@inoahlotaboutu | Gianne (er)

Christmas Gift | from chwenism @ twitter

@inoahlotaboutu | noah x gianne (hehe) + yoongi


I took it seriously, okay. Try not to cringe after every sentence. You’re welcome.

And also, I don’t know what your hair color is so I just made it blond instead.



She gathered all her things and tucked her Suga HHM inside her shoulder bag as she quietly sneaked out of the house. Once out of the gates, she smiled and breathed in the cold, night air. She walked towards the bus stop and arrived just in time when the one she was supposed to ride was just about to leave. She boarded the bus, paid for the fare, and then sat at the far back.

A few minutes later, the bus stopped and a few people boarded. A boy who had blond hair wearing a plain white shirt and black pants caught her eye. He had a black beanie hanging loosely from his head and black sunglasses covering his eyes.

The boy walked over near to where she was sitting and she followed him with her eyes. He sat on the seat on the opposite side of where she was and glanced at her for a few seconds before turning his head towards outside the window.

He had style and he does kind of look cute even if she hasn’t seen his eyes yet. She bit her lip and cautiously turned her head towards him again. She could see his lips grow into a smile as he swiftly looked back at her. She blushed and quickly shifted her eyes, turning her head away. He chuckled, making her want to jump outside the window.

Throughout the whole ride, she just kept staring outside until it was almost her stop. She started to scoot out of her seat when she noticed that the boy was also doing the same. They meet eyes for a second and then broke it as she stood up and rushed towards the front of the bus.

When the vehicle stopped, the girl jumped down the last step and walked down the street to where her favorite convenience store was. She was still conscious of the boy who got down on the same stop she did, though. She could hear him walking behind me so she took a peek and saw him smiling at her.

She quickly turned away and hurried her steps.

“Is he following me or what.” She mumbled.

Once inside the convenience store, she felt more comfortable. But that is when the boy entered right behind her. She cursed inside her mind and went to grab everything she always ate. She had just finished taking out her favorite drink out of the fridge and was just about to close it when a hand came out of nowhere and it landed on the handle, just above where her hand was.

She gulped and looked up to see the boy looking down at her. He had removed his shades and his eyes just burned down on her. The two of them stared at each other for a solid five seconds before he smiled and she looked down to hide her blush.

He chuckled, “Hi.”

“H-Hi.” I said, still standing there.


“Huh?” She looked at him.

He smiled again, “I can’t get my drink…”

“Oh! Sorry,” She moves out of the way and he opened the fridge. “Sorry... Ehe...” She bit her tongue and started towards the cashier to pay for the food.

A few seconds later, the boy fell in line right behind her. She couldn’t stay still and just wanted to go sit down but the cashier girl was taking her time punching in the items. She could feel the boy watching her and just couldn’t help but take a peek at him.

He didn’t waste a second and flashed her another smile. She smiled back and turned to the cashier once more. When finished, she paid for everything and brought everything down to the table outside.

She could see the boy through the window and secretly hoped that he would also stay and take a seat here outside.

Bringing out the Suga HHM from inside her bag, she took a picture of him with all the food she bought. After that, she opened the chips and started eating.


She jumped from my seat and looked up. “Hey.”

It was the boy again. He smiled, “Can I sit with you?”

“Sure.” She mumbles and reaches out for Suga when the boy sat down.

“Oh, hey, no.” He said, shaking his head at her. “It’s okay, he can stay.”

She nodded and placed Suga near her bag of chips. She ate quietly and watched him at the corners of her eye. He was reaching inside his bag and literally dropped when she saw what he brought out.

“No way.” She mumbles.

The boy laughed, “Looks like Suga is both our bias, eh?”

He shook his own Suga HHM towards her. “That’s just… Wow.”

“I know, I was kinda surprised when I saw yours too.” He said as he placed both their HHMs beside each other at the center of the table. He looked up at her and smiled once again, “So… You come here often?”

She nodded. “You?”

“No, not really. But I might come more often… you know.” He winked at her.


The boy tilted his head, “I’m Noah. What’s your name?”


“Gianne…” He smiled. “Hello, Gianne.”

“Hello, Noah.”

He chuckled leaned towards her across the table and said, “You know what, Gianne?”


Noah winked at me, “This is far by the best blind date I’ve ever been on.”



I DON’T EVEN KNOW BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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ntshamrh #1
Chapter 4: omg thank you for the effort!!