ix. 나를 사랑했던 사람아

Subtle Touches - A Jeongcheol Fanfic Collection

How are you doing, and anything wrong with you?
I miss your nagging that made me exhausted once.
You were a person who knows only me, but are you okay these days?


I would be happy if I could meet you again, and meet you again.





bread - tomato - bacon - lettuce - cheese - bread


Jeonghan placed the last sandwich on Chan's lunchbox. He also packed a rice meal and some drinks. It is Chan's school's anuual family day. It was the first time in a year that Jeonghan made a home-cooked meal for himself. Jeonghan was against on coming since he didn't know how one parent could count as a family but Chan's aegyo was enough to persuade Jeonghan. 


Chan came out of Jeonghan's bedroom with eyes still full of sleepiness. The 4 year old boy had been living with with Jeonghan for a week now. Today, he and Jeonghan are driving back to Ilsan to attend the event. It would be a 2 hour-drive but since coming to Jeonghan's apartment on Valentines', the lad didn't want to go back to Ilsan. Chan insisted that he stay at his dad's apartment and go together with him to the school's event. 


Jeonghan approached his son and kissed the boy's cheek. Chan purred and muttered a 'good morning' to his dad. Jeonghan ruffled his hair and led him to his high chair in the dining area. Jeonghan got Chan's favorite cereal from the cupboard and the milk from the refrigerator. Chan squealed upon the sight of his favorite cereal and excitedly shouted,"Yay! Yay! Mr. Fuzzy!". Jeonghan shook his head and filled his son's bowl with the cereal and milk. He put the bowl infront of Chan and the lad just digged in. 


Jeonghan got himself a cup of coffee and a piece of toast. He sat infront of his son and continued to sip on his coffee. 


"Are you excited, Chan-ah?" Jeonghan asked his son.


"Yup! So much! I can't wait to introduce you to my friends! I have been bragging about your beauty and my classmates are all excited to see you!" Chan squealed.


Jeonghan shook his head amusingly at the lad and they continued to eat. 


After battling with Chan on the shower, the father and son duo are ready to go. Jeonghan loaded the lunchboxes on the car that he rented and seated Chan on the passenger seat and strapped his seat belt up. He then gave the lad his cellphone for him to play with. Jeonghan went to the driver's side of the car and started driving. 


After an hour, they were almost at Ilsan. Chan was still playing with Jeonghan's phone, playing Michael Jackson videos that Chan coerced Jeonghan to download. The car was filled with Thriller. After a few minutes, Chan stopped playing music and looked at Jeonghan, eyes full of curiousity. Chan's next question made Jeonghan stop the car in the middle of the road.


"Is he my other Dad, Papa?" Chan asked, holding up that one picture of Jeonghan and Seungcheol that the former forgot to delete. It was a picture of him, smiling brightly at the camera and Seungcheol looking at him with much affection.





For the first time, Jeonghan couldn't find the answer to his son's question.




To say that Seungcheol was forced, is an understatement. 


His older sister practically blackmailed him in going in her place for his niece's family day. His sister's husband was at Japan for a trip and his sister is busy at the hospital so the responsibility of taking care of his niece, Sohee, was passed to him. In the four years that he had cried over Jeonghan, it was actually his older sister and her daughter that slowly made Seungcheol smile again. Seungcheol smiled at the sleeping little lady at the passenger seat of his car. 


After a few hours, they arrived at Sohee's school at Ilsan. Seungcheol lived in Seoul while his sister's family lived in Ilsan. The school was prepared for a festival. There were little flags hung above and little tents perched for a little shade under the scorching heat of the summer sun. Sohee dragged her uncle to her teachers and introduced Seungcheol to each of her mentors. The teachers nodded at Seungcheol and returned the respect. Sohee then dragged her to the food carts that are selling a lot of delicious food. Just as he was paying for Sohee's 2nd batch of takoyaki, he caught sight of a familiar person with the familiar hair.


Seungcheol's heart skipped a beat. He followed the man.


It was Jeonghan.




