Sleepless In Seoul ♡ {HAITUS}

Chapter 3


I had lost all sense of time.

I don’t know how long I stared into those dark orbs, could have been minutes, seconds or nanoseconds. By the time I broke out of my trance-like state, his face looked confused yet slightly amused. I was beyond embarrassed and shifted my gaze towards a portrait on the wall.

“Yah! What are you doing?” someone called from behind. I instinctively turned my head towards the voice, it belonged to a middle aged man wearing an impatient expression. Clearly he was addressing the person in front of me. My gazed landed on the stranger once more. He ran his hand through his messy hair and turned to face the man.

“Nothing, I’ll be there in a second Hyung.” he answered, unexpectedly he turned towards me and began speaking.

“It was nice running into you, literally.” he smiled shyly, like he was internally laughing at his own joke then continued “but I have to go, have a nice day.”

Then he was gone, walking towards the older man and four other young men surrounding him. I watched as they all walked into a conference room adjacent to Mr. Kim’s glass office.

While living in America, I didn’t pay attention to new musical artists that debut in Korea, which is ironic because I am now employed by a corporation that spits out new bands every other month. It still had me wondering if these five young men belonged in a band of some sort, or if they were in the building for another purpose. I made a mental note to check the roster of artists that SM Entertainment had signed.

It’s not like I wanted to stalk this guy or anything, but I thought it best to familiarize myself with faces that I’d see on a day to day basis, how rude would it be if I was working at the reception desk and a very important super star showed up and I had zero clue who they were. I’d probably loose my job.

At least that’s what I told myself when I went home that night and searched for the face I had stumbled upon that very day. I decided that the only thing I needed to know was what band he belonged to. I clicked on a link that lead me to SM Entertainment’s main page.
I was surprised at how easily I found a photo of him. His elegant figure was standing on a roof top, sprouting dark wings, accompanied by the other members.

“SHINee” I said out loud, my voice had echoed throughout my empty apartment. My assumption was correct, I read the small biography that the website provided. They belonged to SM Entertainment and had debuted in 2008. Their current single was ‘Ring Ding Dong’ it portrayed them as a more mature group, different from when they first arrived on the music scene. Their image was darker and held an air of cultivated beauty while managing to look manly at the same time.

Without providing pictures, I read the name of each member: Onew; the leader, Bling Bling Jonghyun, The Almighty Key, Minho; flaming charisma and finally the maknae Taemin.

Okay, so I now knew their names but who was who? I took another look at the picture, finding the face who’s name I wanted to know most. His gaze was smoldering and whether I wanted to admit it or not, he had me wanting to know more about him. I found myself wondering who he was, and why his eyes held a feeling of loneliness. It looked like he had it all, the looks, the popularity, the ever-loyal band mates and talent that was noticed by the entire Korean community.

“Who are you?” I whispered to no one. After staring at the photo for a few minutes I dubbed him ‘Onew’ he looked like he possessed leadership qualities and he was standing in front, the other members like shadows behind him.

I smiled at my discovery.

I managed to get two and a half hours of sleep that night. But I woke up with shining eyes, excited for the day ahead of me. Training began today and there was a chance that I’d run in the stranger who I was now calling ‘Onew’

I decided to check my email before leaving my house, just to see if Appa had replied. I smiled when I saw that he did.

‘Yo what is up homie?’ I almost choked on the coffee I was currently sipping.

Homie? Nonetheless I continued reading.

`A to the N-N-I-E! what’s up?

Do you like my opening sentence? isn’t that how you kids talk these days? All gangster, gangster with your pants down to your knees and belly bearing tops. Your generation has no fashion sense, why not wear a turtle neck that reveals no skin? Or pants that actually fit around your waist?

Anyways, I am glad to see that there are still job opportunities in Korea. I trust that you’ll work hard to achieve your goals and make lots of money to buy me authentic Crunch Ball Crispy Candy, my favorite! I’m not kidding, you better ship it over soon.

Your Umma says that she is proud of you for finding a job so quickly and that she misses you. We’ve bought a calling card and will call you later on in the week to see how you’re doing.

Be good, don’t let the boys trick you, their sneaky and have ways of luring young women into boom boom pow!

Your Omma and I love you very much,

:) <-- look, I can make a smiley face!

Talk to you soon!’

I laughed at my dads quirky sense of humor, he even managed to brighten my day through an email. Noticing the time, I quickly finished my coffee and headed into work.

I was once again taking public transit to get to work, seeing as I had no money for a taxi ride across town. On a lighter note I felt that I had some control over my slight claustrophobia. It wasn’t as packed this morning and the only person who looked like a threat was the drunken homeless man taking the same bus as me. He was sitting at the back of the bus singing, off key I might add.

“Oh nala, oh nalah na!” he sang in his drunken stupor. I rubbed my temple, I could feel a headache coming on.

Stepping off the bus I was glad to be rid of the singing hobo. I walked into SM Entertainment located in the trendy neighborhood of Apgujeong. Lee Jae Min offered me a smile and announced how happy she was to be working with me. If I didn’t notice her protruding pregnant belly yesterday, I noticed it now. Another chair had been placed next to her, I assumed it was for me so I took my spot next to her and took a deep breath.

“Now, let’s begin training.” Lee Jae Min said as she pulled out a large manual and handed me a name tag. “This manual will tell you everything you need to know about controlling the phone console. It may look like a lot of information but I will break it down for you to make it easier.” I put on my name tag and clasped my hands together, ready for training.

