vi. Seasons

Subtle Touches - A Jeongcheol Fanfic Collection

Jeonghan shivered under his blanket. He inhaled the manly scent that intoxicated him. It smelled like him. It smelled like Seungcheol. 

It was 2 years ago since he had met the older male. It was spring then, and Jeonghan was just being his normal boring self, walking on the park near his house when he encountered a beagle-like man, that is Seungcheol. When he met him, Jeonghan thought it would be like summer forever, bright, happy, full of love. But he didn't know, Choi Seungcheol would let him feel all the 4 different seasons.

Sometimes, it would be like summer. They would go on dates, holding hands, giggling. They would sit on a mat, eat sandwiches, talk and cuddle all day. Oh how Jeonghan loved those days! Summer nights where hot and steamy. Jeonghan relished Seungcheol's touch like his life depended on it. Jeonghan loved to stay in the summer, eating ice cream and spending the whole day with Seungcheol. But we all know, seasons change.

Jeonghan hated winter. Not just because of the chill it brings to his physical body but also the chills that it brings to his heart and soul. Sometimes, Jeonghan can feel the chills even when the sun is blazing outside. It was winter when Seungcheol would just disappear, cut all communication with  Jeonghan, leaving the long haired male longing and craving for him. Jeonghan would lie on his bed, cuddled up under his blanket, wiping tears and urging the blankets to burn down the chill inside his heart. The longing for Seungcheol made even the hottest days, cold and gloomy and Jeonghan couldn't wait for the coldness to dissipate.

When autumn came, his heart feel like the falling dried leaves on the brown ground. It was autumn when he would wait for Seungcheol in front of the latter's front door. It was him desperately contacting the older for he can no longer last another day without seeing the smile of the other male. It was when Jeonghan almost killed himself while crossing the street. It was when Jeonghan became truly destroyed.

Just like the flowers that bloom on spring, Jeonghan tried moving on from Seungcheol. But just like fresh flowers that bloomed in the morning, Seungcheol came back. And although Jeonghan hated him for leaving him, the joy of seeing him again prevailed. They hugged and Jeonghan sniffed Seungcheol's manly scent. Spring was perfect.


The cycle continued. Summer would come, winter would come and then autumn. And when Jeonghan would lose hope, spring will come knocking. Jeonghan, himself, is surprised by how he held on Seungcheol for so long. Maybe it was pride. Maybe it was love. He was pretty sure it was the latter.

Now, Jeonghan tried to tolerate winter. Because he knows, after the cold and hopelessness, come the joy and love of summer.




A/N: Okay. This was like 470+ words and I'm really sorry. I just really wanted to share this. I was drafting this on my finance class cause it was so boring. I have exams tomorrow (saturday, hell) and a major exam on sunday(hell) so I am really busy. I just sneaked this up. Hahaha. 


Comment!! i love hearing from you guys~ 

if u want to u can vote too. ^^ 

(u kno what, i prefer comments than votes. idk why, hahaha)

also, do u hav any questions? (maybe personal or just about anythang) JUST COMMENT THEM UP!! I'LL ANSWERRRR! PROMISE! ^^

love love, cdotjhn

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Junie_Jjang11 #1
Chapter 12: C U T E !!!!!!!
Chapter 12: aww good for you!! I only have 17 Carat, haha...

Chapter 12: Classic simple story but so fluffy and lovely. So gooood
Vamps56 #4
Chapter 12: How cute jeongcheol baby
Chapter 12: Oh god jeongcheol plus mpreg the perfect thing ^^
lamahef #6
Chapter 11: Hey author-nim, I really love your one-shots!

I subscribed a long ago but I got to actually read them only today, sweet, so sweet!

I had to make a suggestion though, I think it would be better to inform in the beginning of the chapter that it's a sequel for a past one, I got kind of confused when I read them but found out that they were sequels at the end.
Good luck!
OhMy_JerMy #7
Chapter 11: Oh my God!! my feels it's overflowing!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!
Chapter 11: Yoon jeonghan why dont you refuse seungcheol first? And accept the kiss??? You must be love him so much... Ahahahaha