It was hard to explain the situation to Chan but the kind young lad agreed to have the explanation later. The child didn't drop the topic though, he kept on looking at the picture and trying to find what physical features he inherited from his father. Chan fell asleep, talking about how his eyes turn into a crescent just like his dad. Jeonghan smiled at the comparison, indeed, Chan inherited it from Seungcheol. Jeonghan sighed. He knew this day would come, it will and it did. Jeonghan knew that there will come a day when he won't be able to avoid Chan's questions about Seungcheol. He just didn't expect it to come this soon. Jeonghan continued driving and when he saw the huge 'Welcome to Ilsan Daycare's Annual Family Day', he woke the sleeping Chan up. When Chan saw the school's familiar front view, he didn't wait for his Papa to open the car's door for him. Jeonghan was surprised to see his son, jumping on the field, yelling, "Papaaaaa! Let's gooooo! You're supposed to buy me pancakes! And takoyaki! And ooh! ooh! THERE'S MICHAEL JACKSON MERCHANDISE! OOOOOOOH! PAPA PLEASE BUY ME THAT MJ COSTUME!"

Jeonghan smiled at him and replied with," Ok okay. Later. later."

After locking the car, Chan pulled his Papa to the food carts and they stopped at a pancake house. Jeonghan laughed and told the girl behind the counter to give them two regular pancakes with maple syrup. Chan squealed while waiting for the pancakes. Jeonghan looked around the festivities. It has been so long since he came this long to his hometown. While looking around, Jeonghan froze.

It can't be.

It can't be Seungcheol.

Jeonghan reached for Chan's hand and he nearly had a heart attack when he couldn't see his son.

With tears foaming in his eyes, he scanned the crowd. His heart tore when he saw Chan. He was smiling, with Seungcheol. 


Seungcheol couldn't believe he lost Jeonghan again. He ran his hands through his hair, frustrated with himself. He suddenly remembered Sohee and was about to go back to her when he heard a sniffle from the side. He saw a boy, about 4 years old, crying with his fists curled up on his eyes.

Seungcheol sat down to level down to the child.

"What's wrong boy?" Seungcheol asked.

The boy lifted his head and looked at Seungcheol with tear-brimmed eyes. Seungcheol stared at the kid. Why does this kid resemble me?

"I lost my Papa. Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~" the boy cried.

"Papa?", Seungcheol asked. "Oh. Come on, little boy, don't cry. Don't cry. I'll help you find your Papa, okay? Sounds good?" Seungcheol tried to calm the little boy and patted his back.

"So what's your Papa's nam--" Seungcheol was cut off when the lad suddenly screamed, "Papa!" and ran past him. 

When he turned around, he froze. It was Jeonghan. His beautiful love. Jeonghan.

The little kid ran to Jeonghan and Jeonghan quickly wiped the tears that have been flowing non-stop. From the worry on Chan and now, from seeing the ghost of his past, Seungcheol. 

On the other hand, Seungcheol couldn't muster the courage to talk or even take his eyes from the ethereal man that once, and still, made his world spin. 

"J-jeonghan.." Seungcheol finally had the courage to mutter up a world. 

Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol and Seungcheol swore he saw how Jeonghan's gaze faltered and then hardened again. Jeonghan smiled at the boy and said, "Chan-ah, are you okay? Don't go wandering again, okay? Papa's worried. Stay by myside always, huh? Chan-ah?" Jeonghan said hugging the boy tight.


Now, looking at the little boy, he understood why the lad looked so much like him. It was his son. It was his and Jeonghan's son. 

"Ok Papa. Chan is sorry." the boy, Chan started," but don't you think that mister over there looked a lot like my Dad?" the boy finished.

Jeonghan looked obviously taken aback by the sudden question but he immediately smiled, looked over Seungcheol and said, "No. He isn't your dad." 

Seungcheol looked at the disappearing view of Jeonghan and Chan. He bowed his head down and cried. But then he remembered, 4 years ago when he just watched Jeonghan's back view. He wasn't going to let that happen again. He's not gonna let  Jeonghan out of his life again. Never.

He chased after Jeonghan and Chan and finally, he got Jeonghan's arm and whirled him towards him. Jeonghan looked at him with eyes full of shock... and tears.

"I-i m-m s-sorry.. I-i l-love y-you s-still J-jeonghan... I-i was a jerk. I'm sorry. I love you!" Seungcheol said, crying his eyes out. He looked up to meet Jeonghan's eyes which are also full of tears. "Please forgive me. Please. Let's start again. Please." Seungcheol pleaded.

Jeonghan looked at him and biting his lip, he nodded. "Y-yes. Seungcheol. I-i love you t-too," 

Seungcheol couldn't explain how happy he is.  They hugged, saying apologies and 'i love you's and in that moment, nothing else seemed to matter. A meteorite could've hit them and Seungcheol wouldn't mind. He was with Jeonghan. He will be happy, again.

