Sleepless In Seoul ♡ {HAITUS}

Chapter 1


Today I had discovered that I was mildly claustrophobic. Having never taken public transit in Seoul I thought it would be a good idea to take a bus to the market for some grocery shopping. This proved to be a bad idea, I began taking deep breaths as more people loaded onto the bus, I had very little personal space and could feel someone behind me breathing down my neck, I tried to shake off the feeling of dread, but it was pointless. I attempted to distract myself by thinking of items to buy when I arrived at the market, I was living on the bare essentials since moving into my cramped apartment just a few weeks ago. I don’t know what motivated the move from America to Korea but I felt like I needed a change in scenery, besides, this was my homeland. My parents had immigrated to America just after my 10th birthday nine years ago.

“Plenty more job opportunities in America!” my Appa would exclaim whenever I asked why we had moved. Its not like I hated living in the U.S but I had just graduated from High school and instead of applying for colleges or universities I thought I’d travel the world first. See what was out there, broaden my horizons so to speak. Traveling to Korea first seemed like the logical choice. It took me months to brush up on my Korean and even longer to learn Hangul but once I felt like I mastered it I delivered the news to my parents.

“I’m moving out.” I said to my parents while we sat at the dinner table. My Appa had stopped mid-chew and gave me an incredulous look. It was my Umma who finally broke the silence.

“Where? And when did you decide this ddal?” she asked, her voice level. Ddal, she used the Korean word for ‘daughter’ as a nickname for me ever since I could remember. I picked at the food on my plate before giving them an answer.

“Well, I’m fresh out of High school. Summer has just started. I know I’m not ready to attend college or university. I figured that moving back to Korea for a year or so would be good for me. Besides grandma lives in Daegu! It’s not far from where I’m planning on staying and-”

Appa had cut me off. “Where are you planning to stay? You are a young lady! Do you think you can handle living on your own, finding a job once you get there and providing for yourself!“ he had spoken so fast that bits of food spewed from his mouth.

“Yeobo, remember your blood pressure!” my Umma scolded. “Annahyun is a big girl now and can make decisions on her own, let her experience the world. We can contact your mother, let her know that her granddaughter plans on living in Korea, perhaps she can make weekly visits, just to check up on her” she offered.

Being an only child, a girl no less, my father had been overly protective of me since he discovered that boys walked the Earth. “You may go” he said calmly. My eyes widened in shock, I filled my lungs with air and prepared to let out a scream of joy until he spoke again. “But you must promise me, no boom boom pow with the boys! And you must e-mail every other day and use that camera thing so that we can see you.”

I raised an eyebrow. That camera thing? “You know, that camera thing” he said again, as if it clarified what he had said a few seconds ago. “the thing! and it’s round like a ball, you go on the internet and do that chatting and can see the other person!” My mother rolled her eyes. “A webcam? You mean a webcam right?” I asked him. “Bingo was his name-o! you got it right Annie, good for you. You follow those conditions and you may leave for Korea.”

“Okay, I’ll follow your conditions.” I said with a grin on my face.

“And now you may scream.” he said before tucking into his dinner. I did as I was told and let out the scream the was trapped in my throat, I even did a little dance.

That was how my whole journey to Seoul began. It wasn’t really turning into the adventure I had hoped. I'm currently stuck on a bus, it’s crowded, loud and the smell of perspiration engulfs my nostrils. I quickly spot the market and ring the bell. After hopping off the bus I take a deep breath, thankful that the ride is finally over. I take a look at my surroundings, a large amount of street vendors are heckling people walking by. I turn to the left and see the produce section of the market. I maneuver my way through the crowd and finally reach my destination. After an hour of loading my basket, I pay for my items and begin walking towards the bus stop. I arrive at the cross walk and wait for the light to turn red, once it does a rush of people begin crossing the street; business men on cells phones, groups of teenage girls, mothers with their babies, you name it and it‘s probably crossing the street. I begin the short walk to other side but not before noticing a business man holding a briefcase drop his wallet. I quickly run over and grab it before any homeless men spot it.

“Excuse me Sir! Sir!” I shout towards the man who looks oblivious. “Hello! Sir!” I shout once more. He was heading towards a sleek black limo.

“Excuse me! Sir!” I call out again. He finally turned around and gave me his full attention, we had finally made it to the other side of the street.

“Yes? Can I help you with anything?”

“You dropped your wallet while crossing the street, I picked it up and ran after you” I explained while panting and holding out his wallet.

“What a kind person you are, not many people in this city would have returned a wallet to it’s rightful owner. Half the people on the streets are crooks who pick pocket on a daily basis!” he replied in a joking manner.

I let out a chuckle. “Must be your lucky day Sir”

“Listen, I’m running a little late for a meeting but take my card, in return for your kindness, if you're ever looking for a job, you’ll be guaranteed one at my company, just call the number on the card and book an appointment to see me.” He reached into the pocket of his suite, pulled out a card and handed it to me. With a final smile he turned towards the parked car that had been waiting for him. Thinking nothing of it, I stuffed the card into my handbag before continuing to the bus stop.

It was a few hours later that I had re-discovered the business card at the bottom of my purse. While lounging on my couch, I examined the card.

“Kim Young Min, Chief Executive Officer of SM Entertainment Co.,Ltd” I read out loud.

The CEO of one of Koreas top Entertainment companies was offering me a job?

Must be my lucky day.


It's the first official Chapter for: Sleepless in Seoul.
Minho has yet to make an appearence but he will soon! Hopefully you guys stay tuned

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awwwww. i missed reading this! :(( this was back in the winglin days! :DD
Cute :) Can't wait for the next chapter!
I love this story ! Hope you can update soon ! tralala~