to book an appointment.” Suddenly it hit me. I sounded ridiculous, this man must have received numerous calls from young girls wanting to break into show business on a daily basis. This receptionist most likely thought I was lying, just to arrange a meeting with Mr. Kim Young Min so I could show case my talent. All the confidence I had gathered before I called had now vanished. I was about to tell Lee Jae Min to never mind when she spoke.

“Ah, yes, I do re-call Mr. Kim Young Min mentioning someone would call, a girl who had returned his wallet.” I couldn’t believe it. He actually remembered me!

“Unfortunately he is all booked for today but tomorrow at noon he is available. Will you be able to make it into the office?” Lee Jae Min inquired.

“Of course!” I said a little loudly. Well, I was excited, can you blame me? Only two weeks of living in Seoul and I was offered employment at a company that harbored amazing musical talent. Lee Jae Min laughed at my quick response. “Okay, Park Annahyun is it? I have you scheduled for an appointment at noon.” she confirmed.

“I’ll be there! Thank you so much.” I replied before hanging up. This called for celebration. I left my small living room and headed towards my even smaller kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out left over chocolate cake. It was given to me by my neighbor as a ‘Welcome’ gift. I took the cake with me into the living room where I had set up my computer. I took a hearty bite of the delicious cake before seating myself in front of my screen. I had promised my Appa that I would write every other day and I intended to keep that promise.

‘My dearest Appa,

I’m keeping my promise by meeting your conditions. There hasn’t been any ‘boom boom pow’ or whatever you’re calling it these days. On a lighter note I’m finally settled in! Every box has been unpacked and my furniture has been set up. I know you’re worried about my employment status but you don’t have to anymore! Today I set up an appointment with the CEO of SM Entertainment

(and no Appa, I’m not making this up)

I’ll be finding out what position he’ll be offering me tomorrow afternoon! Inform Omma too! Actually-she’s probably reading over your shoulder, so never mind. Wish me luck!

Lots of Love,


PS. Let me know when you want to set up a webcam date! Remember, that round thing that’s shaped like a ball where you can see me while I chat with you?’

I read over the email and let out a sigh. I kept it short and simple, so they wouldn’t worry about me. They had no idea how much I missed them or how I hadn’t made any friends. To make matters worse, I had recently been battling with insomnia, I considered it lucky if I slept for more than three hours a night. No clue as to how it developed or how to get rid of it without medication. I did everything possible to fall asleep; counting sheep, drinking warm tea before bed, even exercising at night to tire myself out but nothing worked. I made it my mission to figure out a solution to this problem before I collapse in broad daylight from lack of sleep.

I hit the ‘send’ button and shut off the computer screen. I relocated to the couch and my television and surfed channels to pass the time. It was around supper time when I began to lose interest in what was on. Like a sloth I slowly got off the couch and walked into my kitchen. I opened my pantry and pulled out a cup of ramen noodles, sue me for being lazy. After eating I decided to print out directions to SM Entertainment headquarters.

I spent the rest of the night doing things to pass the time. I cleaned my apartment, did some laundry, knit a scarf, read a book and finally picked an outfit for tomorrow, it consisted of a black turtle neck, loose fitting grey slacks and black ankle boots with four inch heels. Hopefully I portrayed ‘business casual’

It was seven in the morning when my body finally gave in and I fell asleep, only to wake up three hours later. With my appointment in two hours, I quickly showered and changed. I was out of the house at eleven and standing in the lobby of SM Entertainment by eleven forty-five. I approached the reception desk, a women who looked around thirty years old greeted me with a smile.

“Hi, are you here for the appointment at noon? I believe we spoke yesterday. I‘m Lee Jae Min” she asked. I gave a friendly smile and stuck out my hand.

“Hello! I’m Park Annahyun in the flesh.” Lee Jae Min stood up slightly and shook my hand.

“You’re a little early, but I’ll inform Mr. Kim of your arrival.” I watched as she pressed a few buttons on the phone console. She adjusted her head set before speaking clearly.

“Hello! Mr. Kim you’re twelve o’clock appointment is here ahead of schedule, shall I send her up now?” she asked in a professional tone. I took a look at my surroundings, this place screamed high class. “Okay, I’ll let her know. Alright, thank you”

“Beautiful building isn’t it?” Lee Jae Min commented.

“Sorry, I was distracted by the architecture. It is quite lovely” I answered in a polite tone.

“Mr. Kim will see you now, just take a left and you’ll arrive at the elevators. Once inside hit floor 30, take another left, go down the hallway, take a right and you’ll reach your destination. If you get lost, ask any of the staff passing by and they’ll be glad help you.” I smiled and took in her directions. I thanked her and followed her instructions. When I exited the elevator I spotted another lobby/ lounge area, to the left was the hallway Lee Jay Min had described. I followed it and reached an office made of large glass windows. I could see Kim Young Min through the glass door. He was finishing up with another appointment and I watched as three other business men exited his office.

“Hello there!” he greeted me. “So glad you could make it, please step inside my office. We have a few things to discuss.” I did as told and stepped into his office. I took a seat in front of his desk. “I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity, I’m new to the city and was actually looking for a job” I said sincerely.

“What are the chances?” He replied. “Now, shall we begin with introductions, my name is Kim Young Min and I’m the CEO of Star Museum Entertainment or SM Entertainment. I seldom offer jobs but this is a special case.”

“My name is Park Annahyun, a recent High school graduate. I just moved here from America” I told him. He gave me a nod and then pulled out a few papers from his desk drawers. “I’ll need you to fill out this information sheet. Name, age, address, just the basics every employer needs.” Kim Young Min handed me a pen and continued speaking while I filled out the sheet.

“With this job you are to perform a variety of general office work, like reviewing and controlling incoming and outgoing correspondence; establishing and maintaining office files; greeting and screening callers and visitors; you are to coordinate meetings and make travel arrangements for particular artists that we represent when they are in the building. You will be stationed at the reception desk on the main floor. You will be replacing Lee Jae Min for the time being, she will be on maternity leave for a year. You look like an intelligent young woman and I trust that you can handle yourself.” By the time he had finished speaking, I had finished the filling in the sheet he had given me.

“I will do my best and will not disappoint you Mr. Kim” I handed him the sheet and he gave me another smile. “You will begin training tomorrow, this is a full time position. You will be working nine to five every week day, I thank you again for coming in” He stood up, that’s when I knew the appointment was over. I took my purse and stood up. He held out his hand and I gave if a firm yet gentle shake. “I trust you know your way out, I’ll see you tomorrow Ms. Park” I gave a customary bow out of respect and saw myself out.

I began walking down the hallway, unable to contain my excitement. I just landed a full time job at SM Entertainment! I closed my eyes and began doing a little happy dance as I shimmied towards the elevators, suddenly I hit something, no, someone. I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t be dancing in hallways with my eyes closed an-” I began but a deep, yet gentle voice cut me off.

“It‘s okay, accidents happen.” I looked to see the who voice belonged to. He stood tall, close to six feet and his wavy brown hair was messy but stylish. I was startled when I reached his eyes, they were a dark brown, almost black but they held something familiar, something I saw in my own eyes when I looked in the mirror: loneliness.


Minho finally makes an appearence

For those of you who like visuals when you read this is the outfit
Annie wears to the appointment with Kim Young Min:



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awwwww. i missed reading this! :(( this was back in the winglin days! :DD
Cute :) Can't wait for the next chapter!
I love this story ! Hope you can update soon ! tralala~