Just then, he felt a tug on his pants. His niece, Sohee.

"Uncle, where did you go?" Sohee asked.

"I-i found s-someone. I found my forever." Seungcheol said, smiling at Jeonghan. Jeonghan smiled back. 

"Papa, i-is h-he r-really d-dad?" Chan asked, suddenly crying out of bewilderedness.

"Yes. Chan-ah. He is Choi Seungcheol, your dad." Jeonghan said, leading little Chan to the welcoming arms of Seungcheol.

Jeonghan's heart swelled when he saw the most important men of his life hug. It was beautiful.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ I have my daaaaaad~" Chan cried.

"Yes yes little guy. I am here now. Dad is here now. He's never gonna leave you and Papa ever again." Seungcheol said, hugging his son ever so tightly.

"Uwaaaaaaaaaah~ Now I have someone who will buy me Michael Jackson stuffs when Papa doesn't want to. I love you Dad!" Chan cried, crashing to his Cheol Daddy's neck.

Soon after, Chan fell asleep on Seungcheol's embrace. After sending Sohee home with Seungcheol's sister (who happened to just finish her hospital shift, and is apparently too enthusiastic of her nephew) .Jeonghan and Seungcheol decided to walk while Seungcheol held Jeonghan's hand.

It was a beautiful spring afternoon. Seungcheol and Jeonghan holding hands, an asleep Chan on Seungcheol's arms. And a smile on their faces. Nothing could be more perfect than this. 

Seungcheol and Jeonghan looked at each other's eyes. 

"I love you." they said simultaneously and smiled to each other.

"But seriously, Jeonghan. Michael Jackson? How did Chan became a fan?" Seungcheol asked, curious.

"Don't ask." Jeonghan answered, shaking his head and smiling at Seungcheol.

Because you were there, I could always smile
Because you were there, I was the happiest
Through you, my life was liveable

Yep. That's how it's supposed to be.

No more lonely rainy nights, no more sad shoe boxes.

They've got each other now. For better or worse.



A/N: aaaaaaaaaaaaand that's a wrap! Believe me when I say, I finished this on 1:40 AM. LOL. I was suppose to finish this earlier BUT stupid me turned off my laptop without actually saving the draft. I AM SUCH AN IDIOT. so I had to RETYPE. and it you know. I forgot somethings I typed. LOL. Here's my first valentine's gift to you guys~ the final(?) chapter of the onrainydays series. To tell you the truth, I didn't expect anyone to request for a sequel after another. I didn't even expect that I'd gain subscribers like now. When I first started posting, it was just really to get the 'feels' out of my mind. But it makes me reaaaaaaaaaaal happy that a lot are subscribing and leaving positive feedback about my work. it makes my day reading comments. ((even for the 3rd or 4th time.)) 

So please, keep the comments comiiiiiiiiiiiiiing~ 

I'll be posting a new chapter SOON. (my next v-day gift.)<3

love you dear readers~

xx, cdotjhn

p.s. MEANIE TURNED A LOT GAYER NOW. OMG. THE STAGE. OMG.OMG. STAHP MEANIE STAY IN YOOUR LANE. but the struggles of not being to watch the concert tho. (was waving my lonely ole carrot infront of my laptop) andddd~ if you guys are wondering what the title of this chapter means(or if u know lol) please comment down~~~








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Junie_Jjang11 #1
Chapter 12: C U T E !!!!!!!
Chapter 12: aww good for you!! I only have 17 Carat, haha...

Chapter 12: Classic simple story but so fluffy and lovely. So gooood
Vamps56 #4
Chapter 12: How cute jeongcheol baby
Chapter 12: Oh god jeongcheol plus mpreg the perfect thing ^^
lamahef #6
Chapter 11: Hey author-nim, I really love your one-shots!

I subscribed a long ago but I got to actually read them only today, sweet, so sweet!

I had to make a suggestion though, I think it would be better to inform in the beginning of the chapter that it's a sequel for a past one, I got kind of confused when I read them but found out that they were sequels at the end.
Good luck!
OhMy_JerMy #7
Chapter 11: Oh my God!! my feels it's overflowing!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!
Chapter 11: Yoon jeonghan why dont you refuse seungcheol first? And accept the kiss??? You must be love him so much... Ahahahaha