After seven hours, we managed to complete training. It was easy for the most part. Lee Jay Min mentioned that she was impressed with my work ethic and even handed the headset over to me for an hour.

I became nervous when Lee Jae Min told me she was taking her lunch break and that I’d be alone for an hour.

I took a few phone calls and called company cars for a few artists who needed rides to performances at KBS Music Bank. Lee Jae Min’s break was almost over and I hadn’t made any mistakes, yet. I was doing some filing when the phone began ringing. I greeted the person on the end in a happy tone. The person on the phone cleared their throat.

“Jae Min?” they asked.

“My apologies, my name is Park Annahyun. The new receptionist, how can I be of assistance today Sir?”

“I have a favor to ask of you” I gulped, anticipating his request.

“SHINee is just finishing up a radio interview and will be arriving at headquarters to rehearse for an upcoming performance. It is my knowledge that a practice room has not been reserved. Would you be so kind to reserve one for the boys and inform us upon arrival which room it is?”

Simple enough, I gave him a yes and promptly hung up the phone. I did as told and within ten minutes the band was walking through the lobby and towards me. They weren’t dressed to the nines, but in loose pants and t-shirts. They even carried duffle bags. They look prepared for a long night of practice.

I greeted them with smile, but blushed slightly when my eyes landed on ‘Onew’

“Hey!” the one with multicolored hair greeted “you’re the one who was dancing with their eyes closed yesterday.”

If my cheeks were tinged pink, they were now beet red.

“Guilty as charged” I replied with a smile. “you’re in practice room 453 this evening.”

“I’m Key by the way, but you probably knew that.” it was the one who brought up my embarrassing moment yesterday that spoke.

“Nice to meet you all” I turned towards ‘Onew’ and spoke “and nice to meet you again Onew” I felt five pairs of eyes on me. ‘Onew’ looked offended. What had I said? I suddenly felt small.

Key burst out laughing. What was going on? I gave them all a perplexed look.

“I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” I asked, slightly frustrated.

“You’re funny” Key stated after his fit of laughter. “but this strapping young man over here is Onew” he pointed a young man with short hair. The real Onew gave me a sheepish smile. If that was Onew then who was the guy I bumped into yesterday?

“My name is Minho” a deep voice spoke. I thought I had embarrassed myself in front of him yesterday but I humiliated myself today.

“Oh, hello.” I said in a soft voice. “well, sorry, you just look like an Onew?” I added, my voice uncertain.

“I look like an Onew?” Minho repeated. I gave a slight nod.

“We should properly introduce ourselves so that-” Onew leaned in closer, reading my name tag. “Park Annahyun doesn’t confuse our identities.”

“Okay! I’m Taemin, are you a Noona?” The younger looking one asked.

“I don’t know? I‘m 19 does that make me a Noona?” I replied. Taemin gave me a shy smile and spoke “yes, you’re a Noona, well it makes you my Noona!”

“I’m Jonghyun.” the one with blonde and light brown hair spoke next. I nodded and looked at Onew, waiting for his introduction.

“I’m the real Onew.” He said with a grin. Trying to keep my pride intact I took a deep breath and introduced myself.

“My name is Park Annahyun, the receptionist replacing Lee Jay Min who’ll be on maternity leave. Nice to meet you all.”

They all bowed and then turned towards their manager who had watched the entire scene unfold. “Okay, to room 453 guys.” I watched as they all turned around and headed towards the elevators.

“I can’t believe she thought you were Onew! How hilarious is that?” Key exclaimed loudly just as the elevator doors opened.

I watched as Jonghyun, Taemin, and Onew stepped in first, then Key. Before entering Minho turned towards me, after staring for a few seconds he smiled and shook his head.

“How did the hour without me go?” Jay Min asked. Genuinely surprised I let out a squeal.

“Ah, Jay Min you startled me.” I answered after I saw a concerned look cross her face.

“Well it’s five and your training shift is now over, I start maternity leave tomorrow. So you’ll be on your own, but you’ll do fine. I have faith in you.” I gathered my things and got up.

“It was very nice meeting you Jay Min, thank you for being a great teacher. I wish you a safe and happy pregnancy” I said politely before I left.

It was six thirty when I reached my apartment. I immediately headed for the couch. For some reason I felt tired. Maybe it was because SHINee had drained me of my dignity.

“Idiot” I muttered as I replayed the scene in my head. I slapped my forehead.

“You look like an Onew” I mimicked. I had managed to make a fool out of myself twice within a span of two days.

I got up and changed into comfortable clothes. I passed by the mirror in the hallway that lead to the living room. Glancing at my reflection I saw that I had developed eye bags, noticeable against my pale skin. I looked like death personified. Unable to stand my reflection I quickly escaped to the kitchen and began boiling a pot of water for the ramen noodles I’d be consuming for dinner.

While waiting for the water to boil I watched as the sun began to set, oranges and reds fading into the skyline; making room for the moon. It was a breathtaking sight. I found myself wondering if Minho was watching the same sunset. Now I sounded ridiculous, without another thought I turned back to the kitchen.

The flickering lights of Seoul City shining brightly behind me.

Ta-da! Chapter 3 is here and with more SHINee action!

Here is the photo Annie is looking at when she tries
to find out which memeber is which!


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awwwww. i missed reading this! :(( this was back in the winglin days! :DD
Cute :) Can't wait for the next chapter!
I love this story ! Hope you can update soon ! tralala~