vii. Build Me Up

Subtle Touches - A Jeongcheol Fanfic Collection

7. You don’t need someone to complete you. You need someone who will pick up your broken pieces and hug you so tight, it will make you whole.


Jeonghan stuffed the cigarette to the ashtray. It was his 3rd one and he reached for more. Jisoo looked at his best friend and shook his head.

“Jeonghan, you know that smoking is bad for your health.” Jisoo said.

“Oh shut up Jisoo. I don’t need someone nagging about this to me AGAIN. So just shut up. Please.” Jeonghan said exasperatedly.

Jisoo looked hurt but turned to the door of Jeonghan’s apartment and took his leave.

Jeonghan sighed. He was an and he didn’t intend to hurt Jisoo’s feelings, but he seriously doesn’t need all the chitchat about his health. What he needs now is alcohol and more cigarettes, maybe a shot of . He doesn’t know. But he’s pretty sure he needed something to make him distracted, distracted in thinking about the past.

Jeonghan finished the cigarette and reached out for his pack only to find out that it was empty. Jeonghan muttered a curse and quickly got up from the couch and grabbed his coat. He was buying more.

The night sky was illuminated by stars and Jeonghan was walking groggily underneath it. He reached for his jeans’ pocket only to realize he had spent all of his remaining money in buying the beer from yesterday. Jeonghan cursed at himself for the unknownth time and thought of a way to get some money.

Unknowingly, Jeonghan found himself on a dark alley and was later surprised to see himself surrounded by thugs, grinning from ear to ear at the Jeonghan.

“Look at what he have here. A long-haired man,” the first goon held his chin up and examined his face,” so pretty.” the thug smiled and slapped Jeonghan. The slap stinged but Jeonghan held his head up high again and looked ferociously at the goons.

“Wooooah. Feisty huh” the other goons chided. And then their fists made contact with Jeonghan’s body. One landed on his stomach, one his chest, and another one made its way to his face. Soon enough, Jeonghan was a mixture of dirt, blood and sweat. The goons laughed and Jeonghan cursed them. One of the goons got a block of wood and held it above Jeonghan.

Jeonghan closed his eyes and got ready to accept the blow, but was surprised to have felt nothing and instead heard a loud oof . Jeonghan opened his eyes and was surprised to see a man, clad in black, fighting with the goons who were harassing him. Jeonghan was in awe at the other man’s fighting skills.

Every punch and kick was accurate. It hit the goon on his jaw and blood came out. Another one got hit on the face and sure enough, he fainted.

It wasn’t long when all the goons lay motionless on the street. Some were groaning out pain while some were completely passed out. Jeonghan struggled to get up and reached for a pack of cigarettes that the goons dropped. His savior turned to him and examined him. Jeonghan just nodded in thanks and trugged off limping out of the dark alley.

Soon, Jeonghan found himself on a bridge. Wincing because of his bruises and wounds, Jeonghan stopped at the middle of the bridge. He took out the cigarette pack that he got from the goon and lit up one. Jeonghan stared at the glittering water under the bridge and wondered how it would feel when he jump there and let the currents wash him away. Will the cold water wash away all the pain of his past? Will it somehow make him feel better? Will Jeonghan feel happy somehow?

Jeonghan climbed up on the railing of the bridge and reminisced his past.

Jeonghan was a brat.

He wanted the toy car so much he annoyed his mother in getting it for him. He cried when she went home empty-handed. Then one day, a young police officer came to their house with a toy car for young Jeonghan.

Jeonghan was ecstatic. But his father wasn’t.
Apparently, Jeonghan’s mother had a heart problem and because of over working, her heart collapsed and she died while she was walking from the mall.

Jeonghan cried. He missed his mama. Jeonghan cried to his father, clinging to his legs with tear-filled eyes.

But his father’s eyes were different, it was full of hate. 

“You’re the reason your mother died. YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED MY WIFE!” his father bellowed.

Jeonghan was afraid. He shook his head and pleaded to his father but his father kicked him.

As the years pass, Jeonghan became scared of going home. Everyday, he would wish that he would come home to his father asleep from drinking. But unluckily, most of the time, Jeonghan came home to an angry father and Jeonghan would end up with a black eye or a bruised arm.

One day, while his father was beating him, his vision turned black. He grabbed a fork and attempted to stab his father but his father saw his attempt and growled angrily,

“What you’re going to kill me too?! Ha! I’d kill you first, you worthless piece of !”

To say that Jeonghan was beaten up was an understatement. Jeonghan could barely stand up but he made up his mind.

He’s leaving his father.

After leaving home, Jeonghan encountered all bad things: drugs, ion, gang fights.
And now, Jeonghan’s gonna end his pathetic life.

Looking below to the raging river, Jeonghan prepared himself.

Mom, I’m gonna see you soon.

When he lifted one foot off the ledge, Jeonghan was surprised when a strong arm lifted him off the ledge, settled him on the bridge and hugged him.

Without knowing why, Jeonghan burst into tears.

“W-why? W-why d-did y-you save me?” Jeonghan asked.

“Because everyone is worth saving.” The stranger said.

Now, Jeonghan isn’t the type to immediately get close to strangers but somehow he felt comfortable nestled in the stranger’s arms. He felt the feeling of home that he hadn’t felt for a long time.

After a few consoling words, Jeonghan learned that the stranger’s name was Seungcheol.
Seungcheol drove Jeonghan to his apartment after he calmed down. They exchanged numbers promising to contact each other again.
Before Jeonghan could lock his door, Seungcheol got the pack of cigarettes from his hand and said,
“I know you’re broken. Let me fix you.”
Jeonghan looked shocked from the confession but he smiled and nodded.
Seungcheol flashed his mega-watt smile, hugged Jeonghan tight and said to his ear, “I’ll hug you so tight, you’ll never be broken again.”
Seungcheol let Jeonghan go and rushed to his car, leaving Jeonghan with a smile and hope that he will be okay.




Note: Hi! I am typing from my phone so I dont know how exactly this will come out. Hahaha. Thank you for commenting~~~ enjoy this update~~~ {and goodluck to my major exam whooo~~~}

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Junie_Jjang11 #1
Chapter 12: C U T E !!!!!!!
Chapter 12: aww good for you!! I only have 17 Carat, haha...

Chapter 12: Classic simple story but so fluffy and lovely. So gooood
Vamps56 #4
Chapter 12: How cute jeongcheol baby
Chapter 12: Oh god jeongcheol plus mpreg the perfect thing ^^
lamahef #6
Chapter 11: Hey author-nim, I really love your one-shots!

I subscribed a long ago but I got to actually read them only today, sweet, so sweet!

I had to make a suggestion though, I think it would be better to inform in the beginning of the chapter that it's a sequel for a past one, I got kind of confused when I read them but found out that they were sequels at the end.
Good luck!
OhMy_JerMy #7
Chapter 11: Oh my God!! my feels it's overflowing!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!
Chapter 11: Yoon jeonghan why dont you refuse seungcheol first? And accept the kiss??? You must be love him so much... Ahahahaha